Eden Hazard (continued)

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I want him because I don't want the rags to have him! I've only seen him a few times and he is a good player nothing more.

If you go on Castrol rankings and ask who is better Hazard or Bale it says:

"We have a winner! Gareth Bale is ranked 20 in the Castrol EDGE Rankings, compared to Eden Hazard who's ranked 77"

I tend to agree. I'd be more excited about Bale right now.
Lancet Fluke said:
Tevez City said:
One more week to go.

For me, It feels like the Derby week.

What are you babbling on about?

How do you feel when you wait the Derby game against United ?

Thats my feeling right now.

There is a derby next week between City and United for Hazard, and hopefully City will win it.
Cobwebcat said:
I want him because I don't want the rags to have him! I've only seen him a few times and he is a good player nothing more.

If you go on Castrol rankings and ask who is better Hazard or Bale it says:

"We have a winner! Gareth Bale is ranked 20 in the Castrol EDGE Rankings, compared to Eden Hazard who's ranked 77"

I tend to agree. I'd be more excited about Bale right now.

Im kind of with you on this....after the sanchez saga last season im keeping my powder dry on new signings.
Cobwebcat said:
I want him because I don't want the rags to have him! I've only seen him a few times and he is a good player nothing more.

If you go on Castrol rankings and ask who is better Hazard or Bale it says:

"We have a winner! Gareth Bale is ranked 20 in the Castrol EDGE Rankings, compared to Eden Hazard who's ranked 77"

I tend to agree. I'd be more excited about Bale right now.

Don't know if that's Clarkie bait? Pretty sure those rankings have Welbeck ahead of Iniesta
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Tevez City said:
One more week to go.

For me, It feels like the Derby week.

What are you babbling on about?
Rag thats talking shit. Just ignore him

We are the champions of England, can pay the highest wages in the world and he thinks waiting to see if a player does us the honour of choosing us is like derby week? Bizarre. I'm sure we are in a position to call the shots to players now rather than the other way round. I'd like to think so anyway.
Tevez City said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Tevez City said:
One more week to go.

For me, It feels like the Derby week.

What are you babbling on about?

How do you feel when you wait the Derby game against United ?

Thats my feeling right now.

There is a derby next week between City and United for Hazard, and hopefully City will win it.

If youd even been to a derby youd know how non sensical that statement is
Des Kelly in the Mail having a go at him now, calling him a tart. LOL.

Eden, a tart from the start

Eden Hazard is a footballer in demand at the moment and, boy, has he really gone out of his way to put himself in the shop window.

Unfortunately, he appears to think it is one of those windows that you find in the red light district of Amsterdam (or so I'm told).

Hazard has teased and pouted his way through the most embarrassing transfer auction of recent times, smiling beguilingly through the glass at his suitors and making it abundantly clear that he is absolutely and totally committed to whoever happens to be walking past with the largest wallet.

Right now, Hazard is on the verge of accepting a huge money deal from either Chelsea, Manchester United, Manchester City or even - and don't laugh - Arsenal, depending on which paper you read.

City are said to be cooling on the transaction, allegedly because of the outrageous demands being made by agents.

While Arsenal appear to have as much of a chance of signing Hazard as Portsmouth.

But the suggestion kept his publicity machine spinning along regardless.

While there is nothing wrong with the Belgian trying to negotiate the most attractive deal for himself as he exits Lille, the manner in which he has gone about it has undeniably cheapened his appeal.

He broadcast he would reveal his chosen club last weekend, plugging this momentous declaration for all it was worth (which, according to reports, could be anything up to £32million and £200,000 a week).

But it turned out it was another tease and the protracted sale was dragged out a little longer.

Hazard said this week: 'I don't know when I'll make a decision. It will be Manchester City, Manchester United or Chelsea. The decision will depend on the amount of play I would see and the position.'

And the cash, of course.

The danger is that by the time Hazard arrives in the Premier League, everyone will already be heartily sick of him.

There's no guarantee he will be a success either.

For every Didier Drogba that translates success in the French League to these shores, there is a Marouane Chamakh.

When Hazard finally agrees to go somewhere he needn't bother posing with the scarf of his new club, as new players usually do.

He's been such a tart about it all they should just hand him a feather boa.
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