Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

Tomorrow (17 march)- is Edin's birthday, therefor i expect him to be more lively and willing in the offence, score a gol or two!
Re: Dzeko

20sbc07 said:
bosanka said:
Never have I ever seen fans as bad as a few posters on here.
The abuse some of them give to their own (not just Džeko, although that bit annoys me the most, for obvious reasons) is beyond belief.
I said it a few times, I'm a Liverpool fan. Liverpool have been struggling for most of this season. They have underperformed, and that's an understatement. The only word one can find to describe some of their games is shite. And yet you can't find a single player, save for Poulsen, who was abused on any of the Liverpool forums.
Support your own, what's wrong with you?!
It's okay to see flaws. It's okay to want the best from (and for) your team. But for the life of me I can't see why would anyone think that what they're doing on here is called support.
That goes for 20sbc07 or what's his face. And a few others. You don't have to lavish praise, no one's expecting you to. But FFS, don't abuse.

And it would be great if this thread would just go down and Edin would stop being analyzed and inspected like a bloody lab specimen. Give it time, and judge him come the end of the season. Then either sell him, loan him, keep him, bench him, whatever. Just cut this kind of 'support' out. It's disgraceful.

He's a football player, hes going to be analyzed on ever perfomance, its part of the job. As fans of the club we have a right to analyz the players who play for us, there's a little thing called freedom of speach which means if a player puts on our clubs shirt and plays shit we can say "hes shit".

The bosnians certainly havent helped him, they probably made things worse! They rewarded him with player of the month for playing shit. Rewarding someone for playing badly certainly dosnt help anything.

As I said before as fans of the club we have a right to give an opinion on any player. My opinion on Dzeko so far is that he is shit, I would rather have Jo playing. Atleast Jo can control the ball.. sometimes.
you have right give opinion only in opinion is irelevant.
fans ?????
Re: Dzeko

ecviper said:
ffs can we all just get off players' backs and stick with them through thick and thin!

You have to give players time, true. But when a player costs that amount, and comes with such a reputation, you can't help but be a little disappointed. We need to secure a top 4 position so really could have done with him to hit the ground running. He will come good, I hope; but I can't help but compare him to other strikers who are new to the league and not be a little disappointed. Balotelli....Hernandes...?
Of course there are examples of players who needed time, but in football you tend to look at the here and now.
Re: Dzeko

i was with dzeko last night, necking them down till 5.30am this morning, great birthday party.

he's just left mine now, looked a bit rough.

i reckon he might have a slight chance of making the bench if he sobers up,
Re: Dzeko

dancity19 said:
ecviper said:
ffs can we all just get off players' backs and stick with them through thick and thin!

You have to give players time, true. But when a player costs that amount, and comes with such a reputation, you can't help but be a little disappointed. We need to secure a top 4 position so really could have done with him to hit the ground running. He will come good, I hope; but I can't help but compare him to other strikers who are new to the league and not be a little disappointed. Balotelli....Hernandes...?
Of course there are examples of players who needed time, but in football you tend to look at the here and now.

Hernandes looks absolute quality and dzeko looks quite average at the moment. Hernandes is quick and sharp with great movement, pace and an eye for goal....edin....well he has done very little to impress me as of yet but some players take a lot longer to settle than others....lets see how he does next season
Re: Dzeko

bosanka said:
uncletom said:
Dont come on here lecturing us. Liverpool's website has been in meltdown all season and the stick Hodgson got was disgusting. Liverpool vented there anger at the Americans, we have no such worries with our owners. The situation is totally different. So you are not spot on like one poster said. Dzeko has not been playing like a 25 million pound centre forward and some City fans are frustrated. Lucas was getting it in the neck a couple of months ago, also call back to RAWK when the king kenny honeymoon period wears off, and report back with shit the Liverpool players are getting then.

sorry for quoting posts this long. and sorry for having this one below quite long. don't bother reading it if you've got anything better to do.
my dear, you'll notice I said you can't find a player who was abused. last time Roy was a player was in the 70s. the two tumors were most certainly not players. and for that price-tagging, isn't that what your media does? don't you find it annoying :) ? carroll hasn't been playing at all. lfc paid 35 million for a pine rider. has he been abused? the shit told about lucas? I believe it was last season. and it was all taken back by those same people the moment he improved. džeko scores two goals in one game for you, and all the shit-throwers have to say is 'it's weak opposition, it doesn't count'. he keeps you in the FA cup, and all they say is 'it's weak opposition, it doesn't count'. seriously. no support.
and the king kenny honeymoon period? well it seems to be over - last four games, one win. still no lashing out on individual players.
I never pretended to be anything on here. my nickname means 'a bosnian girl' (not that I expect you to understand bosnian, but I'm sure the bos- part is fairly revealing :) ), in one of my first posts I wrote that I support the bosnian national team, that džeko is the reason I'm on here, and when it comes to english club football, I support lfc, but will now watch and support mcfc against any other opposition. anyway, I'd very much prefer you winning the league title than having them *mutters profanities* brag with the 19.
and I'm not lecturing. I'm just amazed at the amount of shit some people are throwing at their own.

and I sure don't want this to turn into a fight. me supporting whoever I support is my individual thing, nothing to do with džeko. I'm sorry for bringing lfc into this at all. I do apologise to the other posters.

-- Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:37 pm --

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Do people support a team or a player?

Am I really seeing Dzeko fans following whatever team he plays for?

we have a pathetic domestic league. supporting our clubs nowadays only makes sense to the most hot-headed. after the war, not just football, but all sports kind of fell apart. so the only thing we have when it comes to bosnian football are our international players.
and džeko is special because he rose from the mud of our domestic league (seriously, mud. up to the players' knees) to premiership. it's a big deal to all of us.
and most of us do support A team. it's just that it's not this team for all of us, which is why you get the irritating posts like 'mcfc sucks' on an mcfc board. it IS silly, I know.
hope it makes some sense now - not that it's reasonable or anything :)

Dzeko is the Real Thing. His hattrick with his header, left leg & right leg shows that he is an outstanding striker with the skillset. A football cognoscenti is cognizant of that. Thats why I have given him top billing him in my blog.

Lest City fans forget let me remind them that his assists are brilliant better than the sneaky 'masterclass' Scholes ( a sorry footballer who can't head, can't tackle) whose only purpose is to ply Fergie Dark Arts.

I guess you must be new here bosanka. Never mind the drivel by so-called City fans who are actually fifth columnists, rags in disguise and their associated toadies and agent provacateurs. Those retards are what I labelled as MUstards and the drivel they spewed are called musTURDS.

Having say that they are really some cantankerous curmudgeons CTID fans who are impatient & wanted to have success right now if not yesterday. You have to excused them for our longsuffering years.

To wit Micah was panned & dissed by a number here, rightly or wrongly, but they have changed their tunes right now.

Be patient dear. I know they will eat humble pie once Dzeko comes good. Till then

Re: Dzeko

whether he likes it or not we all are have to support him to come out is best when he needs us the most,rather than making him give up like this.

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