Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

He could be a little more smug if he'd scored against Fulham rather than some third rate pub team
Re: Dzeko

If Kolarov had done the obvious and simply sent in a low cross, odds are 90 to 1 that Džeko would have scored the tap-in goal and we wouldn't even be having this discussion. The problem today was not any individual (save perhaps for Kolarov) but the fact that, with Silva out, we had a midfield with very, very little creativity. That's exactly what Mancini tried to fix by subbing in Viera and pushing Yaya further up, but Yaya, no matter what he says, is not a true attacking midfielder, and our lack of a suitable replacement for Silva is what ultimately did us in.
Re: Dzeko

Benarbia said:
The point I am making is that Dzeko has been pretty much abysmal in every league match he's played pretty straight forward tbh - yet people seem to want to hound me for having this opinion

Benarbia - few days back I thought only your football knowledge was questionable...however, you now appear straight up idiot. Honestly.

No matter what happens on the field, all you see is Dzeko. I don't understand the agenda, but I know it's there - so I will just stop trying to prove you otherwise, it's pointless.

Todays performance by the entire team was shait - but (of course) all you see is Dzeko. Fact: today Dzeko played far better than Tevez. Fact 2: Yaya, Kolarov (especially), Tevez, Boateng, and even Balo - all - played like I really don't see how any ofa that is Edin's fault and just what the F do you expect the kid to do on a disasterous day like today. You truly are a waist of time.<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:56 pm --<br /><br />
Nurah said:
If Kolarov had done the obvious and simply sent in a low cross, odds are 90 to 1 that Džeko would have scored the tap-in goal and we wouldn't even be having this discussion. The problem today was not any individual (save perhaps for Kolarov) but the fact that, with Silva out, we had a midfield with very, very little creativity. That's exactly what Mancini tried to fix by subbing in Viera and pushing Yaya further up, but Yaya, no matter what he says, is not a true attacking midfielder, and our lack of a suitable replacement for Silva is what ultimately did us in.

Nurah - I tip my hat to you my friend - this assessment is right on the money and something that is so obvious that it is starting to bother me.

Midfield play of this team is inexusably bad. WITH Silva. So imagine what it looks like without him.

That's why I was really pissed by Mancini's sub today. He takes Dzeko out for...Vieira? Another defensive player? So at one point we had Barry, Yaya, Vieira as people who are supposed to distribute to forwards? You gotta be kidding.

No matter what happens, this team's biggest need next year is creative midfielder along Silva. Enough of this all-time defensive, no ball control midfield bullocks. Otherwise it wont matter who we have up front. Guys like Dzeko and Balotelli will never play up to their potential without service. PERIOD.
Re: Dzeko

LoveCity said:
What's with the City fans and their personal, almost pathological agendas against visibly talented individuals on this board. Berbarbia with Dzeko, Sabster with De Jong. I'm sure there are others but those two stand out, a bizarre desire to see those players failure. If it was someone genuinely bad like Jo I wouldn't raise an eyebrow but these are good players.

Its just their opinion.Dont blame them,blame those who gave freedom of speech(opinion) to every damn hater idiot.
Re: Dzeko

Im happy Milner is back!!!

Only Balotelli was quite good and willing to play, all other Players didnt made an fresh look.

City aint the first Team who lost an League Match on Weekend after playing European Game in the Middle of the Week.
Re: Dzeko

EaglesFan said:
No matter what happens, this team's biggest need next year is creative midfielder along Silva.

Yes, and ideally this would be a player who is comfortable both in the #10 role and out wide - a so-called "central winger"
Re: Dzeko

balkanno said:
Im happy Milner is back!!!

Only Balotelli was quite good and willing to play, all other Players didnt made an fresh look.

City aint the first Team who lost an League Match on Weekend after playing European Game in the Middle of the Week.

oi knob jocky we didnt lose. a point is a point. something spurs failed to get in their last game.
Re: Dzeko

Nurah said:
If Kolarov had done the obvious and simply sent in a low cross, odds are 90 to 1 that Džeko would have scored the tap-in goal and we wouldn't even be having this discussion. The problem today was not any individual (save perhaps for Kolarov) but the fact that, with Silva out, we had a midfield with very, very little creativity. That's exactly what Mancini tried to fix by subbing in Viera and pushing Yaya further up, but Yaya, no matter what he says, is not a true attacking midfielder, and our lack of a suitable replacement for Silva is what ultimately did us in.
too right mate- you have to do the simple thing- going for glory just does not work- we had three chances to score and missed them - it could have been 4-1 and instead we are just pissed off now with two cockney teams just breathing down our necks-

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