
Apparently 650k a week.
Ok, big money and i can understand one's head being turned by that but fuck me, it's not as if these players don't earn a fortune over here.
Playing non league level football, in front of paltry crowds, in a fucking dreadful place like Saudi wouldn't do it for me, regardless of the money offered but it takes all sorts.
I honestly think that Ederson will only really be appreciated once he's gone
He’s loved by our fans. In fact I’d argue he’s appreciated by most football fans. If he wants to go then like all players under pep he can go for the right price. It’s the grown up way to act. He should have the decency to make a decision earlier rather than leaving it though.
I'm sceptical about the story that Ederson has thrown his toys out of the pram because of the reaction to Ortega's save against Spurs, that just sounds like bollocks to me. I honestly doubt he'd be that petty. He clearly does want out, which is fair enough after everything he's achieved here and the money on offer from Saudi Arabia, but I don't like the attempts to sully his character and reputation.

I hope for his sake it’s bollocks. If it’s not, it’s scandalously petty and a bit pathetic.

But given how close the goalkeepers union notoriously is, it’s easier to lean on the bollocks side than it is the truth side.
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I hope for his sake it’s bollocks. If it’s not, it’s scandalously petty and a bit pathetic.

But given how close the goalkeepers union notoriously is, it’s easier to lean on the bollocks side than it is the truth side.
I heard he had a ding dong with the goalkeeper coach, don't know how true that is but I believe it over that.
Yep life changing money for all his friends and family as well.

Seems strange the Saudis would be so bothered about investing in a GK - surely if you want eyeballs on your league you'd go for a Midfielder / Forward player
Taking a top 3 keeper in the world from one of the biggest clubs in the world will get eyeballs.
Ok, big money and i can understand one's head being turned by that but fuck me, it's not as if these players don't earn a fortune over here.
Playing non league level football, in front of paltry crowds, in a fucking dreadful place like Saudi wouldn't do it for me, regardless of the money offered but it takes all sorts.
They live expensive lifestyles, this move makes a mockery of what he earns now. None of us would turn down the money if it was offered.
Ok, big money and i can understand one's head being turned by that but fuck me, it's not as if these players don't earn a fortune over here.
Playing non league level football, in front of paltry crowds, in a fucking dreadful place like Saudi wouldn't do it for me, regardless of the money offered but it takes all sorts.

You're saying that if I offered you 650k a week on the nail, now — a week — you'd turn it down? You're really sincerely saying that?
These guys could do one year in Saudi, or two maximum, and then try to get back into a decent European league. Shit, I'd go to prison for a year for that money. I'd live in a cave, I think. And I'm genuinely not very money oriented, never have been (live off 1700€ a month, and very comfortably at that). But that money is just crazy. You'd have to think about it, especially if you've got to Ed's age.

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