Dzeko's Incredible Goals:Min Ratio

Nurah said:
The whole situation is a big mess. As a Bosnian, it's pretty embarrassing to read some of the comments on this board, but it's not even just that. If you go on or youtube, some of the comments about the France game, or the upcoming Portugal ties... they're pretty embarrassing as well.

I'm not sure what it is exactly. I think there might be a couple of different factors. Perhaps it's that football and the internet naturally attract a lot of immature people and people with issues and so you kind of see the worst of society. Perhaps there's just a lot of bitterness, anger, chauvinism and borderline racism that's been amplified by the war and the tough situation that a lot of Bosnians find themselves in. Maybe our piece of shit, sensationalist media drum a chronic sense of injustice into people's heads. Maybe the relatively good English of a lot of Bosnians means you have the privilege of seeing this all come out more than you would with certain other groups.

Then there are the pieces that aren't inherently negative. Dzeko is a national hero. We have a very strong claim to being the most football-obsessed people in the world. It's tied in to a lot of things bigger than just the football and so people take criticism more personally.

But even given all this, there are still times when I'm left frustrated by some of the City fans. Another poster said it well earlier. It's not just that all players receive their fair share of abuse with criticism, with Dzeko it seems particularly harsh. He's been around for years, he's proven himself on every conceivable level by now and yet you still have people microanalyzing every little detail of his games and then making these ridiculous pronouncements about him and his basic talent, playing style, etc.

It's ridiculous to keep hearing "He has no pace" (really not that slow guys...), "First touch of an elephant" (Inconsistent, yes, but then sometimes fantastic), "He needs crosses!" (i.e. he can't function any other way - not true), "He's not as talented as Balo/Kun/whoever (what the hell does that even mean?), "He's just a goal poacher, you can't expect him to do anything else" (Also ridiculous) ... the list goes on and on and on.

How many times do you hear this kind of basic stuff about other City players? Yeah, Tevez is selfish and Mario is crazy, but that's really about it... nowhere near the kind of basic football criticism Dzeko is getting, and that Dzeko has been getting regularly since almost day 1.

Yeah, it's a little annoying. If Tevez or Aguerro or whoever have a bad game, people will criticize them but they'll usually put it down to bad form or bad luck. Sometimes they'll blame the team as a whole. And if one of them scores a goal and assists while going missing for portions of the game, no one really mentions it, at least not the way people do with Dzeko.

I guess what it comes down to is, everyone recognizes that, say, Aguerro is a good footballer, and when he messes up in one game, much less "goes missing" for nine minutes between a goal and an assist, people generally forgive him. But if Dzeko makes the same mistake, then it brings into question whether he's even a good footballer. Maybe it's because he's not from Brazil or Argentina or some trendy country like that, maybe because he's not a small pacey forward, maybe his Bosnian fanbase doesn't help this and maybe it's a combination of all these things. I'm not sure what it is, but I've noticed a double standard either way.

Really a great post. I'm not Bosnian but I agree with your summation. Threads praising our players will turn into wankfests unless they're about Dzeko (like this thread). Threads praising Dzeko turn into criticism-fests where people just slag him off for scoring and assisting his teammates.

He is well on his way to another golden boot award yet if you went by the comments on bluemoon (not all, but some) you would think that City was miles better off with Jo than with Dzeko. This is why some of the Bosnian fans seem so defensive, as far as I can tell. To add to all this, the Dzeko-slating comes from a few posters over and over again, and these are the ones that tend to have multi-page arguments about him.

We might as well get used to all of this though. Those that aren't convinced by Dzeko have had their mind made up since day one, and that's really not going to change. Of course, this will piss off the Dzeko defenders (not just Bosnians, either) and the war of words will continue on bluemoon forever!
I long for the day that all City fans support all the players and not moan about a poor touch or a missed chance. unfortunately there will always be some who are never happy unless they moan or boo the players even when we win or the player plays a blinder.
Apologies if it's been put somewhere already, but good Bosnia/Dzeko article in the Observer yesterday

A cold autumn mist seasoned with woodsmoke hangs over the stadium on what was no man's land during Sarajevo's four-year siege – the first Serbian machine-gun post was just behind the goal where the "maniac crew" of Željeznicar Sarajevo sing and the electronic scoreboard now stands. Tonight, it shows a result of 2-0 in favour of Željeznicar against Celik Zenica in the Bosnian cup.

