Eden Hazard

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El Mago Silva said:
Neville Kneville said:
All of the reports I've read clearly state that he mentioned the thing about 'red and blue' they ALL quote it, there is no argument that he said it. But they say WHEN PRESSED, HE ADDED 'definitely blue' AFTERWARDS. I don't understand how so many people can be missing this point.

Either the person who originally reported it in the media blatantly lied about him saying it or he said it AFTER that.

The sources suggesting "definitely blue" (like this one: http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1760/Lig...-en-bleu-la-saison-prochaine.dhtml?show=react) cite him saying "Dans tous les cas, le bleu" when the clip shows *thanks to sincity and Jumanji* that he says "(les deux) dans tous les casc'est beau.

I doubt he would have said essentially the same thing later (much as I wish he had!), only replacing "beau" with "le bleu".

"I like both," he replied. "They're both nice colours. I think they both suit me.

"It's the blue that I'll be wearing next season. Definitely the blue."

So which words did they mistake for 'next season' ?

I don't see how that quote translates to the one people are using on here. He must have been asked by another interviewer & said something similar or somebody has just made it up. It doesn't translate to that video.

"Je veux jouer en Angleterre la saison prochaine. C'est ce que j'ai décidé, a dit Hazard sur Canal Plus. Quand le journaliste lui a demandé s'il préférait le rouge ou le bleu, le joueur belge a répondu qu'il aimait les deux couleurs mais "c'est le bleu que je porterai la saison prochaine. Dans tous les cas, le bleu".

c'est= IT IS

le= THE

bleu= BLUE

que= THAT

je= I

porterai = WEAR

la saison= THE SEASON

prochaine= NEXT

IT IS THE BLUE THAT I WEAR THE SEASON NEXT How can that mean anything else ?
Jumanji said:
Bump. He never said he will play in blue next season. I've translated the clip.
Jumanji said:
sincity said:
Lol, if that's true, not just us but the entire media has been clarkied..wow!!
Yep. He was toying with the interviewer.

Starting at 1:30 he says:
Ben, le bleu, regarde, c'est...c'est la tribune, et le rouge, c'est le maillot, donc.. euh... les deux, dans tous les cas, c'est beau. 

The blue, look (looks in that direction) is the stand, and the red is my shirt. So in any case, the two are nice.

Jumanji said:
Jumanji said:
Bump. He never said he will play in blue next season. I've translated the clip.
Jumanji said:
Yep. He was toying with the interviewer.

Starting at 1:30 he says:
Ben, le bleu, regarde, c'est...c'est la tribune, et le rouge, c'est le maillot, donc.. euh... les deux, dans tous les cas, c'est beau. 

The blue, look (looks in that direction) is the stand, and the red is my shirt. So in any case, the two are nice.


Where is the word 'season' ?
French is my second language, mate. I've watched the full clip (and even uploaded the relevant bit).

He doesn't say that in his Canal+ Interview. Ever.
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