Dzeko Not Happy With Current Setup - Quotes

Mister Appointment said:
SWP's back said:
No, I am criticising him for saying “I am too good for the bench. If I continue to sit matches out, then anything is possible.” to the press and that , as I did when Hart said similar. I would say the same about Balotelli or Richards or Kolarov or Clichy.

There is no place for it and it puts pressure on the management.

Jeez you're a tough character! :)

I guess I try and look at these things from all points of view and not just the view of a City supporter but I fully respect that others may have no interest in seeing things from any point of view other than that of a dyed in the wool Blue.
Don't get me wrong, I want those that aren't playing to be banging of the gaffers door and saying that to him, as I am sure Mancini does. I just don't think the papers are the place to air them.
ABU inc GDR said:
Dzeko is 4th choice striker because Mancini having seen him in training and games believes the other 3 are better than him. Most fans would agree Tevez and Aguero are better, I think Dzeko would concede this too. The probelm is when Ballotelli gets the nod in front of him and this was exactly the same probelm Tevez had.

I personaly prefer Ballotelli to Dzeko, but his behaviour off the pitch would get him suspended for 4 or 5 games a season at any other club and his behaviour on the pitch has been an unaceptable. He behaves like a bid child and yet seems to get away with it all the time, Dzeko behaves like a good pro and for this reason I would play him before Ballotelli until he has a change in attitude.

Dzeko does need to improve his performances, he is not worth the 27mill we payed for him, his touch and his positional play is poor, he is lazy at times and you have to question his mental strength when he's complaining about being on the bench and not fighting for a start.

Fook me, I've read some sh*te today...
SWP's back said:
I just don't think the papers are the place to air them.

In a perfect world I would agree with that 100%. Anyway the important thing for me is that the four forwards we have make up the most potent strike force in all of Europe. We may not have a Messi or a Ronaldo, but no-one else has that kind of quality across four forward positions. Not even the mighty Barcelona imo.
Super David Silva 21 said:

City Watch

Spurs will abandon their attempts to sign Adebayor on a permanent deal & will now go after Edin Dzeko instead

If levy went for Dzeko I hope Khaldoon punches him before any words in anticipation of the twirl and bag of skips he will offer us for him.
peoffrey said:
pudge said:
So his 14 goals give a false impression to his performances?

Yes he played extremely poorly at times, but once again I'm merely highlighting that he is not a "shit" football player as you [CityCTID] has said, and SWP's Back must think it as well.

4 against Spurs leaves just 10 for the rest of the season. Aguero scored twice that (and more) with Tevez now looking sharp as in pre-season and a more natural strike partner for Aguero.

I do like Dzeko and he seems to be a decent Lad - but there's better at the Club and better elsewhere. He doesn't look like a Champions League winner.
And I agree!!

BUT as a football player, taking his entire career to date into consideration, he is not "shit". True?
Super David Silva 21 said:

City Watch

Spurs will abandon their attempts to sign Adebayor on a permanent deal & will now go after Edin Dzeko instead

Be suicide to sell Dzeko to another prem club especially the spuds. Bale and Lennon whipping in crosses for Dzeko he'd bag 20+ goals easily.
No No NO, Edin to any prem side will kill us for sure, even with the "not against us clause", one more time, better with than without him. !!
pudge said:
peoffrey said:
pudge said:
So his 14 goals give a false impression to his performances?

Yes he played extremely poorly at times, but once again I'm merely highlighting that he is not a "shit" football player as you [CityCTID] has said, and SWP's Back must think it as well.

4 against Spurs leaves just 10 for the rest of the season. Aguero scored twice that (and more) with Tevez now looking sharp as in pre-season and a more natural strike partner for Aguero.

I do like Dzeko and he seems to be a decent Lad - but there's better at the Club and better elsewhere. He doesn't look like a Champions League winner.
And I agree!!

BUT as a football player, taking his entire career to date into consideration, he is not "shit". True?

Was that aimed at me? He's not shit and I don't recall saying I thought he was. I like him but my two reasons for his departure are that he's not versatile enough and he's unlikely to get that run of matches he needs to boost his confidence. However, I want him replaced before he does go as Aguero, Tevez and Balotelli isn't enough.
peoffrey said:
pudge said:
peoffrey said:
4 against Spurs leaves just 10 for the rest of the season. Aguero scored twice that (and more) with Tevez now looking sharp as in pre-season and a more natural strike partner for Aguero.

I do like Dzeko and he seems to be a decent Lad - but there's better at the Club and better elsewhere. He doesn't look like a Champions League winner.
And I agree!!

BUT as a football player, taking his entire career to date into consideration, he is not "shit". True?

Was that aimed at me? He's not shit and I don't recall saying I thought he was. I like him but my two reasons for his departure are that he's not versatile enough and he's unlikely to get that run of matches he needs to boost his confidence. However, I want him replaced before he does go as Aguero, Tevez and Balotelli isn't enough.
It wasn't aimed at you, It was aimed at CityCTID who said in relation to Dzeko;
CityCTID said:
You are shit that's why!
I was merely pointing out that he is clearly not "shit" and this converstaion has somehow spawned lol

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