Donald Trump

After skipping through a dozen pages of Moulden's Chippy getting paid too much attention, I come back and find Daz has woken up.
I’m tempted.

Today I vote fundamentally for moderate pragmatists.

You're right that I'd have voted for Biden over Desantis -- but fundamentally because Desantis supports Trump. Endorsed him after he couldn't beat him, naturally. And would have sung his praises instead of disavowing him even had he won the nomination. Such naked opportunism is arguably as bad a moral failing as being Trump. Desantis was a non-starter -- we'd never have gotten to his ideas/policies. Lickspittles disgust me.

Had he disavowed him, maybe we could start discussing other things, like policy. Since I always thought Biden was a pragmatic moderate (and we can argue that of course) and Desantis isn't, I don't know how I'd have unstuck from Biden. That said, as you know, I was worried about Joe from day one and said he should have announced he was a one-term President after the midterms if not before. But water under the bridge, hypothetical, etc.

Yet I voted for Romney over Obama.

And I've voted for other Republicans in the past. Like Reagan. And the first Bush. Not sure I would today, mind. And perhaps I would have for McCain had I not thought it was more important culturally and for long-term national healing and progress to vote for Obama (well, look how that turned out).

Entirely feasible -- though longer odds -- that I would have voted for a Republican over Biden had that Republican been an ardent anti-Trumper from day one and stuck with it.

But this is silly, because that's not possible in today's GOP, because its platform has been subsumed by a cult of personality.

Problem is there aren't any other GOPers left other than those who have either lost their jobs or quit their roles. The entire party is a cult in an inexorable moral decline marked by self-protection and cowardice.

It is, was, and will be 1000% about Trump.

I personally think you're clinging to a platform that doesn't exist.

Meantime, I think there are millions like me. Parties and platforms absolutely matter, but we vote for people.
Contrary to your beliefs im no conservative either. Yes, I've become more Libertarian/Conservative over the years, but I started out a raging liberal. Voted Clinton Nader 2ice, Obama and worked on his campaign in Pennsylvania. Long before I voted Johnson, then Jorgensen.

I've generally either voted Democrat or protest voted. The will be the first time I will be casting an affirmative vote for a Republican Presidential candidate. And I'm totally at peace with it.

I get it that many don't and can't understand it. But that's fine. That's the beauty of it all. Vote your conviction. I am voting mine.

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