Dzeko's Incredible Goals:Min Ratio

yup.. we can criticize all we want, but it's city people who are singing to him match after match, not us.. :-) this thread should be locked.
Tbh, I feel a little weird trying to explain the frustration since I personally haven't really been involved in it for a while. I felt compelled to post at first, when Dzeko just joined, but I more or less jumped ship when I saw where it was headed. I feel a little embarrassed to get involved in it again, but I'm glad that some of you found my post thoughtful and well balanced. I'm also glad that there are still a lot of reasonable and very knowledgeable posters on here, so cheers.

I agree with all the frustrations City fans have listed. Like I said, it's embarrassing to see, for example, someone come on here to say they hope Nasri breaks his leg. That's obviously more on the extreme end, but still, it's all hard to explain... it definitely gives the rest of us (Bosnians) a bad name. Part of it is that many of us take our football, our footballers and Džeko in particular far more seriously (and personally) than we should. Part of it is that for a lot of us, what others think about us is a lot more important than we'd like to admit. I'd like to think this doesn't include me, but it is what it is. It also doesn't justify anything... if I was in City fans' place, I'd probably feel the same way.

I do feel, like I said, that some of the criticism of Džeko has been especially harsh, but then some of you guys have a point in that there's a lot of pretty brutal stuff said on here about almost all the players. Maybe the real lesson to take is that modern football has made fans particularly nasty, or at least that it comes off that way on the internet. No offense, but this is one of the most lax moderated forums I have ever seen... I think the mods should be much, much tougher.

Me personally, I know Džeko is a world class CF, and nothing someone says on an internet forum can convince me otherwise or bother me that much. I hope the other Bosnian fans can come around to this view and cool down a bit on this forum. I also hope City fans don't generalize all of us based on the handful of more extreme cases. Finally I hope the mods will be a lot tougher in handing out bans... if some idiot says Nasri should break his leg, he should be banned outright, not allowed to start a ridiculous, 10-page conversation.

Ultimately I think that Džeko will be a mainstay for a trophy-winning Man City side for many years to come, and as time passes I think this will make this whole issue evaporate.
I am Bosnian (obviously) and want Dzeko to do well, but also the entire team whether he's on the pitch or not. I will never put down another City player just because of Dzeko. It is quite annoying to see both extremes, the Dzeko haters who can't wait for him to make a bad pass or miss a shot on goal and act like the guy did not break records int he Bundesliga. I think he will be the top Premier League scorer this year, he's only warming and will score at least 30 goals.

That said, I think Aguero and Balotelli are both fabulous players and I want them each to score 30 goals too!

So to the Bosnians who go way overboard in defending're only making the matters worse and encouraging the criticism and scrutiny. He is only one player. Nobody is irreplaceable but I believe that Dzeko will continue to score and his goals will speak for themselves so there is really no need for any of us to defend him :)

BosnianDiamond said:
I am Bosnian (obviously) and want Dzeko to do well, but also the entire team whether he's on the pitch or not. I will never put down another City player just because of Dzeko. It is quite annoying to see both extremes, the Dzeko haters who can't wait for him to make a bad pass or miss a shot on goal and act like the guy did not break records int he Bundesliga. I think he will be the top Premier League scorer this year, he's only warming and will score at least 30 goals.

That said, I think Aguero and Balotelli are both fabulous players and I want them each to score 30 goals too!

So to the Bosnians who go way overboard in defending're only making the matters worse and encouraging the criticism and scrutiny. He is only one player. Nobody is irreplaceable but I believe that Dzeko will continue to score and his goals will speak for themselves so there is really no need for any of us to defend him :)


good post, but there will always be haters, believe it or not there are still a minority who don't like mancini still. it's always going to happen. it was the same with tevez every time he didn't perform.

the match going crowd are definitely behind dzeko and i'm sure the majority on here are as well.
ban-mcfc said:
BosnianDiamond said:
I am Bosnian (obviously) and want Dzeko to do well, but also the entire team whether he's on the pitch or not. I will never put down another City player just because of Dzeko. It is quite annoying to see both extremes, the Dzeko haters who can't wait for him to make a bad pass or miss a shot on goal and act like the guy did not break records int he Bundesliga. I think he will be the top Premier League scorer this year, he's only warming and will score at least 30 goals.

