Donald Trump

Hulk fucking Hogan ...
Wearing plastic diapers
Ear pillows..?
As Michael Cohen just said, that bullet would have ripped his ear off
It never touched him, was the teleprompter glass imo but corporate media, egged on by dodgy tech billionaires , have become total shills and the real info about this will never get out.
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Your belief would prove false. Again, memory hole-ing is real thing. Even on the issue of allegations.

He repeats lies that have been debunked and he has been confronted about. Even after he admits they are lies.

Either he can't differentiate between what's real and what he has made up or lying just come so comfortably that he can't avoid it.

I'm not sure either is flattering.

There is ample evidence of this. Including emails by his son. Testimony from his son's partners.

True. Never argued h wasn't an unscrupulous business man. He was.

I suppose we should believe them seeing as Joe Biden is a paragon or honesty.

Trump did not cover up an affair to influence an election. That's notion is silly on its face.

The mash in conjunction with a series of accusations describing these acts suggest otherwise.

These aren't financial reports open to multiple interpretation. A dairy, owned and acknowledged to be owned by the daughter, containing a claim that she wrote in it can be believed on its face.

And point of correction it wasn't stolen. She misplaced it. Just like her brother's laptop. Which also turned out not to be the "Russian disinformation" so many here guaranteed is it was.

On this I agree. A vote for either doesn't endorse anything other than the policies you believe each would institute.

It wasn't on a few occasions. Biden lies, constantly and consistently. Always has.

Very easily. I'm not voting for the man Trump. I am voting vote the policies his administration is likely to institute. Similarly, om voting against those the people who run Biden's administration will institute.

I wanted neither 4 years ago or now. I'm a Vivek Ramaswamy fan myself. But unfortunately, he didn't win. I'm stuck with 2 poor choices. Bit one is significantly worse for me
Come on! There’s a world of difference between what is in this article compared to what Trump has been found libel for and has been accused of…A few of the accusations in that article is that he held a hug a beat too long.

Which lies does he continue to peddle that irk you? And are these more egregious than Trump still saying there was mass fraud at the last election?

There is no definitive evidence of Biden being involved, and the investigation has been going for years.

Yes we should believe the Bidens as the only accuser is her ex-husband, who has provided no evidence of this.

Trump was recently found guilty of engaging in efforts to cover up his affair with Stormy Daniels to avoid negative repercussions during the 2016 presidential election, by making hush money payments and falsifying business records to keep the affair secret.

Are you seriously telling us here that you believe Joe Biden to be a paedophile?

Again the claim was that they showered together ‘at a young age’ not as a teenager. I’ll add that finding something you know to be someone else’s property, making no effort to return it to them, and selling it for financial and political gain is considered theft.

I agree both are poor options but for vastly different reasons.

This isn’t the Republican party of years gone by, this iteration would hound George W Bush out, let alone secure him the nomination, it isn’t even the same party as when Trump first became President. It’s RINO, it has been taken over by the MAGA movement, the fringe lunatics and Trump is the embodiment of that, the turning of a blind eye to criminal activity as long as we get what we want.

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