Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

Atebash said:
You guys should be happy to have such amazing players in the roster of your team and stop comparing their talent and skills. It really doesn't matter if Tevez or Dzeko score more goals than Balo or vice versa, as long as the TEAM wins. And don't disrespect teams like Aris or any other team you face in Euro cups, especially at this stage. They might not be as strong as City, but they could still be able to beat and kick you out of the cup. That's the beauty of team sports :)

Good night and good luck vs Fulham and later vs Dinamo Kiev.

Like I said only three or four out of 10,000 users, lets bring some reason to this thread and go forwards.<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:23 am --<br /><br />
santasa said:
Petetheblu said:
And you sir show the image of the next king of the Premiership. Lets end this thread NOW!!!!


That must be the young prince then!!!
Re: Dzeko

Great and confident performance again last night. If he does it against a Premier League team, I will believe that we have a quality striker on our hands. His touch was a tiny bit off, but he is improving so much with every game. 4 goals in 9 games is a good record in a totally different country, and he looks so happy to be here.
Re: Dzeko

MotownBlue said:
I guess what I tire of is the tendency that many posters have to want everyone on the squad to be everything. Then, when an individual player shows what seems to be a lack of whatever part of everything the poster desires, they slag the player off. Does that make sense?

I'll try to explain.

Yes, I see Dzeko adjusting slowly to the pace and structure (and officiating, to be fair) of the English game. However, I have also seen things like today's display. So what if he got lucky with that touch leading up to the first goal? He put the ball into the net and that's what he's supposed to do.

I also saw (and yes I know it was Notts County) him drift into the box last weekend as soon as he saw the ball laid off to Carlos, and then I saw Tevez find him with a perfectly floated cross which he buried in the net. I also saw him two-touch a perfect through ball to Tevez for his goal that game. That took vision and coordination and looked nothing like an elephant.

Dzeko is not supposed to be fluid like Silva. Ever see Crouchy run, for fuck's sake? Looks like a drunken giraffe. But that drunken giraffe rose last spring to meet the ball and buried a dagger into our collective hearts. That is, I believe, what Dzeko will do more and more for us and to others.

He is a big, lanky, poaching striker. His play is getting more and more settled. He looks happy to be here. He will score goals for us. He gives us another dimension and he gives Bobby Manc another type of weapon in our striking arsenal.

Patience, Blue Army. We're coming better and better and it is as exciting as fuck. Edin Dzeko is already a pert of it, and I am confident his part will grow.

ever since i watched Madagascar i have thought the same!
Re: Dzeko


Re: Dzeko

Benarbia said:
Touch of an elephant.

... without a decent crosser of the ball he won't shine.

He is turd at the moment how can you not see that, yes he may come good but at the moment he is diabolical.

Haha yet to prove anything goals against Notts County and this lot prove nothing.

Re: Dzeko

Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Benarbia said:
Touch of an elephant.

... without a decent crosser of the ball he won't shine.

He is turd at the moment how can you not see that, yes he may come good but at the moment he is diabolical.

Haha yet to prove anything goals against Notts County and this lot prove nothing.



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