Not long ago, one of those players in blue for "Željo" – the rail workers' team when founded in 1921 (željeznicar means railway) – was Edin Džeko, now of Manchester City and among the greatest Bosnian players ever. On Friday, Džeko will lead the attack in the most important game that his country has ever played – a first leg against Portugal for a place in next year's European championships.

Not only would victory give a country that still bears the scars of war its redemptive first-ever berth in an international competition, but it would also come after an atrocious year for football in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

There are no away fans at Željeznicar's stadium tonight, nor are there any at any game in Bosnia. A ban was imposed after fierce ethnic fighting at four recent matches, involving all three ethnicities and all three Sarajevo teams. In Bosnia, until now, most Bosnian Serbs have supported Serbia, most Bosnian Croats have supported Croatia and the fan base for the Bosnian national team has been mostly Muslim, or "Bosniak". The organisation of the game has until now reflected the legacies of war. The Bosnian football association was run by political appointees unconnected to the game, ensuring that it was servile to ethnic interests. These were a Muslim former minister for police, a Croat general and a direct appointee of Milorad Dodik, the president of the Bosnian Serb statelet within Bosnia, whose avowed programme is to wreck any state-wide institution.

All this is now changing, however, and Friday's game puts the changes to the test. Throughout, the Bosnian national side itself – and teams like FK Sarajevo – have on the pitch been the country's only functioning multi-ethnic organisations. There is no ethnic veto over a pass down the wing or a cross into the penalty area. Džeko is a Bosniak Muslim; the national team's most experienced player and co-captain Zvjezdan Misimovic is Serb; the defender Boris Pandža is Croat.

In support of this groundbreaking team, its fans led a revolution against the Bosnian FA. They organised demonstrations, boycotted matches and staged their own all-star games; they disrupted a game with flares in Oslo for an hour – and they won. In April this year, Uefa and Fifa expelled Bosnia from international competitions until its FA was reformed. Bosnia was readmitted after political appointees were sacked and the association taken over by a "normalisation" committee of sporting figures and heroes. In parallel, Yugoslav and FK Sarajevo footballing legend Safet Sušic was appointed as the team manager, and he in turn enticed back key players who had refused to play under the previous regime.

The fans, the "BH Fanaticos", are led from Bosnia, and include members of the diaspora scattered across the world, refugees who survived massacres, concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. Their spokesman in the capital, Nizar Smajic, says: "The politicians wanted to impose their interests on our game. We didn't set out to challenge anything political – we just wanted our game back. But politics found us, because politics are everywhere. Now we need to qualify, and the situation will really start to change – we can be rid of all this ethnic shit. If we go to Poland [where the 2012 contest will be staged], we'll take tens of thousands of fans. We took 15,000 to Paris, and most of us missed out on our holidays this year, saving up to go Poland and Ukraine instead."

Such is the excitement in Bosnia that it is also infecting the other, Serbian, side of Sarajevo. Mico Simanic – who used to support FK Sarajevo but felt obliged to switch to (Serbian) Slavija after the war – says over coffee in a bar: "If you told me 10 years ago I'd feel something for the Bosnian national team, I'd have said, as a Serb: 'Never!' But I'll be watching and wanting them to win".

The furthest Željeznicar ever got in the Uefa Cup was a semi-final in 1985, losing out in a final against Real Madrid to a late goal by the Hungarian team Videoton. The keeper who let it in, Dragan Škrba, a Bosnian Serb who owns the bar, adds: "Of course I want Bosnia to qualify – it's just what we need, and Džeko is the big factor."

There is no overestimating the phenomenon of Edin Džeko – whose first, magnificent, goal for Bosnia I saw at Sarajevo's Koševo stadium – in the team's success, in the importance of Friday's match and in the aspirations and lives of Bosnians at home and across the diaspora.

Asim Selimovic, who spent his childhood in besieged Srebrenica and was dressed as a girl by his mother to avoid the slaughter in 1995, now lives and studies in St Louis, Missouri. He speaks for fans the world over when he says: "Džeko is a national idol. He is our pride and joy. When Džeko scores, every Bosnian refugee in the world has scored. He is our example, our hope."

