Dzeko - How well did he play?

Mancio said:
Marvin said:
I am not saying Tevez played well, and I know he should have passed to team mates who were better placed. But I think that was Tevez just having a bad game. If he did that week after week he could be called selfish, but I don't think he does.

You'll find that Tevez is up there with Silva and Milner as players who have set up most City goals

In fact, the problem is not the goal that he had set up. the problem are the other goal that he could have set up had it not been selfish
Tevez has carried City and is an inspirational player. But he is human.

Off to bed now. Wait a long week now to put it right, and if we do I'm sure Tevez will be central in that
Spiros said:
Mancio said:
In fact, the problem is not the goal that he had set up. the problem are the other goal that he could have set up had it not been selfish

No player makes the correct decision every single time

here you are right. but the rating of a player is based on the right decision percentage. the more the player wrong the less he is worth
Spiros said:
Mancio said:
In fact, the problem is not the goal that he had set up. the problem are the other goal that he could have set up had it not been selfish

No player makes the correct decision every single time

It's not an accident anymore, now there is a very clear pattern.
Mancio said:
simon23 said:
here we got again..............mancio pops up to slag tevez off...this guy aint even a proper city fan....a plastic by his own admission....

he doesnt have the best interest of the team at heart and his comments shouldnt be given any creedance

I pray you greet your friend Adebayor. when he leaves? tomorrow ?? has nothign to do with opinions are all based on wanting the nest for the team ive suppored ALL my life....unlike you who came along when your favourite player and manager joined us...ill still support the team when ade leaves, when balotelli leaves (if he does, which i hpe he doesnt) and if and when mancini wont by your own admitance

your opinions are all based on the fact that you dont like tevez cause he is competition for a starting place with balotelli...that is it!!!

you are slagging off a player that is extremely important to us...yes he makes the wrong decisions sometimes (name me a player that doesnt!?) but he also single handedly drags us through games sometimes.

tevez isnt greedy at all.....he makes goals as well as scores them....priome example in the midweek game with the pass to zabba who cut it back for silva

mancio has an agenda...and its not one that is based on the best for the not sure why we tolerate this guy on here???????????
Before we get too deep into another pissing contest and 5 pages of "who cares about City more", can we go back to the discussion on the substance, please?
simon23 said: not sure why we tolerate this guy on here???????????

No offence but I feel the same about you Simon lol.....Leave Mancio alone although I don't agree with his Tevez comments he does have decent football knowledge.
simon23 said:
Mancio said:
I pray you greet your friend Adebayor. when he leaves? tomorrow ?? has nothign to do with opinions are all based on wanting the nest for the team ive suppored ALL my life....unlike you who came along when your favourite player and manager joined us...ill still support the team when ade leaves, when balotelli leaves (if he does, which i hpe he doesnt) and if and when mancini wont by your own admitance

your opinions are all based on the fact that you dont like tevez cause he is competition for a starting place with balotelli...that is it!!!

you are slagging off a player that is extremely important to us...yes he makes the wrong decisions sometimes (name me a player that doesnt!?) but he also single handedly drags us through games sometimes.

tevez isnt greedy at all.....he makes goals as well as scores them....priome example in the midweek game with the pass to zabba who cut it back for silva

mancio has an agenda...and its not one that is based on the best for the not sure why we tolerate this guy on here???????????

interesting question mate.
maybe I'm tolerate because I dont broke anyone balls writing 684736236553759 posts with all the same "I would start Adebayor" ??
Sky Blue said:
simon23 said: not sure why we tolerate this guy on here???????????

No offence but I feel the same about you Simon lol.....Leave Mancio alone although I don't agree with his Tevez comments he does have decent football knowledge.
Im a life long city fan....

by his own admission mancio is a plastic fan......his interests arent city...its balotelli (who i rate very highly by the way and cannt wait to see and hope he stays) and Mancini (who i now believe is playing the way we should have been playing all along)...if those two werent here...he wouldnt be here....he has an agnda which isnt city

my agenda is only ever what is best for the team (whether you think i am right or wrong thats your right to have that opinion) but mancios is not
wanderer72 said:
Spiros said:
No player makes the correct decision every single time

It's not an accident anymore, now there is a very clear pattern.

This is true. It's at it's worst when you see him look up at the player and choose to not make the pass.

He plays for himself, and when it comes off that's fine, it's when we lose or he loses the ball the knives come out.
Mancio said:
simon23 said: has nothign to do with opinions are all based on wanting the nest for the team ive suppored ALL my life....unlike you who came along when your favourite player and manager joined us...ill still support the team when ade leaves, when balotelli leaves (if he does, which i hpe he doesnt) and if and when mancini wont by your own admitance

your opinions are all based on the fact that you dont like tevez cause he is competition for a starting place with balotelli...that is it!!!

you are slagging off a player that is extremely important to us...yes he makes the wrong decisions sometimes (name me a player that doesnt!?) but he also single handedly drags us through games sometimes.

tevez isnt greedy at all.....he makes goals as well as scores them....priome example in the midweek game with the pass to zabba who cut it back for silva

mancio has an agenda...and its not one that is based on the best for the not sure why we tolerate this guy on here???????????

interesting question mate.
maybe I'm tolerate because I dont broke anyone balls writing 684736236553759 posts with all the same "I would start Adebayor" ??


i didnt bring up ade in this you did!!!!!!!!!!! just defending tevez

which team did you support before 18 months ago????????

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