
twinkletoes said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Anyone know why as the country falls apart and nothing is done while bankers dine on solid gold soldiers and dippy egg

Why oh why are house prices not fucking falling

We have had a large increase in immigration and no house building.

So we should all be thanking all the Poles that settled here.

Otherwise we would have a big housing bubble like Spain and the US and we would be double fucked.

I dont think we ever built enough houses to have a housing bubble and you forgot Ireland as well
Ronnie the Rep said:
intheknow! said:

It's now or never for the Lib Dems, they must start asserting themselves. Osborne is a failure and is economically illiterate. Cameron and Clegg must sack Osborne and put Vince Cable as Chancellor. Allow the Lib Dems to live or die by the economy. All Cameron and Osborne understand is Thatcherite economics and it's doing incredible harm to the UK economy.

What experience as chancellor has that twat cable got?

Cable lectured for a time at the University of Glasgow and was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics, for a 3-year period until 2004. From 1966 to 1968, he was a Treasury Finance Officer to the Kenyan Government.
In the 1970s, he was special advisor to John Smith when the latter was Industry Secretary. He was an advisor to the British government and then to the Commonwealth Secretary-General in the 1970s and 1980s.
Later, he served as Chief Economist for the oil company Royal Dutch Shell from 1995 to 1997.

Compare to Osborne:

Studied History at Oxford, then joined the Conservative Research Department in 1994 and became head of the Political Section. Between 1995 and 1997 he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food as special advisor to minister Douglas Hogg (during the BSE crisis) and worked in the Political Office at 10 Downing Street.
Between 1997 and 2001, he worked for then Conservative leader William Hague as a speechwriter and Political Secretary. In this role he helped prepare Hague for the weekly session of Prime Minister's Questions, often playing the role of Prime Minister Tony Blair. Under the successive leaderships of Michael Howard and David Cameron he remained on the Prime Minister's Questions team.

I've copied from Wikipedia for detail! Cable is the best the coalition have.
Lets bring these mother chuckers back

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... y_%28UK%29</a>
Challenger1978 said:
twinkletoes said:
intheknow! said:
It's no wonder, where do you think the £350bn of quantitative easing has gone? Follow the money......

I was trying to be ironic. It's £375bn by the way.

Does that include the £100bn the banks got recently, that this time they're really supposed to lend to people and small businesses ?

No, but banks have to apply for that.

So it could be that some banks dont take up the offer.
twinkletoes said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Anyone know why as the country falls apart and nothing is done while bankers dine on solid gold soldiers and dippy egg

Why oh why are house prices not fucking falling

We have had a large increase in immigration and no house building.

So we should all be thanking all the Poles that settled here.

Otherwise we would have a big housing bubble like Spain and the US and we would be double fucked.

Actually no, we have built too few houses. That is one of our main problems. The population has surged, largely due to immigration, but the lack of affordable and social housing has meant that the cost of living (housing costs) in certain areas is astronomical. This has a big impact on the amount of money people have to spend. So less disposable income is bad for the economy because it means people have no money to spend and demand falls. A shortage of housing is also the reason why the housing benefit part of welfare expenditure is so high. A 1930's style house building boom would stimulate the construction sector, create job, increase Gov revenues, reduce homelessness and cut the housing benefit bill.

Spain was the extreme, due in part to the low interests rate set by the ECB, which were totally unsuitable for the Spanish economy. There is no reason we would be like Spain.

Last night itv news had a report about this subject. In the 1930's we dragged ourselves out of a situation similar to the current one by a mass house building programme.
intheknow! said:
twinkletoes said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Anyone know why as the country falls apart and nothing is done while bankers dine on solid gold soldiers and dippy egg

Why oh why are house prices not fucking falling

We have had a large increase in immigration and no house building.

So we should all be thanking all the Poles that settled here.

Otherwise we would have a big housing bubble like Spain and the US and we would be double fucked.

Actually no, we have built too few houses. That is one of our main problems. The population has surged, largely due to immigration, but the lack of affordable and social housing has meant that the cost of living (housing costs) in certain areas is astronomical. This has a big impact on the amount of money people have to spend. So less disposable income is bad for the economy because it means people have no money to spend and demand falls. A shortage of housing is also the reason why the housing benefit part of welfare expenditure is so high. A 1930's style house building boom would stimulate the construction sector, create job, increase Gov revenues, reduce homelessness and cut the housing benefit bill.

