Donald Trump

They wanna put you back in chains. Regarding voter id laws is definitionally divisive.

Comparing the Republicans in Congress to Bull Connor is divisive.

Calling his opponent and his supporters a threat to democracy (i.e 30% of the voting populace).

Saying if you don't know if you'd vote for me you are not black... Is divisive

He stokes racial division constantly. It's
When somebody refuses to acknowledge the result of democratic elections, refuses to participate in the peaceful transfer of power and whips up his supporters into a frenzy to 'stop the steal', how is that not a threat to democracy. All while being caught on tape pressurising secretary of states to 'find him 10,000 votes', we all heard the phone call.

If the last election wasn't legitimate, why even run for an election? 37.3% of the German population voted for Adolf Hitler in 1932 despite living in a liberal democracy. The human race is perfectly capable of voting in authoritarian figures that abuse power, Trump and his inner circle have shown every desire in words and actions to do this.
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Two things:

1) This assassin was a registered Republican, living in a Trumper family, using an AR-15, and from one of the families targeted for propaganda by the Republican machine in their database. There is ZERO EVIDENCE this kid had anything to do with Dems, left wing ideology, or a Biden supporter. ZERO.

2) Why have we seen and heard NOTHING about what ACTUALLY happened to Trump, other than seeing him grab his ear, watch a trickle of blood on his face, and then be told God saved him!

Where is the reporting on the shooter?
Who he was?
What he believed?
Where he got the gun from?
The Trump signs in front of the family home?

Where is the reporting on Trump’s injury?
How much ear did the “bullet” take off?
Or, was it really flying glass that nicked him?

Why did law enforcement not take out this guy as soon as they knew he was crawling up the roof?
Why was the candidate not removed from the stage at the first inkling of a security breach?
Why did it take him firing shots to elicit a response?

There are WAAAAAY too many unanswered questions about the entire A to Z of this apparent assassination attempt that NO-ONE seems to be asking about. Meanwhile, no-one is supposed to say a bad word about him now (I’ll light a candle!) WHILE HE CAMPAIGNS ON, AND FUND RAISES FROM, IT!

I can only hope the Dems can get their shit in one sack…and not the Sickly Joe sack…and start taking hard RHETORICAL shots at who this fucking snake oil salesman REALLY is and his record of fascism and knowing nothing!

Didn’t know what NATO was until someone told him we were paying too much and others were paying too little!

Didn’t even sound like he knew what an AR-15 was in his RFK Jr phone call, yet he’s the Champion of gun nuts?!

His whole campaign is one long con, and the DEEP RIGHT are running him because they know he’ll allow them to do what THEY WANT TO DO TO TURN THE COUNTRY INTO A CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST, ISOLATIONIST STRONGHOLD.

Project 2025 is so seductive because it gives the Dummy the power he wants, but what it is REALLY doing is changing the fabric of the so-called American Democracy for a future where Christian Nationalist will rule the country…at the Local, State, and Federal Level. They will then control all three branches of the Federal Government (they already own the Supreme Court), and can “reinterpret” the Constitution and Bill of Rights in their own image.

Many people seem to think second Trump presidency will be the end of America. They’re wrong. It will be the BEGINNING OF THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION, which some RWNJs have already said out loud…it will be bloodless, if the liberals will not try to stop it…implied threat duly noted.

There is a right wing nut job “deep state” (led by the Heritage Foundation, which gave us the SCOTUS Super Majority of Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett and Kavanaugh) that is paying for the RWNJ messaging that is changing the discourse of America.

It is making phrases like “mass deportations” sound like run of the mill political positions. It is, slowly but surely, desensitizing millions of Americans to the vilest ideas of supposed American patriotism. It is creating strawman bogeymen, like the “migrant criminal,” to help stoke the fear of “other,” and it is promoting the idea that (stupid Americans are too dumb to recognize is completely false) another Democratic Administration will take America over some unknown precipice from which we can never come back.

The gaslighting is unbelievable, but the uneducated masses who believe anything Fox News or Newsmax tells them, esp when it’s on repeat 24/7, lap it up, because the messaging tells them…


The dog whistles are loud and clear and they’re repeated so often even the dumbest, most gullible Americans can understand it.
Mass deportations (or voluntary departures) was the original Nazi solution for the Jews in Germany, before the final solution.

