Dortmund chief exec sticking the boot in AGAIN

Black_Yellow_1909 said:
First of all I wish you who are in Dortmund a good time and also a good game.

I have to say people who are comparing football with the World War II and compare us to being Nazis are really going on my nuts! Stay away from the game of football!

Second: I can understand why some comments are making you mad. BUT you have to accept the fact that some people outside of England (known as the home of football) are looking with some disbelief on the premier league. A sheikh is running the show at City, a US guy at United, a Russian guy is pumping money at Chelski and you have some other private investors. They are throwing money to players. They have taken away the game of football from the people and if we are with some thousands fans at your home grounds we are singing the shit out of us. You only sing when you are winning, if at all.

So, look at the facts and the fact is that you have perverted the idea of football. Thats all it is.

so fucking superior arent you.
HUNT3K1LL3R said:
Hey Citizens, it's my first post here. I am a Borussia supporter and I read in this forum for a few days.

Balti said:
and you are owned by a bunch of faceless investors on the stock exchange that bankrolled you to success from nothing so fuck off you hypocrite

It's h ard to explain but I'll try.

Yes, Dortmund is at the stock exchange and the club only owns about 10 percent of the company 'Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co KGaA'.
(you can translate it 'Borussia Dortmund Partnership Limited by Shares')


The club found a subsidiary company called 'Borussia Dortmund Geschäftsführung GmbH' ('Borussia Dortmund Management GmbH') which owns 100% of the KGaA.

So the club is owned by his members.
The management company is a subsidiary company of the club.
The KGaA is owned by the management company.

And the recent success is not a result of the investors. Actually it is because of hard work since 2005. Since them the company reduces its debts from former €190m to now €11m, buyed the stadium and formed a new, young team which won the Bundesliga 2 times in a row.

I advise you an article of The Swiss Rambler, who wrote a real good summiary:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -game.html</a>

Thanks for that. Did'nt understand a word of it----but cheers anyway. Hate to say it, but you have a great stadium,great fans and a really good team. [Unless of course you live in Stalybridge]
Cielo Azzurro said:
Last year Bayern Munchen, this time BVB... What's with this obsession to talk about City in such manner?
You'll never see the interviews like this from City's owner, chairman, ceo, manager, coaching stuff and players. City, as a club, and people who work there never 'sticking the boot in' other teams, managers and their financial situation etc. I can't imagine our new CEO, Manicini or Khaldoon going out with such quotes.
BVB positioning themselves as a great successfull club in Europe? Yet they act like a jealousy bunch of mediocore team. It's a low class, very unprofessional and unethical. City are miles above them in terms of intelligence and dignity.

'The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on' as they say.
Absolutely true , German clubs seem to have a habit of sticking their noses in our business, sick of hearing how well their clubs are run, owned by fans , germans, their fans are the greatest etc etc. IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR FOOTBALL CLUBS. Class & humility you definately have none.
S04 said:
Black_Yellow_1909 said:
Second: I can understand why some comments are making you mad. BUT you have to accept the fact that some people outside of England (known as the home of football) are looking with some disbelief on the premier league. A sheikh is running the show at City, a US guy at United, a Russian guy is pumping money at Chelski and you have some other private investors. They are throwing money to players. They have taken away the game of football from the people and if we are with some thousands fans at your home grounds we are singing the shit out of us. You only sing when you are winning, if at all.

So, look at the facts and the fact is that you have perverted the idea of football. Thats all it is.


Ridiculous, football in the UK are as it always has been in regards to ownerships..It´s Germany that have changed their rules.
perverted the idea of football? Are we talking 22 guys kicking a ball here or what?

What utter unmitigated Teutonic balderdash! Whose idea of football? The trouble with too many continentals these days is they have developed a 'holier than thou' attitude and they take every opportunity stating it to us poor unfortunates who simply cannot understand the altruism of KarlHeinz, Kaiser Beckenbauer and now Twatke of Dortmund. They are the only ones who have the interests of football at heart. My arse! My Anglo-Saxon arse!
Haha...a sheik is buying with Petrol dollars an English football club and you don’t get it...

Maybe he is going to lose interest in his toy...
But you can always get money from let's say an US bloke, or a Russian or so..for your new squad because Mancini is asking the sheik for more money to buy some new players.....;-))))......maybe then you can play 3 games in a row...

Never mind the bollocks
Stay safe
Black_Yellow_1909 said:
Haha...a sheik is buying with Petrol dollars an English football club and you don’t get it...

Maybe he is going to lose interest in his toy...
But you can always get money from let's say an US bloke, or a Russian or so..for your new squad because Mancini is asking the sheik for more money to buy some new players.....;-))))......maybe then you can play 3 games in a row...

Never mind the bollocks
Stay safe

Black_Yellow_1909 said:
Haha...a sheik is buying with Petrol dollars an English football club and you don’t get it...

Maybe he is going to lose interest in his toy...
But you can always get money from let's say an US bloke, or a Russian or so..for your new squad because Mancini is asking the sheik for more money to buy some new players.....;-))))......maybe then you can play 3 games in a row...

Never mind the bollocks
Stay safe

And they say Germans are arrogant, another sterotype blown out of the water!!
I think difference most people seem to miss between roman abramovich and sheikh mansour is Chelsea football club is Mr abramovich's toy, he spends almost all of his time in London and attends almost every match they play. Where as manchester city are owned by The Abu Dhabi United Group for Development and Investment (ADUG). INVESTMENT being the operative word here. when an investment group buy a business they do so in order to sell it on for a profit in a set period of time, this WILL happen with manchester city football club, there is no two ways about it. (ADUG) have poured almost a billon pounds into their investment(mcfc) so far, they WILL see a return on that money sooner or later, so when I hear people saying things like "sheikh mansour will get tired with his toy" I just laugh, do we honestly think these people can just splash out a billion quid plus to sit in their palaces' to watch a grainy stream of man city getting beat in wind swept stadium in Germany? Come on! If sheikh mansour flogs the club tomorrow I will thank him for the fantastic time we have enjoyed and the great players our club could have only dreamed of buying. However he won't be selling the club tomorrow, he's far to busy INVESTING in it.

In-vest-ment (noun)

the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
Black_Yellow_1909 said:
Haha...a sheik is buying with Petrol dollars an English football club and you don’t get it...

Maybe he is going to lose interest in his toy...
But you can always get money from let's say an US bloke, or a Russian or so..for your new squad because Mancini is asking the sheik for more money to buy some new players.....;-))))......maybe then you can play 3 games in a row...

Never mind the bollocks
Stay safe

Hmm you do realize the toy comment is very outdated and poor. Our owner has only been good for us. Unless you disagree ?
ballinio said:
Black_Yellow_1909 said:
First of all I wish you who are in Dortmund a good time and also a good game.

I have to say people who are comparing football with the World War II and compare us to being Nazis are really going on my nuts! Stay away from the game of football!

Second: I can understand why some comments are making you mad. BUT you have to accept the fact that some people outside of England (known as the home of football) are looking with some disbelief on the premier league. A sheikh is running the show at City, a US guy at United, a Russian guy is pumping money at Chelski and you have some other private investors. They are throwing money to players. They have taken away the game of football from the people and if we are with some thousands fans at your home grounds we are singing the shit out of us. You only sing when you are winning, if at all.

So, look at the facts and the fact is that you have perverted the idea of football. Thats all it is.

so fucking superior arent you.

Don't you know it was us that started with the wages and the funding from tv rights.

We should be ashamed.

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