Drunken city fans

MCC said:
Some absolute messes near me. One lad was asleep for most of the game and another spent most of the game hugging the stewards.
I think a fair few of them might have been from downstairs, was there a guy dressed in combat fatigues and loads of medals on his chest, accompanied by a crowd that looked like extras from Citizen Smith?
Came out of the Greyhound at about 2-2:30 and went to the roundabout. As we walked along Wembley High Road, I glanced in a Chinese or Indian takeaway and saw a blue fast asleep on the comfy chairs in there. There was no way he was getting up before kick-off.

A special mention to the bloke (about 50 odd) who came out of the Green Man whilst me and Chris in London were trying to get in. He took about 5 minutes to negotiate the slope, steadied himself on a mini bus full of coppers, asked them if they were all there for him, when asked what it was like in the pub replied "Shit" and staggered off into the sunset.
Lots of people drunk yesterday having fun but near 543 level 5 group nearly started fighting between themselves. My lad is 9 and I know chants and all that go through one ear and out of the other but why should he have to put up with some drunk pricks getting shirty.
Great day though loved every minute of it apart from that group of planks
Ducado said:
MCC said:
Some absolute messes near me. One lad was asleep for most of the game and another spent most of the game hugging the stewards.
I think a fair few of them might have been from downstairs, was there a guy dressed in combat fatigues and loads of medals on his chest, accompanied by a crowd that looked like extras from Citizen Smith?
Yes, the lad in the combat gear with medals was all over the fucking shop muttering something about the cellar.
Just a reply had a great day myself with daughter and grandson , no mither myself , and like Henry winter said was one of the best semi finals he has watched normally boring tense affairs no one wants to lose , had no mither myself but feel a bit sorry for youths who won't even remember , and yes you used to be pissed to watch city in past , never mind each to his own ,
Roll on the final.
give & go said:
Like a pint myself and had a few at wealdstone before game , but was amazed at the state of some blues yesterday, one lad at wealdstone could hardly stand a good 3 hours before K.O
In the match itself in 535 one lad fast asleep, one to pissed didn't know where his seat was, another couple nearly going over top rails when they came running down to front.
Like I say like a beer myself, but to spend all that cash on tickets and transport , not to see the game or remember what went on baffles me,
Tell me if I am a boring old fart , but I can remember every wembley city vist since 1969 including full members,
Bet there was a few who never made it home

Agree completely. It's a real pain in the arse having these idiots sat anywhere near you in the stadium. It's always baffled me why they bother buying a ticket when they could use the money for beer. It's obviously far more important to them than the game. Very sad.

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