Eden Hazard

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Most probably not but a player can always say no if he has watched chelsea and thought i want to be oart of that then its his loss cos chelsea have used up all their luck with that win.
Ducado said:
It appears that some people don't really know the transfer scrip, for everyone of our targets there is always another club who come in at the last moment, most of the time the media just make it up

Now relax, as you were

Yep thats what I am reading. If I am wrong, I will apologise.
sam-caddick said:
If he goes Chelsea he is a greedy bas**** even if it is coming from a City fans mouth - I still think he will be a City player though!

Hazard still has much to prove!

Even i have to say that is an ironic thing to say from a City fan,yes we are champions,but Chelsea have been champions numerous times over the past few years and have just been crowned European champions,so if he chooses Chelsea over us,he could gain as much signing for them as he could for us and i don't just mean money wise.
mancboy123 said:
Most probably not but a player can always say no if he has watched chelsea and thought i want to be oart of that then its his loss cos chelsea have used up all their luck with that win.
Absolutely, thats their luck for the next few hundred years used up right there. Like others have said if Hazard has watched that and decided he wants to be a part of it then good luck to him. An absolute shit team, and i mean that with no disrespect to Chelsea fans.
They can say we want you to be part of our rebuilding project. You will live in London, and have massive wages. The project word works, we should know.

I don't think he's going there tbh. I can feel it :).

But you never know in football. This CL win instantly makes Chelsea more competitive in the transfer market.

Haven't they been linked to Hulk very often lately?
It will still be us, but the salary might be higher. Before today only the rags were plausible, now Chelsea. His agent will use this leverage to get a bit higher salary.
Has anyone noticed the usual trend, when a player is close and all but signing to a club? it goes...

1. The last minute 'offers'
2. The last minute 'collapse'
3. Another team enter the race

same old story.

I'm absolutely gutted Silva and Nasri both went to United.
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