dont think loyalty point fiasco will happen again

bluefromleve32 said:
i dont understand what the problem is. if you pay for a ticket and dont show why should the club care, why should anyone care. the club got paid, you turned up they didnt.

what a waste of time this forum is!!

ive not done it by the way
i have

i'm in the cup schem but missed notts county replay because we were on a skiing holiday

went to the away game and was gutted that we drew, came off the slopes early, with a little dangerous period thrown in for good measure (but a different story), argued with them to change over to itv and watched the game with a beer and a bayern munich fan
I don't understand all the crap that went on with this, you buy a season ticket and that gets you in for the league games then you join the cup scheme (which is practically a cup season ticket), you don't know how much it will cost or how many games it will be but you sign up anyway. The FA cup are cup games so you should be entitled to a cup ticket IMO, loyalty is then rewarded. I'm in the scheme and I went to every game and I also have enough points to get a final ticket so it doesn't matter to me but if the club don't reward the cup schemers this season then why would anyone sign up for it next season, they must reward the cup schemers to get more people on it next season otherwise we are going to be playing in the Champs league next season with crowds of 25000/30000 which frankly will be embarrassing!!
yes charlie i ve worked that out, i have been in it since it started, i said the other day that it was a great piece of marketing, but it was not right that someone could just join then fuck someone off that had attended quite a number of games when they had attened zero
charliebigspuds said:
I don't understand all the crap that went on with this, you buy a season ticket and that gets you in for the league games then you join the cup scheme (which is practically a cup season ticket), you don't know how much it will cost or how many games it will be but you sign up anyway. The FA cup are cup games so you should be entitled to a cup ticket IMO, loyalty is then rewarded. I'm in the scheme and I went to every game and I also have enough points to get a final ticket so it doesn't matter to me but if the club don't reward the cup schemers this season then why would anyone sign up for it next season, they must reward the cup schemers to get more people on it next season otherwise we are going to be playing in the Champs league next season with crowds of 25000/30000 which frankly will be embarrassing!!

you see their are twi sides to that coin.

It also spells the end to any chaep tickets, it also gives us the same scheme in effect as at United. Its not enforced by the club, but imo a far more sly back handed way. If you dont agree they dont go to a semi or a final, because as i expect every one will sign up next year.

At the end of the day i dont blame fans for being uninterested in the Uefa cup, or games against Notts county. All it means next year is full price tickets for those games. I just worry more that no one can see this for what it is.
pissedagain said:
yes charlie i ve worked that out, i have been in it since it started, i said the other day that it was a great piece of marketing, but it was not right that someone could just join then fuck someone off that had attended quite a number of games when they had attened zero

ok, fair do's, its just that I've had this argument with my dad since the draw for the semi and its done my head in TBH, he's been to all the cup games apart from 2 BUT hes not in the cup scheme and thinks he should get a ticket on the fact that he went to the games anyway. He's drove me mad about it, I understand his point but the cup scheme needs to be promoted so we don't end up with a half empty ground, I wasn't being pedantic.
pissedagain said:
but i know someone who missed a ticket and has been to a number of games, didn t join the cup scheme,but still went to some of the cup is it fair that someone joins for points dosn t turn up for the game but can bag a semi ticket
The clubs a business and money is king
pissedagain said:
just cant see it being allowed to happen for the final, the complaints flooded in to city, there were people last season who joined for the loyalty points,then sold the ticket or just didn t show for the game, city are aware this happened and i might be wrong, but something tells me loyalty will be rewarded, once bitten and all that

I think thats bollocks - there's people in the top few % points wise that will buy for big games and sell them on.

If they do it on points, people will buy and sell on at inflated prices, they always have done they always will do. When these people "joined for the loyalty points" they had no clue they'd have first dibs at SF tickets... the argument makes no sense; so i'd be surprised if this was the reasoning behind changing the criteria.<br /><br />-- 21 Apr 2011, 20:47 --<br /><br />
charliebigspuds said:
I don't understand all the crap that went on with this, you buy a season ticket and that gets you in for the league games then you join the cup scheme (which is practically a cup season ticket), you don't know how much it will cost or how many games it will be but you sign up anyway. The FA cup are cup games so you should be entitled to a cup ticket IMO, loyalty is then rewarded. I'm in the scheme and I went to every game and I also have enough points to get a final ticket so it doesn't matter to me but if the club don't reward the cup schemers this season then why would anyone sign up for it next season, they must reward the cup schemers to get more people on it next season otherwise we are going to be playing in the Champs league next season with crowds of 25000/30000 which frankly will be embarrassing!!

As usual, complete sense... why others don't grasp this, i don't grasp myself.
SWP's back said:
pissedagain said:
but i know someone who missed a ticket and has been to a number of games, didn t join the cup scheme,but still went to some of the cup is it fair that someone joins for points dosn t turn up for the game but can bag a semi ticket
The clubs a business and money is king

Although that statement is in part true, they only get away with what we allow when all is said and done.

A little foresight, and interest in others issues would make this the best supporter experience in the world.

the im alright attitude just turns us into every other club, i liked the fact we didnt rip our fans off, i loved the fact we didnt force fans to attend. I dont like whats comming
SWP's back said:
pissedagain said:
but i know someone who missed a ticket and has been to a number of games, didn t join the cup scheme,but still went to some of the cup is it fair that someone joins for points dosn t turn up for the game but can bag a semi ticket
The clubs a business and money is king

Makes me sick when people call our club a 'business' and the fans 'customers'.

Wrong on so many levels.
Taking my CDS hat off for a minute,

If we are rewarding CDS members that have only joined it this season with 1000 - 2000 points at the same time that only those with 5000 - 4000 points who are season ticket holders can purchase them legitamately then surely people can see that is wrong to be jumping to the front of the queue?

But at the same time it's not right that those who have them amount of points only start going to cup matches from the quarter finals onwards.

It's a difficult one to call!

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