Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

taconinja said:
Armaan said:
sorry mate but that guy is 100% right. The first was a lucky howler by the defender, the second was all down to dzeko. We dont have the players to supply dzeko im afraid, he thrives on crosses and none of our players can seem to cross a ball. The lads a class player, would do great at somewhere like tottenham with pace on the wings such as bale and lennon
You're incorrect. The second part of that scoreline--the zero--tells you that you're wrong. Dzeko didn't prevent them from scoring. The team did. The match--like all matches--is a team effort.
You cant say the same about our attacking can you? I know what you mean but without those 2 dzeko goals who knows if we would have gone through.
Re: Dzeko

Armaan said:
You cant say the same about our attacking can you? I know what you mean but without those 2 dzeko goals who knows if we would have gone through.
Do me a favor and just read what you said again and think about it.

Of course, we would probably have not gone through if someone hadn't scored. There's a difference between "team effort" and "no individual excellence." You always need some members to perform at a high level, but it's nearly impossible for a single player to determine a match. Yesterday is a good example. Mario had a moment of brilliance, but it wasn't a good enough team effort to support that moment and carry through for a win.
Re: Dzeko

Well how could you be so sure that we would have gone through? Anyway forget that mate theres really no point having an argument about this im too busy at work lol
Re: Dzeko

Armaan said:
Well how could you be so sure that we would have gone through? Anyway forget that mate theres really no point having an argument about this im too busy at work lol
I suspect it's less an argument and more miscommunication.
Re: Dzeko

svennis pennis said:
For those that claim the likes of Benarbia and myself only see Dzeko when out there. You couldnt be more wrong, we see the team. We haven't supported City since January and Dzeko signed like many of those contributing anger and petty insults in this thread. If and when Dzeko leaves us you will all leave with him. I suggest it is those that have decided to support us in the last few weeks that only see Dzeko.

My concern is for the team and he does not fit our system in the premier league. We cant provide him with the ammunition he needs with the injuries we have. Dzeko has many strengths, we are however not currently playing to them. He does not fit into a slow tempo passing game where close control is necessary. We need to stretch the game to get him involved and hit him with crosses. As Freestyler suggested. He received none yesterday. This is not a fault of Edins, but we cannot be adopting a whole new system at this late stage of the season and risk blowing our top four chances. We can however play without him in our system like we have pre January and I really hope we stop trying to shoe horn him into the side whilst the like of Balo and Tevez are fit. Its no coincedence Tevez hasnt even got near the goal in the last couple of games with Dzeko in his position. We played much better when Edin went off yesterday and thats unfortunate for him but until the likes of AJ are fit he is going to really struggle.

I imagine if you were to ask straight up to Bluemoon now, if you could choose only one of Tevez and Dzeko to start 90% would choose Carlos and the other 10% would be those who voted Dzeko player of the month for January.

Dzeko did not start against ManUnt. When did we score?
Re: Dzeko

svennis pennis said:
For those that claim the likes of Benarbia and myself only see Dzeko when out there. You couldnt be more wrong, we see the team. We haven't supported City since January and Dzeko signed like many of those contributing anger and petty insults in this thread. If and when Dzeko leaves us you will all leave with him. I suggest it is those that have decided to support us in the last few weeks that only see Dzeko.

My concern is for the team and he does not fit our system in the premier league. We cant provide him with the ammunition he needs with the injuries we have. Dzeko has many strengths, we are however not currently playing to them. He does not fit into a slow tempo passing game where close control is necessary. We need to stretch the game to get him involved and hit him with crosses. As Freestyler suggested. He received none yesterday. This is not a fault of Edins, but we cannot be adopting a whole new system at this late stage of the season and risk blowing our top four chances. We can however play without him in our system like we have pre January and I really hope we stop trying to shoe horn him into the side whilst the like of Balo and Tevez are fit. Its no coincedence Tevez hasnt even got near the goal in the last couple of games with Dzeko in his position. We played much better when Edin went off yesterday and thats unfortunate for him but until the likes of AJ are fit he is going to really struggle.

I imagine if you were to ask straight up to Bluemoon now, if you could choose only one of Tevez and Dzeko to start 90% would choose Carlos and the other 10% would be those who voted Dzeko player of the month for January.

Svennis - first off - your claims and benarbia's claims are completely different. For one - you do not completely diss Edin as a player, and two - you also have rationale behind your claims whilst benarbia simply talks out of his a$$.

That said - I must disagree with some (not all) points you made above.

If I had to chose between Tev and Dzeko starting - I would chose Tev, no question. Now, with Balotelli its a different story, thus I think Tev and Dzeko should be starting (for variety of reasons that I can't get into right now).

I also disagree that he does not fit the system - I have watched him long enough and I think people are over-emphasizing The Crosses. Is that where he thrives - yes. Is that the only way he can be deadly - hell NO. Watch as many of his goals as you can - and see how many came from'd be surprised.

You are right that it is not coincidence that Tevez has been off the last couple of games - but while you see Dzeko as a cause I see a blatant lack of creative midfield play as an obvious reason why BOTH OF THEM (all three if you will, cause Balo isnt really shining either) are struggling. Do you think it is possible that our play yesterday picked up not because Dzeko left but because it was last quarter of the game and we naturally picked up the pace. The end result was the same though, am I wrong?

So - I really don't think Mancini needs to change the world to accomodate Edin like you seem to believe. How about some simple fucking consistency? How about let the lad play for a while with Silva and Tevez, and mix up that pathetic midfield a bit?

Look - this team's offensive production sucks lately (bare few great individual efforts) and that goes for all three of them (Dzeko, Balo, Tevez). Now seriously think about that for a while, and then honestly tell me Edin is the reason. No mate - defensive All-Stars midfield we're currently fielding is the reason. Last night without Silva especially.
Re: Dzeko

you guys are funny :) really! claiming that dzeko is the reason for city playing honestly like shit is really funny!
instead of dzeko i would accuse mancini and his whole team for many reasons,..
bad jugdmend, bad tactics, etc
and dzekos transfer to city is for many bosnians a huge mistake cuz city is not as big as juve or milan (dzekos prefered choises) i mean u gotta admit tevez is gonna leave city for a bigger club, balo is looking forward to go back to italy, a lot of players had declined offers from city and so on,...
and dzeko doesnt fit in the squad and city system, can say whatever you want about dzeko, but he is one of the best in the world. i hope he playes bad really really bad until summer so you can sell him to milan or juve or even back to bundesliga everything is better than city with mancini and current selfish squad.
dont get me wrong i like city but i love dzeko more i want him to play at his best so he can be better for our national team.
Re: Dzeko

We dont have to cross it to him 50 times a game, he'll score regardless but not with the SHIT midfield we currently are trying out. I think once we get the midfield settled everything will come good, im just impatient.

And to the rag above me, fuck off if you hate this club so much ****.
Re: Dzeko

Surely Dzeko hasn't already scored goals, created chances, and got lots of decent attempts too. His signature wasn't even on the contract or people would call him shit.

Give it time and give Mancini time to find a system that works.
Re: Dzeko

BosnianDiamond said:
Benarbia said:
Touch of an elephant

Fuck you he kept us in the game you ****. Why don't you rag on Tevez for not doing shite.

I've no idea who you are - but pretty sure you're not very good company! Sometimes you have to just shake your head in disbelief that human beings exist like you.

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