Spain was the extreme, due in part to the low interests rate set by the ECB, which were totally unsuitable for the Spanish economy. There is no reason we would be like Spain.

Last night itv news had a report about this subject. In the 1930's we dragged ourselves out of a situation similar to the current one by a mass house building programme.

I actually said we havent built any houses.

All the Poles helped to keep wage growth low and curbed inflation which in turn kept interest rates low.

I actually believe that Brown/Blair knew what mass immigration would do for the economy and used it as an economic stategy.
twinkletoes said:
The only part of the UK economy to show any improvement over the last three months is the financial services sector.

Not so.

Leyland truck have just posted record figures.

Both Bentley and Land rover are doing really well.

The fact that the FSF is doing well is a good indication that the finances behind the scenes are moving.

I do however agree that Osbourne has had his chance and now somebody with a pro stimulus view should take over. Osbourne has had a tough task following the shambles that was left in Labours spending wake and his ride on that wave had to come to an end sometime. He has done well implementing austerity in such tough times but has been too slow to stimulate the ailing economy with a much needed cut in VAT and more investment in housing and transport.

People have to understand that when a government comes into power they dont just change everything. Labour admitted that if they had won the election they would have done EXACTLY the same as the tories have done with regards to austerity. Like wise when Labour took over in 97 they continued the Tory financial spending plans cos they actually worked.

What is obvious to everyone now weather your labour or tory and SWEET FA to do with Thatcher is that we need stimulus at grass roots and that includes government building projects being given the green light,new affordable housing and better transport links. A fu@king tram to stockport would help!Bast@rds!
twinkletoes said:
intheknow! said:
twinkletoes said:
We have had a large increase in immigration and no house building.

So we should all be thanking all the Poles that settled here.

Otherwise we would have a big housing bubble like Spain and the US and we would be double fucked.

Actually no, we have built too few houses. That is one of our main problems. The population has surged, largely due to immigration, but the lack of affordable and social housing has meant that the cost of living (housing costs) in certain areas is astronomical. This has a big impact on the amount of money people have to spend. So less disposable income is bad for the economy because it means people have no money to spend and demand falls. A shortage of housing is also the reason why the housing benefit part of welfare expenditure is so high. A 1930's style house building boom would stimulate the construction sector, create job, increase Gov revenues, reduce homelessness and cut the housing benefit bill.

Spain was the extreme, due in part to the low interests rate set by the ECB, which were totally unsuitable for the Spanish economy. There is no reason we would be like Spain.

Last night itv news had a report about this subject. In the 1930's we dragged ourselves out of a situation similar to the current one by a mass house building programme.

I actually said we havent built any houses.

All the Poles helped to keep wage growth low and curbed inflation which in turn kept interest rates low.

I actually believe that Brown/Blair knew what mass immigration would do for the economy and used it as an economic stategy.

So they knew the economy was going to be completely fucked but smashed on with the borrowing anyway. They knew less about economy than my cat and he died 15 years ago
twinkletoes said:
intheknow! said:
twinkletoes said:
We have had a large increase in immigration and no house building.

So we should all be thanking all the Poles that settled here.

Otherwise we would have a big housing bubble like Spain and the US and we would be double fucked.

Actually no, we have built too few houses. That is one of our main problems. The population has surged, largely due to immigration, but the lack of affordable and social housing has meant that the cost of living (housing costs) in certain areas is astronomical. This has a big impact on the amount of money people have to spend. So less disposable income is bad for the economy because it means people have no money to spend and demand falls. A shortage of housing is also the reason why the housing benefit part of welfare expenditure is so high. A 1930's style house building boom would stimulate the construction sector, create job, increase Gov revenues, reduce homelessness and cut the housing benefit bill.

Spain was the extreme, due in part to the low interests rate set by the ECB, which were totally unsuitable for the Spanish economy. There is no reason we would be like Spain.

Last night itv news had a report about this subject. In the 1930's we dragged ourselves out of a situation similar to the current one by a mass house building programme.

I actually said we havent built any houses.

All the Poles helped to keep wage growth low and curbed inflation which in turn kept interest rates low.

I actually believe that Brown/Blair knew what mass immigration would do for the economy and used it as an economic stategy.

This is precisely why they relaxed immigration.

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