Donald Trump

Plus Biden (who’d still be President) wouldn’t be able to be indicted even if he told the army to wipe them all out as the SC have given him immunity for all official acts.
There’s the actual depravity and danger of the SCOTUS President Immunity decision: they didn’t actually give the sitting president any immunity for official acts, as they purposefully didn’t define what would constitute an “official act”.

That was by design, as it means any prosecution of a president (in this case Trump) can be challenged all the way to SCOTUS, at which point they can decide whether the act was “official” or not, and thus whether the president is immune to prosecution. They gave Trump a possible out for all of his treasonous, criminal activity in two ways: it delays all of his cases until after the election, so if he wins he can just direct the DOJ to drop all investigations and prosecution and pressure state authorities to cease theirs. Or, if he does not win the election, this gives them leeway to rule Trump’s actions were undertaken in an official capacity (once they actually reach the court) and actions Biden or Harris take may not be.

It was actually not only a massive power grab for the far-right in the US but also for the far-right controlled SCOTUS itself.
He can come out with all the shite he likes as he knows his base will never scrutinise his comments. He knows it's the top line that gets the headline, not the details.
See "Liverpool and City have shared the last seven PL titles."
When did he say that?
He can barely read, full stop, which is also why he never refers to notes and naturally speaks at a grade 3/4 level (the worst of any president since Truman). It has been discusses many times that his speech mimics that of previous cult leaders and white nationalists like Jim Jones and George Wallace, which is true, but not necessarily intentional. It just so happens that his juvenile vocabulary and speech patterns play perfectly to his base because of their composition, not the other way round.

He seems to claim that winning the presidential election on his first attempt is exceptional, but most presidents have done that.

Biden, Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Johnson.

And that’s just in my lifetime.

And having seen Jimmy Carter speak twice, I’m not surprised he came out as one of the best.

He used to teach Sunday school in Plains, and on both occasions, he spoke for over half an hour without notes, apart from when he read from the bible.
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He can barely read, full stop, which is also why he never refers to notes and naturally speaks at a grade 3/4 level (the worst of any president since Truman). It has been discusses many times that his speech mimics that of previous cult leaders and white nationalists like Jim Jones and George Wallace, which is true, but not necessarily intentional. It just so happens that his juvenile vocabulary and speech patterns play perfectly to his base because of their composition, not the other way round.

Spot the dog would be a challenge for this muppet.
' there's this dog, great dog, many spots, many spots, have you seen those spots? . Best hide and seek dog ever, I found him though maybe one of the only people to find him. People have told me that I'm possibly the best at finding spot'
He seems to claim that winning the presidential election on his first attempt is exceptional, but most presidents have done that.

Biden, Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter Johnson.

And that’s just in my lifetime.

And having seen Jimmy Carter speak twice, I’m not surprised he came out as one of the best.

He used to teach Sunday school in Plains, and on both occasions, he spoke for over half an hour without notes, apart from when he read from the bible.
I actually think Trump’s appeal to his base, as is the case for many other reasons, is partly a direct response to Obama’s relative eloquence.

I don’t think presidents need to (or should) communicate at higher than a grade 9/10 level, even if they could speak at a much higher level.

That is because they need to speak in a way that is comprehensive enough to capture the tone and meaning of the message but not overly complicated to avoid it being easily misunderstood (or intentionally misconstrued).

This aligns with the average reading comprehension level of Americans being around grade 7/8, the target level of most public facing writing and documentation.

The problem with speaking at the low level Trump is capable of, is that the population that most closely responds and engages with the rhetoric are largely the least educated and reside in the lower socioeconomic strata. They tend to be the most susceptible to “silver bullet” and conspiratorial thinking and, the most offended/enraged by feeling they are being spoken down to (even if the person speaking isn’t actually intending to do that and is speaking earnestly and truthfully). They also tend to be people that are highly aggrieved and looking for others to blame for their perceived lot in life.

This is the perfect audience for an authoritarian populist.

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