First they came for the Hondurans...
To be clear, I certainly dont think all of Trumps critics are deluded. I can absolutely understand and to a certain extent agree with a lot of the criticism against him. Its the comparisons to people like Hitler I strongly disagree with which makes people making these claims look like lunatics. Just my opinion of course :)

Left/Right, Trump supporter/Biden Supporter - anyone that doesn't see or get the behavioural comparisons to Hitler and/or other authoritarian extremist dictators, is either highly disingenuous, or.. a complete fucking ignorant moron.

Whether you think that is actually good or needed, or worth it, is something else and a difference of opinion I can respect. But denying it, that's the real lunacy.
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When somebody refuses to acknowledge the result of democratic elections, refuses to participate in the peaceful transfer of power and whips up his supporters into a frenzy to 'stop the steal', how is that not a threat to democracy. All while being caught on tape pressurising secretary of states to 'find him 10,000 votes', we all heard the phone call.
It has occurred to me, and many others, that regardless of who wins this election) assuming Biden stays in) neither will have a case for running again.

So, no we don't think Trump is a threat to Democracy. He is a threat to Democrats winning. I know they often confuse the 2.
If the last election wasn't legitimate, why even run for an election?
Because he believes he won the last time and believes he'll win this time. And lots of his supporters agree with him.

37.3% of the German population voted for Adolf Hitler in 1932 despite living in a liberal democracy. The human race is perfectly capable of voting in authoritarian figures that abuse power,
Some will argue we currently have a government that is abusing power.

Trump and his inner circle have shown every desire in words and actions to do this.
I guess we have to agree to disagree.

Anyway, on CNN they are talking about how J.D. Vance is even more dangerous than Trump. A ideological white nationalist. An even greater threat to the World.

O said this for years, 6-7 years ago, that Trump was just a run of the mill Republican President. Quirky, sure. But nothing special. Not even that conservative comparatively.

He is hated because he is the Republican. And I pointed out then, that the moment his time is up, the next Republican will be just as hated.

Check out what CNN and MSNBC are saying of JD Vance now.

It's a game of Wolf. Every relevant Republican is the wolf. Once they stop being relevant, they are loved by the media and compared favorably to whoever the NEW Republicans guy is.

I'm just not moved by these type arguments.
Let's apply the same rule to Biden::

1.He is been accused many times of sexual assault and inappropriate touching
I believe it is only one allegation, which has been found wanting....added to this, the woman has since defected to Russia.
2. He Constantly lies; He had to quit a presidential race once coz he was caught plagiarizing and lying. It's amazing how Biden's well documented history as a liar has been memory holed. His Mandela trip, Walking in the Civil Right, his son dying in the war, finishing in the top half of his law school class I mean, he lied so much it was renamed 'Gaffed.'
I wouldn't say memory holed, people are aware of this, these are well documented. When confronted with them he set the record straight (Has Trump ever done that?)
3. Fraudster. Strong evidence he peddled his BP influence through his son to accumulate wealth in unscrupulous countries.
There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden engaged in fraudulent activities or used his political influence to accumulate wealth through his son.

There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a fraudster, and a conman.
4. He cheated with his current wife while she was still married to her ex husband. Suggesting someone of low moral character.
Again there is no evidence of this, both Joe and Jill Biden categorically state they did not meet until after her separation from her then husband.
There is plenty of evidence about Trump's affairs, and trying to cover one up in order to influence an election (which is illegal is it not?).
5. He has pedophilic tendencies: there are multiple videos of him showing unusual interest in the teenage daughters of other politicos and making them.ubee uncomfortable. I have posted the mashup here before. It's cringe.
This is just an absolutely absurd claim. You could just as easily create a mash-up of Trump's inappropriate comments about his daughter and conclude he's into incest. It's cringe.
Neither are true.
6. Also, his daughter wrote in her diary that he used to take showers with her when she was a teenager. She concluded, probably inappropriate.
First of all, as City fans we should know the dangers of believing reports based on stolen information without the full context.
Secondly, it is incorrect to state that she was a teenager, the entry states a 'young age'.
I suppose a vote for Biden endorsed al of the above too? Or how does this work exactly?

A vote for Biden doesn't endorse any of that.

