Eden Hazard

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lionheart said:
FantasyIreland said:
I can't see what all the fuss is about and in particular what the lad or his gaent have done wrong? They are simply keeping all options open while playing the media at their own game.
Give the lad a break.
Bollocks. The lad is playing with us. We don't need somebody who can't make up his mind. Leave well alone is my advice. We should find someone who would be honoured to pull on the sky blue jersey.
Look here rag, you're the one talking bollocks, the lad is wanting the best deal for himself in the most important decision of his life today. Who wouldn't?
Jonathan1979 said:
I read the agents' fee is somewhere around 6M£ and that's causing the deal to stall as City feel that's way too much. Don't know if it's true though, but this whole soap feels like a greedy agent at work.

This may explain the agent releasing bullshit about yaya, as city are playing hardball over the agent fee. Seen as yet share the same agent...
Going to chuck my Own conspiracy theory out there as the papers do it enOugh...

Hazard secretly agrees deal with city! Then he let's the media build up intrest for other big clubs.... Then bang he shoots them all down!!! Which will be cOvered hugely by media.. Not a bad media stunt to flaunt it about on how you signed this new talent that everyone wanted but he chose city! Hes visited and toured ethidad and that was fact IMO we were quite far in discussions at that point
I know that Hazard is going to be one of the best players in the world, in a few years time. However i really hate these long winded auctions, at least Sanchez never played the media it was all his agents and Udinese.

I know that all footballers are mercenaries these days but i think Hazard could be more trouble than he is worth, aka a Tevez mark 2. Just look at his send off by Lille, he was treated like Messi so how would he react to being rotated at City all the time?

Personally i would move on now, we have won the premier league so loads of players will jump at the chance to sign for us.
Blue Phil said:
I know that Hazard is going to be one of the best players in the world, in a few years time. However i really hate these long winded auctions, at least Sanchez never played the media it was all his agents and Udinese.

I know that all footballers are mercenaries these days but i think Hazard could be more trouble than he is worth, aka a Tevez mark 2. Just look at his send off by Lille, he was treated like Messi so how would he react to being rotated at City all the time?

Personally i would move on now, we have won the premier league so loads of players will jump at the chance to sign for us.

Lets hope we never sign Messi then eh ?
Blue Phil said:
Personally i would move on now, we have won the premier league so loads of players will jump at the chance to sign for us.
And that's why you are no where near a position of power at City.

Sentimental crap. He's a top draw player and it hasn't even been 24 hours since his season ended. Let's just see what happens.
Blue Phil said:
I know that Hazard is going to be one of the best players in the world, in a few years time. However i really hate these long winded auctions, at least Sanchez never played the media it was all his agents and Udinese.

I know that all footballers are mercenaries these days but i think Hazard could be more trouble than he is worth, aka a Tevez mark 2. Just look at his send off by Lille, he was treated like Messi so how would he react to being rotated at City all the time?

Personally i would move on now, we have won the premier league so loads of players will jump at the chance to sign for us.

Long winded auctions? Its the 21st of May mate, Lille's season ended yesterday this is hardly long winded at the moment. I think we'll get a decision this week
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Hazard is getting a really rough deal it would appear.

He's a young lad with a young family to consider and signing away the next five years of his life.

Some pertinent facts, unlike the links to both United and Chelsea, only one club has taken the trouble to invite him to their stadium and show him properties.

Only one club and one manager has put across their plans, hopes and long-term visions.

Just like Yaya, Silva and Nasri, this episode shares a lot of hallmarks, the late entry of another club etc.

There are three players at Chelsea in Lampard, Torres Terry who have parity clauses which keep them in line with the top earner at the club.

The top line is way below £200k a week, and yet we see ridiculous sums of £300k a week now being thrown into the mix for Hazard.

Abramovich will not pay those sums, and neither will we.

The boy will have his say, let him have it when it is only relevant to do so.

Fully with you on this one Tolmie. Given his age and being so "in demand" its only right that he considers all the options open to him, I get the feeling that he won't let his Agent dictate where he should go.

I'm sure Vinnie will have a quiet word about our setup when they meet up with the Belgian team and I doubt the idea of joining a team with no Manager, question marks over Drogba, Torres and a tosser like Terry as Captain will appeal very much.
Didn't he say he was meeting up with his national squad and then going on holiday? If that's the case we could be waiting a few weeks yet before anything is decided.
wow i have never seen so much flapping in my life on here as i am now about a player that has actually done or said nothing wrong especially with some comments like "lets move onto another player" etc etc.....crazy crazy people!
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