Early Leavers

Fair enough if you've got somewhere to go. But if it's to miss the traffic it's a piss poor excuse. There are loads of places to park around the ground. Within a seven or eight minute walk there are places to park that you don't have to pay, even within five minutes of the ground there are places to park where it's easy to get out and onto the main roads and off home within 35-40minutes. I live 8miles from the ground and it never takes me more than 45minutes to get home, average about 40minutes. I've left early once in about ten years (to get a plane to go on holiday first home game of the season against Wolves about four or five years ago).

Get your A-Zs out too. There are many different routes to most destinations that avoid the most busiest roads. This sort of thing can take 15minutes off your journey.
At the last home game I stayed until midnight in my seat drinking in the atmosphere and revelling in my support for the club. Anyone who doesn't do as I do is a rag, a wuss, a part-timer and it must really be depressing for the players seeing anyone leaving at five to twelve. I insist that everyone does as they are told and not try to make their own decision as to their departure time.
In fact I think no one should EVER leave the ground. It's disrespectful.
I don't really care when people leave as long as I am still in my place when the players come off the pitch but,...................I am always intrigued why people who are attending an event which they know draws a crowd of around 40,000 expect to be able to get away from the venue in 5 minutes? We have not yet entered the "beam me up Scottie" era and traffic is bound to be bad. Is it me?

p.s. please note that I didn't mention football crowds only venue & event so it could be any event. :-) NYR: do not post controversial posts, I try not to but sometimes people misunderstand other people's intentions. Peace and New Year Greetings to all. (We will be Champions again in 2013)
I normally don't comment on this as 'each to their own' and all that.

Have to say though that IMO it looked bad just how many empty seats there were at FT. Not sure what the players will make of it when they are playing well, winning comfortably and still people are seemingly not bothered.
Ed68 said:
I normally don't comment on this as 'each to their own' and all that.

Have to say though that IMO it looked bad just how many empty seats there were at FT. Not sure what the players will make of it when they are playing well, winning comfortably and still people are seemingly not bothered.

Yep , it didn't look too good , did it??

Mind you some Stoke fans were on their way out with ten minutes left !
Ed68 said:
I normally don't comment on this as 'each to their own' and all that.

Have to say though that IMO it looked bad just how many empty seats there were at FT. Not sure what the players will make of it when they are playing well, winning comfortably and still people are seemingly not bothered.
No fecking traffic excuse today; the roads were relatively empty.
I left early so that I could go dead slow and ensure all the ealry leavers were late leaving.

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