Donald Trump

It's beyond bizarre that the evangelical far right Christian Taliban unconditionally support a non-church going atheist.
Never mind his own questionable morals. When asked his favourite Bible verse he initially couldn't answer, then finally came out with..

"An eye for an eye"

the most un-Christian verse of all. And yet the evangelical far-right can't see through him.
Never mind his own questionable morals. When asked his favourite Bible verse he initially couldn't answer, then finally came out with..

"An eye for an eye"

the most un-Christian verse of all. And yet the evangelical far-right can't see through him.
You mean this one;
“You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:38-39 RSV).

Wait.. what? That's quite mad.
The only thing I really know about Vance is he looks less ridiculous than Ken Doll Gaetz.

He's young too, so an easy one to run next time and do his paymasters' bidding.
You should listen to 2015 JD Vance! Eye opening! He said what we are all saying, including the Hitler and idiot references, but he has learned to bow at the altar of Trumpers for the good of his political career…and here he sits as the second youngest VP nominee in history after TWO YEARS in politics!

His big claim to fame is writing a book about his “poor, white boy, rags to riches” story. He denigrates the “liberal elites,” but he went to Yale Law School, which is about as elite as it gets. He went to California and worked in the venture capital business, which is also an elitist gig!

Like Trump, he is an excellent gaslighter and denigrates others for being exactly what he was and is!

It’s UFB how gullible the MAGAts are, yet even when you tell them it’s all bullshit, they simply don’t care! It’s a cult by almost any definition!

She’s taking the old “grab ‘em by the pussy” to heart, but on stage, behind Trump? Surely, she must normally do it in front of him, no???
Well the Catholic Church aided and abetted nazis after the war so...

I think it's somewhat different.

The laity of the Catholic church in Germany were let down by their hierarchy who continually and to varying degrees accomodated the Nazis. In contrast, while elections were still a thing, German Catholics voted for the Nazis in much lower numbers than their Protestant counterparts and then actively mounted some of the strongest resistance to the Nazis. Very few were mugged off by "Positive Christianity" and ultimately many many Catholics, even beyond the obvious of the predominantly Catholic population of Poland, went to their deaths in the camps.

In contrast a huge proportion of grassroots evangelical Christians in the US are voting for Trump and many seem to have actively embraced a kind of Rosenberg-esque corruption of Christianity.

Btw - this is not intended to be a sectarian comment, more that what Rosenberg tried and mostly failed to achieve with the Nazi's in terms of establishing a muscular ethnochristianity corruption as a key element of the state, seems to have gained more traction in the US that it did in Europe at the time of the rise of the Nazis.
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Never mind his own questionable morals. When asked his favourite Bible verse he initially couldn't answer, then finally came out with..

"An eye for an eye"

the most un-Christian verse of all. And yet the evangelical far-right can't see through him.
I don't recall that. That would mean he knew that "an eye for an eye" came from the Bible.
You mean this one;
“You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:38-39 RSV).

Correct, but of course Donal Trump had no interest in the second half of Christ's message of forgiveness, he's just after revenge.

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