dont think loyalty point fiasco will happen again

GrumpyBlue86 said:
MonsallBlue said:
I have no problem with that. My main problem is the fact I have been to all cup games in all comps and I am being discriminated against because I paid by the match. My money was still paid at the same time they CDS people got charged. Or within days anyway.

But, like has been said they cant please everyone
Ok I can understand your argument on that one, and had I been to every cup game but not joined the scheme I'd be pissed off as well. On the other side of the coin I am sure there are City card holders who have been to every home cup game but they never have stood a cat in hells chance of getting a ticket to either game. That in essence is the same thing, but nobody is complaining about that.

I think more would complain about it if having a season card wasnt also a requirement of the CDS.
But as they are just rewarding for cup turnout then there is a point to that argument too
GrumpyBlue86 said:
sniff said:
you see their are twi sides to that coin.

It also spells the end to any chaep tickets, it also gives us the same scheme in effect as at United. Its not enforced by the club, but imo a far more sly back handed way. If you dont agree they dont go to a semi or a final, because as i expect every one will sign up next year. At the end of the day i dont blame fans for being uninterested in the Uefa cup, or games against Notts county. All it means next year is full price tickets for those games. I just worry more that no one can see this for what it is.
So what you are saying is that people who go to all the crap games at the beginning of competitions shouldn't be rewarded with priority access to the showpiece events at the end?
Nobody is being forced to sign up to the cup scheme, but those that do will get first dibs on semi final and final tickets. I really can't for the life of me understand what the bloody hell everybody's problem is with that?

No that clearly isn the polar opposite of what im saying, I agree to reward people who attend whole hartedly. You know what i could explain this point until the end of time, some people cant see the wood for the trees.

Well in 2-3 years time when all isnt what you thought it would be, then people will be able to grasp the simple notion of the argument against.
What would happen if every season ticket holder joined the CDS next season then how the hell would they sort it out, they should go to some sort of ticket stub system so when you go to the cup games you are given a ticket once you go through the turnstile.
sniff said:
GrumpyBlue86 said:
So what you are saying is that people who go to all the crap games at the beginning of competitions shouldn't be rewarded with priority access to the showpiece events at the end?
Nobody is being forced to sign up to the cup scheme, but those that do will get first dibs on semi final and final tickets. I really can't for the life of me understand what the bloody hell everybody's problem is with that?

No that clearly isn the polar opposite of what im saying, I agree to reward people who attend whole hartedly. You know what i could explain this point until the end of time, some people cant see the wood for the trees.

Well in 2-3 years time when all isnt what you thought it would be, then people will be able to grasp the simple notion of the argument against.

I see what you mean sniff, the fact everyone is going to sign up for the CDS over next year or 2 to ensure tickets to the big games, the club can then debit everyones accounts for a £20 per person ticket instead of having to charge £5 , £10 to get them in.....
Guaranteed 30,000 at least each match
I guess thats sort of what you are getting at.....
MonsallBlue said:
sniff said:
No that clearly isn the polar opposite of what im saying, I agree to reward people who attend whole hartedly. You know what i could explain this point until the end of time, some people cant see the wood for the trees.

Well in 2-3 years time when all isnt what you thought it would be, then people will be able to grasp the simple notion of the argument against.

I see what you mean sniff, the fact everyone is going to sign up for the CDS over next year or 2 to ensure tickets to the big games, the club can then debit everyones accounts for a £20 per person ticket instead of having to charge £5 , £10 to get them in.....
Guaranteed 30,000 at least each match
I guess thats sort of what you are getting at.....

Thats exactly it mate.... Once everyone signs up it becomes an enforced scheme by sheer demand. We still have the choice at the moment, but is rewards the people who otherwise wouldnt get a ticket so they wont say nothing. Lets see what they think of it next season when everyone signs up and their bonus this year isnt rewarded.
Can't remember how much exactly but it was something like 125 points for joining the scheme plus it much have been a couple of hundred points for the home games we played this season.

That's nearly a years worth of aways in previous years and for me that's enough of a reward.
sniff said:
GrumpyBlue86 said:
So what you are saying is that people who go to all the crap games at the beginning of competitions shouldn't be rewarded with priority access to the showpiece events at the end?
Nobody is being forced to sign up to the cup scheme, but those that do will get first dibs on semi final and final tickets. I really can't for the life of me understand what the bloody hell everybody's problem is with that?

No that clearly isn the polar opposite of what im saying, I agree to reward people who attend whole hartedly. You know what i could explain this point until the end of time, some people cant see the wood for the trees.

Well in 2-3 years time when all isnt what you thought it would be, then people will be able to grasp the simple notion of the argument against.
What that ticket prices are going to go up? That unfortunately is what is going to happen anyway, and I don't like that any more than you do. All season people have been complaining about shite attendances in the cup competitions, then as soon as the people who turned up get rewarded everybody starts saying well people shouldn't have to turn up if they don't want to.

It could be worse, we could all be forced into it and then lobbed in a ballot for the big games.
GrumpyBlue86 said:
sniff said:
No that clearly isn the polar opposite of what im saying, I agree to reward people who attend whole hartedly. You know what i could explain this point until the end of time, some people cant see the wood for the trees.

Well in 2-3 years time when all isnt what you thought it would be, then people will be able to grasp the simple notion of the argument against.
What that ticket prices are going to go up? That unfortunately is what is going to happen anyway, and I don't like that any more than you do. All season people have been complaining about shite attendances in the cup competitions, then as soon as the people who turned up get rewarded everybody starts saying well people shouldn't have to turn up if they don't want to. It could be worse, we could all be forced into it and then lobbed in a ballot for the big games.

If you think thats the argument then i dont know what you have been reading.

Also fail to include the people who attend everygame anyway ?? screw them mug's eh

No this rewards no one but the club in the end. Why not sell on points and Stubbs ?? that would solve the problem 100% and be fair across the board, well the reason you ask?

Because that benefits the club, now im not against that. I am against the concept of forcing fans to buy tickets. If you dont want to go that should be your choice, if you think its to expensive thats your choice. You should be able to choose not to attend a game without reprise.

Everyone sign up for the CDS... Its the clubs choice, and we become the replaceable part.
Blue Maverick said:
What would happen if every season ticket holder joined the CDS next season then how the hell would they sort it out, they should go to some sort of ticket stub system so when you go to the cup games you are given a ticket once you go through the turnstile.


If we were to reach the SF next season, allocation would go:

ST+CDS+'X' amount of loyalty points
After a few levels of that, it may then go to

ST holder with 6000 points etc
I've got 4k+ points and in the CDS. I'm lucky to work flexi-time and be able to get to all the games.

My lad a S/T holder and isn't in the CDS as he's in the RAF and based at Brize at the moment and has no chance of getting away if he's 'on shift'. I've been able to move on his S/T when he's not here but with cup crowds (If you're watching on the telly etc....which is coming home to roost to some now) I'd never be able to move it on. He has approx 3200 points which hopefully will gte him a ticket. if he'd been at home he'd be the same as me.

Point I'm trying to make is, you pay your money, you make your choice. If you'd rather watch on the telly/work away etc it's your choice.

If you couldn't afford to go to City for £15 or so for a cup game then where's the £85 (ticket) £40 (coach) & £xx beer money coming from?

All about choice.

I do agree that next season cheap cup games will be like hens teeth which is a shame as they give some fans who are not well off the chance to go.

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