Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

Andouble said:
the Bosnian contingent here are very short-sighted.

He will play, and he will play a lot. It's a squad game, we play twice a week for nearly six weeks in a row, he's in a new country, been training with his new mates for less than two months, and if you want the cold hard truth of it, he's not as good as Tevez or Balotelli at the moment. He's not going to leave, and if all the interviews and his body language say anything about it, he's accepted that it's a SQUAD game.

Well, we certainly apologize if we've offended anyone on here and I doubt that was the intention. Good thing he did acknowledge that it is a squad game, because that's the correct approach to it. And thank you for telling us what the "cold hart truth" is.

However, with your current squad and current tactics Dzeko won't be any better regardless of how long he stays here. There are few, if any, useful crosses in the box. Simple as that. And only Mancini knows why he had brought Dzeko.
Furthermore, most of the team relies on Tevez to produce something out of nothing. But when he gets tired, the entire front line apperas sluggish and disoriented. Mancini is either too stubborn, or to scared, to introduce any discipline in the team. Which is why frequent outbursts of Balotelli are tolerated.
With all this being said, I think you have some real gems in Kompany, De Jong, Silva and Micah Richards. These guys saved you plenty of times and I wish these young fellows have even more success in years to come. I would love to see you making the top 2 teams in your league. So good luck.
Re: Dzeko

Hare said:
Andouble said:
the Bosnian contingent here are very short-sighted.

He will play, and he will play a lot. It's a squad game, we play twice a week for nearly six weeks in a row, he's in a new country, been training with his new mates for less than two months, and if you want the cold hard truth of it, he's not as good as Tevez or Balotelli at the moment. He's not going to leave, and if all the interviews and his body language say anything about it, he's accepted that it's a SQUAD game.

Well, we certainly apologize if we've offended anyone on here and I doubt that was the intention. Good thing he did acknowledge that it is a squad game, because that's the correct approach to it. And thank you for telling us what the "cold hart truth" is.

However, with your current squad and current tactics Dzeko won't be any better regardless of how long he stays here. There are few, if any, useful crosses in the box. Simple as that. And only Mancini knows why he had brought Dzeko.
Furthermore, most of the team relies on Tevez to produce something out of nothing. But when he gets tired, the entire front line apperas sluggish and disoriented. Mancini is either too stubborn, or to scared, to introduce any discipline in the team. Which is why frequent outbursts of Balotelli are tolerated.
With all this being said, I think you have some real gems in Kompany, De Jong, Silva and Micah Richards. These guys saved you plenty of times and I wish these young fellows have even more success in years to come. I would love to see you making the top 2 teams in your league. So good luck.

I agree with all of this, Dzeko would score for fun in any team that provided crosses into the box. Mancini is asking him to play as a back to goal striker, which is all well and good but we wont get the most out of him.

Imagine Dzeko in the Spurs team he would be blitzing this league, but Mancini cant see this. As Hare said everything has to go through Tevez and as soon as he tires or becomes frustrated we offer nothing up top.

We should get the best out the squad that we have by playing people to their stregnths, rather than square pegs round holes etc.
Re: Dzeko

Do people support a team or a player?

Am I really seeing Dzeko fans following whatever team he plays for?
Re: Dzeko

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Do people support a team or a player?

Am I really seeing Dzeko fans following whatever team he plays for?

i think its normal. Bosnia is a little Country and dzeko is a sort of National Hero for many Bosnian guy, very normal.

unfortunally a few of them fail to give to dzeko the right time to adapt , they are hoping in immediate success so they are currently criticising the enviroment just to defend their idol. nothing new here.
Re: Dzeko

I dont think its true that bosnians always loved the club dzeko is playing in.I personally always tought wolfsburg is shit club :D I find it easy to support Man City,because I never liked manchester united.U got 2 of my 5 fav players in squad,so its kinda natural for me.Silva and dzeko XD

Of course u won't find many bosnians who were huge fans of city before dzeko arrived,because u werent really top club in those past years in Premier league,and we didnt watch u too much on TV either.

