Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

hope he starts vs Chelsea, but can't see it.

It's almost like Mancini doesn't rate him.
Re: Dzeko

He'll be great next season. Has shown flashes of brilliance although frustrating at times. Once he's bedded into the Premiership he'll be a huge asset to the club.
Re: Dzeko

Andouble said:
hope he starts vs Chelsea, but can't see it.

It's almost like Mancini doesn't rate him.
I agree... also cant believe that Mancini left it that late to bring Edin on. The lad looks a fantastic player but obviously he wouldn't pick him over Balo coz of their relationship i think. We play well when Dzeko comes on, can hold the ball well and has got good strength. Would love to see him start vs Chelsea but Mancini will probably put Carlos up there with Silva just behind him and a midfield 4 of De jong Barry Toure and Milner.... Lets see...
Re: Dzeko

Andouble said:
hope he starts vs Chelsea, but can't see it.

It's almost like Mancini doesn't rate him.

He rates him but has found out the hard way that you can't bed players in easily mid-season. Even Torres, with 3 years experience in England, can't settle in Chelsea's team yet and has disrupted them (even when they play well he usually looks like a passenger). Dzeko will feature a lot more next season, if only the frothing Bosnian fans could see that instead of calling our club and manager clueless.
Re: Dzeko

Always harder for a player to settle when they are bought in in January. Hopefully next season will be a cracker for him.
Re: Dzeko

johnwaynebobbet said:
Always harder for a player to settle when they are bought in in January. Hopefully next season will be a cracker for him.
Yet he's scored 4 goals for us in the cups but didn't play against Reading and barely got a look in tonight.
Re: Dzeko

Dzeko is the Real Thing. His hattrick with his header, left leg & right leg shows that he is an outstanding striker with the skillset. A football cognoscenti is cognizant of that. Thats why I have given him top billing him in my blog.

Lest City fans forget let me remind them that his assists are brilliant better than the sneaky 'masterclass' Scholes ( a sorry footballer who can't head, can't tackle) whose only purpose is to ply Fergie Dark Arts.

I guess you must be new here bosanka. Never mind the drivel by so-called City fans who are actually fifth columnists, rags in disguise and their associated toadies and agent provacateurs. Those retards are what I labelled as MUstards and the drivel they spewed are called musTURDS.

Having say that they are really some cantankerous curmudgeons CTID fans who are impatient & wanted to have success right now if not yesterday. You have to excused them for our longsuffering years.

To wit Micah was panned & dissed by a number here, rightly or wrongly, but they have changed their tunes right now.

Be patient dear. I know they will eat humble pie once Dzeko comes good. Till then


Post of the year? Thank you sir
Re: Dzeko

Too bad his shot at 90' yesterday didn't go in. It was a great shot, but goalkeeper was perfectly positioned. Imagine such a goal in the last minute and on a birthday!
Re: Dzeko

Atebash said:
Too bad his shot at 90' yesterday didn't go in. It was a great shot, but goalkeeper was perfectly positioned. Imagine such a goal in the last minute and on a birthday!

That's what I was thinking... :-)

That goes in - and he's an f'in's a thin line, really... :-)

But what an amazing control on that play though!!! Two defenders on him, falling backwards, half turned - yet he takes that pass perfectly...talking about first touch (Mr. Benarbia)??!!
Re: Dzeko

He is so one paced its scary. He came on yday fresh as a daisy and barely touched it. Tevez must have thought fuck me I'm running non stop for 90 and this guy can't do ten.

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