That said, I think Aguero and Balotelli are both fabulous players and I want them each to score 30 goals too!

So to the Bosnians who go way overboard in defending're only making the matters worse and encouraging the criticism and scrutiny. He is only one player. Nobody is irreplaceable but I believe that Dzeko will continue to score and his goals will speak for themselves so there is really no need for any of us to defend him :)


good post, but there will always be haters, believe it or not there are still a minority who don't like mancini still. it's always going to happen. it was the same with tevez every time he didn't perform.

the match going crowd are definitely behind dzeko and i'm sure the majority on here are as well.
I do realize this mate and I will try my best to ignore those haters. I joined this message board to learn more about the team and keep up with the latest news. I will ignore the bashing threads, especially the matchday discussion where it's nothing but a bunch of moaners who expect to score every 5 mins and posess the ball 80% of the time. Most of those guys know nothing about football and don't realize how hard it is to be consistently good. We are witnessing historical rise of City into the best club in the world! That is why Dzeko is smiling all the time and Silva publicly saying he's staying put because they love winning and know they are putting together something special.
BosnianDiamond said:
ban-mcfc said:
BosnianDiamond said:
I am Bosnian (obviously) and want Dzeko to do well, but also the entire team whether he's on the pitch or not. I will never put down another City player just because of Dzeko. It is quite annoying to see both extremes, the Dzeko haters who can't wait for him to make a bad pass or miss a shot on goal and act like the guy did not break records int he Bundesliga. I think he will be the top Premier League scorer this year, he's only warming and will score at least 30 goals.

That said, I think Aguero and Balotelli are both fabulous players and I want them each to score 30 goals too!

So to the Bosnians who go way overboard in defending're only making the matters worse and encouraging the criticism and scrutiny. He is only one player. Nobody is irreplaceable but I believe that Dzeko will continue to score and his goals will speak for themselves so there is really no need for any of us to defend him :)


good post, but there will always be haters, believe it or not there are still a minority who don't like mancini still. it's always going to happen. it was the same with tevez every time he didn't perform.

the match going crowd are definitely behind dzeko and i'm sure the majority on here are as well.
I do realize this mate and I will try my best to ignore those haters. I joined this message board to learn more about the team and keep up with the latest news. I will ignore the bashing threads, especially the matchday discussion where it's nothing but a bunch of moaners who expect to score every 5 mins and posess the ball 80% of the time. Most of those guys know nothing about football and don't realize how hard it is to be consistently good. We are witnessing historical rise of City into the best club in the world! That is why Dzeko is smiling all the time and Silva publicly saying he's staying put because they love winning and know they are putting together something special.

i don't think it's to do with them not knowing about football, i just think people want us to win so badly they post knee-jerk reactions to everything during the game, i've contributed to a lot of matchday threads myself ;)

i'm not sure how much you know about city's past but we have a huge habit of fucking things up, so whilst the game is on, everyone lives in fear lol.

anyway in regards to dzeko, i'm sure you remember this forum making him out to be the second coming after spurs away, but then after villareal he got loads of stick. football fans are just fickle tis all.
kalouk said:
Majstore said:
We have 2 extremes here. One side being certain Bosnians (Not all) praising Dzeko and talking trash about other players and the other side being complete Dzeko haters. Both sides should be banned haha. That way we'll have only the sane English and Bosnian fans left.

I think you have hit the nail on the head about extremes. I read the sometimes harsh comments about Dzeko and do feel it is uncalled for because for me it is as simple as he is getting goals for us, which is all that counts, not how, why or how quickly, the ball is going in the back of the net and that is all that matters. On the other hand, as someone who really likes Dzeko, I dread seeing threads on him on here because it always descends into lunacy and it's starting to spread to other threads. I don't understand why people are going on threads people have started to talk about Aguero or Balotelli and dragging the Dzeko madness into them. It doesn't help Dzeko and as someone else said I don't think he would want it. Maybe the time has come to take a step back and glory in the fact we have three amazing players, all of them performing for us and are making us the envy of the rest of the League. I love them all and think we should rejoice in their differences, we have a player for every scenario and I believe that is something to celebrated. Why when everything is so good for us are we picking them apart and finding faults in one to prove the other is better. The answer to all this is simple to me, they are all bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said. I'm Bosnian myself. But I try to remain as unbiased as possible becaue I also hate how some people will put down other players in our team to try and boost someone else (in this case Dzeko). I may have started following City because of Dzeko but I consider myself a City fan now and will consider myself one after. City is basically my first "club"; never had a previous favorite club. I do find it annoying that some people slag Edin off all the time even when he performs well; same goes for when people praise him even though he might not be doing well. I'm the first person to get on Dzeko's back when he's not performing up to his standard!
Nurah said:
The whole situation is a big mess. As a Bosnian, it's pretty embarrassing to read some of the comments on this board, but it's not even just that. If you go on or youtube, some of the comments about the France game, or the upcoming Portugal ties... they're pretty embarrassing as well.