I like most of posters here,but few are huge cunts.They dont have basic football knowledge,and still are first to talk shit about club players.That won't do any good,and can make a wrong picture of city fans to someone who is reading the forum.I ll cheer for city,to finish top 4 and win Fa cup!I hope dzeko will contribute with few goals :Dcheers
Re: Dzeko

uncletom said:
bosanka wrote:
Never have I ever seen fans as bad as a few posters on here.
The abuse some of them give to their own (not just Džeko, although that bit annoys me the most, for obvious reasons) is beyond belief.
I said it a few times, I'm a Liverpool fan. Liverpool have been struggling for most of this season. They have underperformed, and that's an understatement. The only word one can find to describe some of their games is shite. And yet you can't find a single player, save for Poulsen, who was abused on any of the Liverpool forums.
Support your own, what's wrong with you?!
It's okay to see flaws. It's okay to want the best from (and for) your team. But for the life of me I can't see why would anyone think that what they're doing on here is called support.
That goes for 20sbc07 or what's his face. And a few others. You don't have to lavish praise, no one's expecting you to. But FFS, don't abuse.

And it would be great if this thread would just go down and Edin would stop being analyzed and inspected like a bloody lab specimen. Give it time, and judge him come the end of the season. Then either sell him, loan him, keep him, bench him, whatever. Just cut this kind of 'support' out. It's disgraceful.

Dont come on here lecturing us. Liverpool's website has been in meltdown all season and the stick Hodgson got was disgusting. Liverpool vented there anger at the Americans, we have no such worries with our owners. The situation is totally different. So you are not spot on like one poster said. Dzeko has not been playing like a 25 million pound centre forward and some City fans are frustrated. Lucas was getting it in the neck a couple of months ago, also call back to RAWK when the king kenny honeymoon period wears off, and report back with shit the Liverpool players are getting then.

sorry for quoting posts this long. and sorry for having this one below quite long. don't bother reading it if you've got anything better to do.
my dear, you'll notice I said you can't find a player who was abused. last time Roy was a player was in the 70s. the two tumors were most certainly not players. and for that price-tagging, isn't that what your media does? don't you find it annoying :) ? carroll hasn't been playing at all. lfc paid 35 million for a pine rider. has he been abused? the shit told about lucas? I believe it was last season. and it was all taken back by those same people the moment he improved. džeko scores two goals in one game for you, and all the shit-throwers have to say is 'it's weak opposition, it doesn't count'. he keeps you in the FA cup, and all they say is 'it's weak opposition, it doesn't count'. seriously. no support.
and the king kenny honeymoon period? well it seems to be over - last four games, one win. still no lashing out on individual players.
I never pretended to be anything on here. my nickname means 'a bosnian girl' (not that I expect you to understand bosnian, but I'm sure the bos- part is fairly revealing :) ), in one of my first posts I wrote that I support the bosnian national team, that džeko is the reason I'm on here, and when it comes to english club football, I support lfc, but will now watch and support mcfc against any other opposition. anyway, I'd very much prefer you winning the league title than having them *mutters profanities* brag with the 19.
and I'm not lecturing. I'm just amazed at the amount of shit some people are throwing at their own.

and I sure don't want this to turn into a fight. me supporting whoever I support is my individual thing, nothing to do with džeko. I'm sorry for bringing lfc into this at all. I do apologise to the other posters.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:37 pm --<br /><br />
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Do people support a team or a player?

Am I really seeing Dzeko fans following whatever team he plays for?

we have a pathetic domestic league. supporting our clubs nowadays only makes sense to the most hot-headed. after the war, not just football, but all sports kind of fell apart. so the only thing we have when it comes to bosnian football are our international players.
and džeko is special because he rose from the mud of our domestic league (seriously, mud. up to the players' knees) to premiership. it's a big deal to all of us.
and most of us do support A team. it's just that it's not this team for all of us, which is why you get the irritating posts like 'mcfc sucks' on an mcfc board. it IS silly, I know.
hope it makes some sense now - not that it's reasonable or anything :)

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