
Whenever I see modern goalkeeper data analysis, Alison comes out way on top ahead of every other keeper. But I don't think the analysts quite know how to measure what Ederson does and how it helps the team. Kind of think Liverpool had the best keeper for they played under Klopp but we had the best keeper for how we play.
This^^^allison is very good but I wouldn’t trade him for Eddie ever. Eddie fits our play like a glove and Allison just can’t do what he does
Jings, amount of people on here wetting themselves at the thought of an average GK leaving. Great with his feet, definitely...but as a shot stopper?
If he's had his head turned by the money and has taken a huff at the end of the season over zip all then cheerio. Sell...and use the £50m to put towards improving the outfield squad.
Slagged off Ortega? Read through my posts on the Ederson thread
You said Lunin is a disaster. In fact, you'd rather go with Ortega, as if even Ortega would be better than a disaster. Maybe I've mistaken your intent, but I'd think Ortega is a better option than 95+% of the goalkeepers out there, not just someone you deem to be a disaster...just sayin'...

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