There is an extraordinary story behind Džeko's rise – and an extraordinary man who nurtured it. Sitting in a café among the steep, narrow streets that climb above FK Sarajevo's stadium is Jirí Plíšek, from the Czech Republic, who was manager of Željeznicar for five months in 2004 and 2005, after which he left "because there were too many interests negatively obstructing the system I wanted." But Plíšek, now manager of FK Sarajevo, "kept my Bosnian heart", he says, and there was one player entirely unappreciated by Željeznicar's fans and management whom he desperately wanted to take back to his homeland. "Džeko had that mental attitude to the game that makes a special player. He needed to apply it, to make up for a lack of tenacity, so I put him in the second team. He was furious, and so were his parents. But it worked – he understood, and showed this inner strength, and the signs of special skill. It's my philosophy that everything cannot happen immediately, and there is no rule when a player will reach his peak. And I saw that Džeko was clearly going to get there." Željeznicar are so embarrassed at having let Džeko slip that they withdrew from an interview about Bosnia's big match.

Plíšek returned to his homeland to take over the Czech side Ústí nad Labem, sister team to first-division FK Teplice. He urged Teplice to buy Džeko for the €25,000 Željeznicar wanted for him. "Though it was a pittance, Teplice's attitude was: 'How can good players come from that place down there?' I said that if the club would not buy him, I'd borrow the money myself and do so. That convinced them."

With Džeko, Teplice won the Czech cup. In 2007, he moved to Wolfsburg, in Lower Saxony, Germany, for €4m, where he won a Bundesliga title and became top scorer in the club's history, then to Manchester City for £27m. Yet, unlike others, Džeko refused offers of both Czech and then German citizenship, which would have taken him to the World Cup finals, choosing Bosnia as his national side – partly his own personal commitment, but also because of the philosophy and counsel of Plíšek, a man of impressively thoughtful modesty. "These boys reach crossroads where they have to choose who they are, and some understand that glory and money are not everything", he says. "By choosing Bosnia, Džeko answered that crucial question, 'who am I?', and sent a message to his country, his parents and children. For me, this is how truly great players are made."

Now sitting on the bench at FK Sarajevo's ground, Plíšek huddles down in his seat as a bitter wind announces winter's imminence, blowing up the valley in which the stadium is surrounded by thickets of graves of those killed during the siege. Sarajevo battle to a 0-0 draw against current champions Banja Luka, and the home fans behind the goal shout dutiful abuse at the Serbs. But everyone's mind is set on yesterday's Sarajevo derby and, even more, on Friday's international game.

"In this country," says Plíšek, "if the politicians had their way, Bosniaks would have to pass to a Bosniak, Serbs to Serbs, Croats to Croats. But that's not how football works; football connects everyone, and has the face of every nationality. If they beat Portugal, these Bosnian boys will show the world what their country can do, that their talent can be used in a way the country should follow".
It's a shit article really. You shouldn't even try to understand Bosnian situation, it's for the best :) All we need is football pampamparara ...
The man is a machine and he's only going to get better.

I've said it all along that he's going to be our Van Nistelrooy..................
Simple rules.

There's nothing wrong with anyone praising particular players - even wanking over them if that's your scene!

However if supporters of a particular player also indulge in denigrating that players teammates - hoping they break their legs, hoping another player (e.g. Aguero) plays badly so that he will be substituted rather than their favourite, etc.etc., they must surely expect - and deserve - a hostile reception from many other posters on this forum. And this will probably result in more criticism - often unfair - of the player they are "supporting".

I am largely an observer on these forums, but I get a very distinct impression that Dzeko has a larger number of these sort of ultra-fanatical supporters than any other City player. This is why there is more extreme posting (both pro- and anti-) about him than about any other City player. If the fanatical pro-Dzeko faction were to tone down their comments, and lessen the frequency with which they seem to want to praise him on all sorts of thread not specifically about him - well, I would expect that the fanatical anti-Dzekoists would also lay off, especially as they would have much less excuse to indulge their dislike of him.

I will repeat again - Dzeko seems to be a thoroughly nice person, as well as being undoubtedly a fine striker, and I would expect that he would be thoroughly embarassed by the posts, and the general attitude, of some of his "supporters" on this forum.
Frank H said:
hoping they break their legs

To be fair that comment was shunned by everyone (Bosnians too) and it came from who is, in my opinion, the most extreme poster on this board on every topic, not just Dzeko or Nasri.

Though I haven't seen anyone hoping that Aguero plays badly, if that really did happen then it's a cunty thing to say. Aguero has his fair share of bad games and sometimes he needs to be subbed off, but to act as if him playing badly is a good scenario is obscene and shameful.

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