Dzeko looked like Samaras yesterday

rag...him and micah had a good game, good touch and good passes, didn't set the world alight but that is to be expected. if dzeko had a bad game, can't imagine how bad everyone else played.

you have been singled out for talking shite in the past too i believe

Micah had a good game but Dzeko did nothing more than the rest of them, people are just making excuses because he is new. The truth seems very hard to handle on this forum but I am just saying it how I see it.

For the record my own mates disagree with me so I understand I am in a minority but only the future will tell who was right, I hope I am proved to be wrong but can't see it at the moment.
kiam06 said:
I thought he looked awful yesterday, his first touch was shocking he lost the ball on numerous occasions and his hold up play was not good enough for a multi million pound signing against a lower league team. I will give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the playing surface yesterday as it was really poor but for me on what I have seen so far I am deeply concerned at this signing, I am not sure he is the player that most people on this forum seem to think he is.

People will say 'but he scored yesterday' but lets be honest he couldn't miss, on the occasions he did have a half chance he looked sluggish on the turn and clumsy to me. I hope to god I am proved wrong but I said it before we signed him and I stick by it now we have another Samaras situation on our hands.

I know this post will probably upset a few but this is just how I see it, I really really hope I am wrong for City's sake.

You embarrasing tit
I think this 'mob mentality' is getting out of hand on here! Kiam's opinion is just as welcome as anyone else's wether wrong or right. If we all just sat and agreed with each other, the site would last 5 mins before everyone fucked off! The diversity is one of the things which makes bluemoon so great!

BTW kiam you could not be more wrong.
Nelly's Left Foot said:
kiam06 said:
I thought he looked awful yesterday, his first touch was shocking he lost the ball on numerous occasions and his hold up play was not good enough for a multi million pound signing against a lower league team. I will give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the playing surface yesterday as it was really poor but for me on what I have seen so far I am deeply concerned at this signing, I am not sure he is the player that most people on this forum seem to think he is.

People will say 'but he scored yesterday' but lets be honest he couldn't miss, on the occasions he did have a half chance he looked sluggish on the turn and clumsy to me. I hope to god I am proved wrong but I said it before we signed him and I stick by it now we have another Samaras situation on our hands.

I know this post will probably upset a few but this is just how I see it, I really really hope I am wrong for City's sake.

I do hope you get this post rammed where the sun don't shine in a year or so.You will be proved wrong as he is a class player just settling in.

I hope so aswell.
Biggest load of bullsh*t I ever heard, You had it in for Dzeko before we even signed him going from what your saying in that post. Three games into his career at City and your giving him abuse says it all about you really!

i bet he did shit on his football manager so he hates him now. lol

thats why i hate wesley sneijder as he turned me down and went to madrid. BASTARD.
Whilst I toally disagree with Kiams opinion on Dzeko - I think he's top drawer - it sums up everything wrong with this forum that he's being abused for it.

Those "Fuck off", "Rag" and "Bellend" type posts meake those who post them look like schoolkids. Disagree with his point, don't just bark like you've got Tourettes.
kiam06 said:
rag...him and micah had a good game, good touch and good passes, didn't set the world alight but that is to be expected. if dzeko had a bad game, can't imagine how bad everyone else played.

you have been singled out for talking shite in the past too i believe

Micah had a good game but Dzeko did nothing more than the rest of them, people are just making excuses because he is new. The truth seems very hard to handle on this forum but I am just saying it how I see it.

For the record my own mates disagree with me so I understand I am in a minority but only the future will tell who was right, I hope I am proved to be wrong but can't see it at the moment.

dont know who ur tryin to kid but you definitely wont have any mates, u sound like a right prick
Agree with OP that Dzeko was poor yesterday.

However, I believe he will turn out to be a fantastic signing. The lad is just getting aclimatised. Give him time.

No need for the abuse of the OP. He is probably just a worried City fan ;-)

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