
Just looked up what he’s on and I know all footballers earn an embarrassing amount of money but in that market, both Ederson and Ortega deserve a pay rise. I’d offer them both the same.
Would be ideal to keep them both
Just looked up what he’s on and I know all footballers earn an embarrassing amount of money but in that market, both Ederson and Ortega deserve a pay rise. I’d offer them both the same.
I think Ederson should be on a lot more considering his past record and achievements
You’d imagine they’d have given Steven Nettle Tanned a longer extension, if that were true.
Not really. The extension protects both. If Ederson does leave then Ortega perhaps becomes number one but if we went and got Maignan for example then he won't be coming as number two. So both keepers get the chance to fight for the starting spot.

If Ortega plays the same as last year or less then he will leave next summer.

The extension means he won't go for nothing and Stefan gets a pay rise for all his work since he arrived.
Hope I’m wrong, heard Ederson is going
I love stuff like this, i heard these days translates to i read an article on some bollocks website with absolutely zero sources or i saw on facebook or some other social media shite, that is not hearing a thing, people say they heard as it makes them sound like txiki himself came and told them, you see it across the board on ssn etc, that bellend kaveh saying im hearing this and that when they have literally just seen something on social media an hour before, you didnt hear shit you just read the same thing as everyone else.

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