Other than him being caught lying on a few occasions (which politician hasn't) it pales into insignificance when presented with the amount of lies Trump espouses, the rest is unproven allegations/hearsay or just conspiracy theory nonsense.

So given what I've stated before that is categorically true about Trump being a sexual abuser and a fraudster, that's without adding even more controversies, how do you reconcile voting for him whilst maintaining your own strong ethical standards?

How do you navigate these issues in making your decision?
It has occurred to me, and many others, that regardless of who wins this election) assuming Biden stays in) neither will have a case for running again.

So, no we don't think Biden is a threat to Democracy. He is a threat to Republicans winning. I know they often confuse the 2.

Because he actually won the last time and believes he'll win this time. And lots of his supporters agree with him.

Some will argue we recently had a government that was abusing power.

I guess we have to agree to disagree.

Anyway, on Fox they are talking about how Kamala Harris is even more dangerous than Biden. A ideological liberal black female. An even greater threat to the World.

I said this for years, 6-7 years ago, that Biden was just a run of the mill Democrat President. Quirky, sure. But nothing special. Not even that liberal comparatively.

He is hated because he is the Democrat. And I pointed out then, that the moment his time is up, the next Democrat will be just as hated.

Check out what Fox and ONN are saying of Kamala Harris now.

It's a game of Wolf. Every relevant Democrat is the wolf. Once they stop being relevant, they are loved by the media and compared favorably to whoever the NEW Democrat is.

I'm just not moved by these type arguments.
At last a post I agree with.
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I believe it is only one allegation, which has been found wanting....added to this, the woman has since defected to Russia.
Your belief would prove false. Again, memory hole-ing is real thing. Even on the issue of allegations.
I wouldn't say memory holed, people are aware of this, these are well documented. When confronted with them he set the record straight (Has Trump ever done that?)
He repeats lies that have been debunked and he has been confronted about. Even after he admits they are lies.

Either he can't differentiate between what's real and what he has made up or lying just come so comfortably that he can't avoid it.

I'm not sure either is flattering.

There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden engaged in fraudulent activities or used his political influence to accumulate wealth through his son.
There is ample evidence of this. Including emails by his son. Testimony from his son's partners.

There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a fraudster, and a conman.
True. Never argued h wasn't an unscrupulous business man. He was.

Again there is no evidence of this, both Joe and Jill Biden categorically state they did not meet until after her separation from her then husband.
There is plenty of evidence about Trump's affairs, and trying to cover one up in order to influence an election (which is illegal is it not?).
I suppose we should believe them seeing as Joe Biden is a paragon or honesty.

Trump did not cover up an affair to influence an election. That's notion is silly on its face.

This is just an absolutely absurd claim. You could just as easily create a mash-up of Trump's inappropriate comments about his daughter and conclude he's into incest. It's cringe.
Neither are true.
The mash in conjunction with a series of accusations describing these acts suggest otherwise.

First of all, as City fans we should know the dangers of believing reports based on stolen information without the full context.
Secondly, it is incorrect to state that she was a teenager, the entry states a 'young age'.
These aren't financial reports open to multiple interpretation. A dairy, owned and acknowledged to be owned by the daughter, containing a claim that she wrote in it can be believed on its face.

And point of correction it wasn't stolen. She misplaced it. Just like her brother's laptop. Which also turned out not to be the "Russian disinformation" so many here guaranteed is it was.

A vote for Biden doesn't endorse any of that.
On this I agree. A vote for either doesn't endorse anything other than the policies you believe each would institute.

Other than him being caught lying on a few occasions (which politician hasn't) it pales into insignificance when presented with the amount of lies Trump espouses, the rest is unproven allegations/hearsay or just conspiracy theory nonsense.
It wasn't on a few occasions. Biden lies, constantly and consistently. Always has.

So given what I've stated before that is categorically true about Trump being a sexual abuser and a fraudster, that's without adding even more controversies, how do you reconcile voting for him whilst maintaining your own strong ethical standards?

How do you navigate these issues in making your decision?
Very easily. I'm not voting for the man Trump. I am voting vote the policies his administration is likely to institute. Similarly, om voting against those the people who run Biden's administration will institute.

I wanted neither 4 years ago or now. I'm a Vivek Ramaswamy fan myself. But unfortunately, he didn't win. I'm stuck with 2 poor choices. Bit one is significantly worse for me
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