Eden Hazard

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This fucking board is hilarious. Jesus you'd think it was the 10th August not 21st May the way some of you girl-guides are flapping.

If he comes, he comes. If he doesn't it's a bigger loss to him than it is to us. City is the place to be right now and if he's got any sense he'll realise which way the wind is blowing.
NavyBlue82 said:
Scotland_WC2010 said:
No matter what team gets him, they will only have him for a few season before he goes to Real Madrid.

Im glad you can predict the future! Fancy giving me the Euro lottery numbers for friday!

He's a Madrid fan but doesn't want to sit on their bench so whatever club he moves to is a stepping stone until he is fully developed and joins Real Madrid. I see it like the Ronaldo deal, he was always going to go to Madrid but stayed for a few years and won trophies for his team, Hazard can do the same with City and then move on once he's won everything and is fully developed for a big transfer fee.

I'm sure it's very exciting to think that you could field this attack.

Hazard - Silva - Balotelli
Young said:
Hazard's a WUM.


-- Mon May 21, 2012 10:45 am --

Manc in London said:
Hazard comes across as a bit of self-indulgent prat.


-- Mon May 21, 2012 10:46 am --

Scotland_WC2010 said:
No matter what team gets him, they will only have him for a few season before he goes to Real Madrid.

Reasoning?<br /><br />-- Mon May 21, 2012 10:49 am --<br /><br />
kp220 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Hazard is getting a really rough deal it would appear.

He's a young lad with a young family to consider and signing away the next five years of his life.

Some pertinent facts, unlike the links to both United and Chelsea, only one club has taken the trouble to invite him to their stadium and show him properties.

Only one club and one manager has put across their plans, hopes and long-term visions.

Just like Yaya, Silva and Nasri, this episode shares a lot of hallmarks, the late entry of another club etc.

There are three players at Chelsea in Lampard, Torres Terry who have parity clauses which keep them in line with the top earner at the club.

The top line is way below £200k a week, and yet we see ridiculous sums of £300k a week now being thrown into the mix for Hazard.

Abramovich will not pay those sums, and neither will we.

The boy will have his say, let him have it when it is only relevant to do so.

Fully with you on this one Tolmie. Given his age and being so "in demand" its only right that he considers all the options open to him, I get the feeling that he won't let his Agent dictate where he should go.

I'm sure Vinnie will have a quiet word about our setup when they meet up with the Belgian team and I doubt the idea of joining a team with no Manager, question marks over Drogba, Torres and a tosser like Terry as Captain will appeal very much.

Why do you; 'get the feeling his agent wont dictate where he should go' - evidence for that?
Stop flapping, I'm 100% confident we have Edin at our club with a contract all signed and inked.


ANY1aBLUE said:
Young said:
Hazard's a WUM.


I was joking around man, jeez.

Well if you want it here: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/may/21/eden-hazard-lille-manchester-chelsea" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012 ... er-chelsea</a>
Scotland_WC2010 said:
NavyBlue82 said:
Scotland_WC2010 said:
No matter what team gets him, they will only have him for a few season before he goes to Real Madrid.

Im glad you can predict the future! Fancy giving me the Euro lottery numbers for friday!

He's a Madrid fan but doesn't want to sit on their bench so whatever club he moves to is a stepping stone until he is fully developed and joins Real Madrid. I see it like the Ronaldo deal, he was always going to go to Madrid but stayed for a few years and won trophies for his team, Hazard can do the same with City and then move on once he's won everything and is fully developed for a big transfer fee.

I'm sure it's very exciting to think that you could field this attack.

Hazard - Silva - Balotelli

Unless Madrid aren't winning everything 5 years from now & we are of course. In which case he'd stay where he is.
Time to calm down again.

It's always the same few people who are turning these threads into arguments. Please think about how others will read your posts before you hit submit.
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