Eden Hazard

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Jumanji said:
French is my second language, mate. I've watched the full clip (and even uploaded the relevant bit).

He doesn't say that in his Canal+ Interview. Ever.

So therefore, as I said, the line "c'est le bleu que je porterai la saison prochaine" was either a fabrication, or he said it in another interview, or there is a longer version of that interview which he repeats some of it & adds that line.

That is the quote the media have been using.
Neville Kneville said:
Jumanji said:
French is my second language, mate. I've watched the full clip (and even uploaded the relevant bit).

He doesn't say that in his Canal+ Interview. Ever.
So therefore, as I said, the line "c'est le bleu que je porterai la saison prochaine" was either a fabrication, or he said it in another interview, or there is a longer version of that interview which he repeats some of it & adds that line.

That is the quote the media have been using.
All the reputable French media I've checked do not use this quote.

I believe it to be a fabrication, or a translation of what has been reported in Goal.com and the other dodgy English media sources.

This would be major, major news if he had said this. He is the most high profile transfer target out of Ligue 1.

There was not another interview with Canal +. There is also no longer version. This clip I uploaded is the very end of the post match interview with them.
Jumanji said:
Neville Kneville said:
Jumanji said:
French is my second language, mate. I've watched the full clip (and even uploaded the relevant bit).

He doesn't say that in his Canal+ Interview. Ever.
So therefore, as I said, the line "c'est le bleu que je porterai la saison prochaine" was either a fabrication, or he said it in another interview, or there is a longer version of that interview which he repeats some of it & adds that line.

That is the quote the media have been using.
All the reputable French media I've checked do not use this quote.

I believe it to be a fabrication, or a translation of what has been reported in Goal.com and the other dodgy English media sources.

This would be major, major news if he had said this. He is the most high profile transfer target out of Ligue 1.

There was not another interview with Canal +. There is also no longer version. This clip I uploaded is the very end of the post match interview with them.

The 1st bloke to quote it on here got it from Al Jazeera.
And guess what? the video he linked was the same clip. But with an arabic translator.

Now, I don't speak Arabic, but if the Arab guy said he picked blue, then he's dead wrong.

I think a translator confused "beau" with "bleu."

I suspect this because your quote reads, "dans tous les cas, le bleu."

He actually says, "dans tous les cas, c'est beau."
Jumanji said:
And guess what? the video he linked was the same clip. But with an arabic translator.

Now, I don't speak Arabic, but if the Arab guy said he picked blue, then he's dead wrong.

I think a translator confused "beau" with "bleu."

I suspect this because your quote reads, "dans tous les cas, le bleu."

He actually says, "dans tous les cas, c'est beau."

I can understand that but there is a whole line missing which quite a few sources are claiming he said. Are you certain there isn't more of the interview available to other channels ?
Jumanji said:
Sources claim people say things all the time. I'm pretty sure Goal.com started this shit.

They do, but interviews are also edited more often than not for time reasons & sometimes key bits do go missing. The only Goal.Com thing I've seen has no mention of the other line, just the first one, so I don't think it came from them.

Many pieces I've read has quoted the stuff you have mentioned but then said he was pressed further. Nobody presses him further in that clip, it just goes off abruptly.

If it is a fabrication, someone has gone to the trouble of not only inventing the line but also inventing the circumstances under which he said it. Unusually elaborate.
Neville Kneville said:
Jumanji said:
Sources claim people say things all the time. I'm pretty sure Goal.com started this shit.

They do, but interviews are also edited more often than not for time reasons & sometimes key bits do go missing. The only Goal.Com thing I've seen has no mention of the other line, just the first one, so I don't think it came from them.

Many pieces I've read has quoted the stuff you have mentioned but then said he was pressed further. Nobody presses him further in that clip, it just goes off abruptly.

If it is a fabrication, someone has gone to the trouble of not only inventing the line but also inventing the circumstances under which he said it. Unusually elaborate.
You're clutching at straws.

He was pressed further, you're correct. THIS CLIP IS THE PART WHEN HE WAS PRESSED FURTHER. Before that, he says he saw a picture of him in both kits in a magazine and thought both colours suited him.

Rest assured, he does not say anything like what you claim in his interview, so stop riding it so hard.

It's not unusually elaborate. Someone comes out and says he picked blue, and a few journos make a story. If you want to see unusually elaborate, let me show you some articles that journos have made about our transfer targets in the past. ;)

Hazard did not say it. Show me on reputable source. All the reputable media says nothing about this.

Lille forums say nothing as well.
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