Donald Trump

I have many black friends. And many Indian friends. And all of them tell me that if you're fake-black but actually Indian it means you're from Kenya. This is why fake-black Kamala hides her birth certificate. Sad. So sad.
Don’t think she’s from Kenya with a Jamaican father but I could be wrong.
It’s (as ever, other than in relation to Trump) somewhat more nuanced. Truman was far from perfect, but I think the below reflects very well on him, in numerous ways.

Did you mean to link something else rather than an isolated incident in his life?

By the way, nothing about my post lacked nuance. I said once you learn about him as a person most would not find him to be a person necessarily worthy of admiration. I take a nuanced stance in that regard.

He was openly racist and hostile to black people, despite his efforts to desegregate the south, and was reportedly gleeful over the deaths of the Japanese in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

He did some good, to be sure, but as a person I would not harbour admiration.
I think this is pretty well known, but the reason why the idiot has such a stranglehold over the Republican Party is that if anyone disagrees with him, he will destroy them on his social media platform.

He’s a fucking cyber bully.
I called him nothing but an internet troll with money (debt) in 2014 and was roundly lambasted by all and sundry.

What is really is is a real life Eric Cartman, only even dumber and less Machiavellian.
Did you mean to link something else rather than an isolated incident in his life.

By the way, nothing about my post lacked nuance. I said once you learn about him as a person most would not find him to be a person necessarily worthy of admiration.
No, I meant to link it to the thing I linked.

He showed mercy, compassion, fairness and good judgement following an attempt on his life. I think that speaks well if him and completely inconceivable that Trump would act in the same way.
No, I meant to link it to the thing I linked.

He showed mercy, compassion, fairness and good judgement following an attempt on his life. I think that speaks well if him and completely inconceivable that Trump would act in the same way.
I am not sure you can base an assessment of a person on one isolated event in their life.

Isn’t that the opposite of nuance?
That one incident can provide contrast and context to a widely held belief about someone? I’d suggest not.
So I guess I don’t quite understand how:

A) You considered my original post about Truman not necessarily being someone to be admired to lack nuance.
B) How the isolated incident in Truman’s life contradicts my assertion that Truman is not necessarily someone to be admired.

I am sure Hitler, Putin, and Palpot showed mercy and grace to people at various times in their life, but I think you and I would agree that such incidents in isolation are not sufficient to make a reasonable assessment of them as people? Nor would doing so be considered a “nuanced take”.

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