I'm not sure what it is exactly. I think there might be a couple of different factors. Perhaps it's that football and the internet naturally attract a lot of immature people and people with issues and so you kind of see the worst of society. Perhaps there's just a lot of bitterness, anger, chauvinism and borderline racism that's been amplified by the war and the tough situation that a lot of Bosnians find themselves in. Maybe our piece of shit, sensationalist media drum a chronic sense of injustice into people's heads. Maybe the relatively good English of a lot of Bosnians means you have the privilege of seeing this all come out more than you would with certain other groups.

Then there are the pieces that aren't inherently negative. Dzeko is a national hero. We have a very strong claim to being the most football-obsessed people in the world. It's tied in to a lot of things bigger than just the football and so people take criticism more personally.

But even given all this, there are still times when I'm left frustrated by some of the City fans. Another poster said it well earlier. It's not just that all players receive their fair share of abuse with criticism, with Dzeko it seems particularly harsh. He's been around for years, he's proven himself on every conceivable level by now and yet you still have people microanalyzing every little detail of his games and then making these ridiculous pronouncements about him and his basic talent, playing style, etc.

It's ridiculous to keep hearing "He has no pace" (really not that slow guys...), "First touch of an elephant" (Inconsistent, yes, but then sometimes fantastic), "He needs crosses!" (i.e. he can't function any other way - not true), "He's not as talented as Balo/Kun/whoever (what the hell does that even mean?), "He's just a goal poacher, you can't expect him to do anything else" (Also ridiculous) ... the list goes on and on and on.

How many times do you hear this kind of basic stuff about other City players? Yeah, Tevez is selfish and Mario is crazy, but that's really about it... nowhere near the kind of basic football criticism Dzeko is getting, and that Dzeko has been getting regularly since almost day 1.

Yeah, it's a little annoying. If Tevez or Aguerro or whoever have a bad game, people will criticize them but they'll usually put it down to bad form or bad luck. Sometimes they'll blame the team as a whole. And if one of them scores a goal and assists while going missing for portions of the game, no one really mentions it, at least not the way people do with Dzeko.

I guess what it comes down to is, everyone recognizes that, say, Aguerro is a good footballer, and when he messes up in one game, much less "goes missing" for nine minutes between a goal and an assist, people generally forgive him. But if Dzeko makes the same mistake, then it brings into question whether he's even a good footballer. Maybe it's because he's not from Brazil or Argentina or some trendy country like that, maybe because he's not a small pacey forward, maybe his Bosnian fanbase doesn't help this and maybe it's a combination of all these things. I'm not sure what it is, but I've noticed a double standard either way.

well said brah

I think both sides are going overboard at times, its a combination. But stuff like this happens on a lot of forums, especially if they aren't moded well. I participate at a few forums where you have to back almost everything up, be constructive without flaming and disrespecting. This board has seen a lot of us bosnian fans migrate over this year and its hard to keep everyone in check. This might die down, I just hope Dzeko continues to play well and this might end quicker than expected.
Frank H said:
kenzie115 said:
Massive_Shroom said:
Yaya is shit most games and goes missing against smaller teams but just like Edin he comes up with the goods when it's needed that's why there top players but yaya gets nowhere near as much stick as dzeko

If you're going to open up with that you can't really expect anybody to read the rest of your post, let alone take it seriously.
Yes. And, once again a Dzeko fan makes his "point" by slagging off another City player.

As I posted earlier, Dzeko seems a decent fellow, and I suspect would be embarassed and upset by what is so often posted in this forum by his "fans".
The point I was making is that yaya comes good when we need him most like dzeko. I would never slag either of them I was making an example

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