Edin Dzeko (continued)

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Puppet Master Silva said:
CaliforniaBlue said:
Puppet Master Silva said:
Don't quite think you're being impartial with the messages to both sides there. City fans are trolls and Bosnians shouldn't care what City fans think, is what I took from that post. If you're going to adress both sides and try to come across as neutral, you really have to do better than that, come on!

Who said I was trying to come across as neutral? I was just stating the situation as it currently is. In terms of 'winners' and 'losers', those who rate Dzeko are currently 'winning', as the manager seems to agree more with their view. For a while earlier on this season, and most of the last couple of seasons, those who don't rate him were 'winning' because the manager appeared to agree more with their views. Actually that's not quite true - if any manager agreed with the average view of those who don't rate Dzeko, he'd never get a game at all and would have been sold by now (perhaps they tried and it's a financial thing - I don't know).

And in terms of being impartial, you're language isn't exactly impartial is it?: "City fans" on one side and "Bosnians" on the other - not very original nor accurate, I'd hazard to guess.

What a strange, petty way to view the thread. Dzeko is playing bad so City fans are "winning".

Holy crap, you don't think this thread is petty? I don't think you've been paying attention! it's almost nothing but petty.

And although I put 'winning' in quotes (which I'd like to think you understood the subtelty of, but tactically chose not to you acknowledge), it wouldn't be far-fetched to use the term literally on here. It's much more about scoring points against the opposition than trying to have a reasonable debate - if anyone truly thinks they're going to change anyone else's mind at this point they're deluded.

For sure, the strength of opinion ebbs and flows depending on recent form, but if you love him and he's had 10 bad games, at which point you accept he's maybe not that great, it only takes one decent performance for you to forget the bad and re-elevate him to greatness. And vice versa.

I guess that's why first impressions are so important in life - once most people have made that first judgement, they tend to upgrade events that confirm it and downgrade events that contradict it. It's called 'confirmation bias' and it's real and we can't just pretend it doesn't affect us (well, obviously we can pretend that, but we'd be wrong). It's why you need statistics (data) to help you sort out what's true and what isn't. I don't mean the kind of statistics that get posted on here that are often poorly understood by the posters themselves and merely used to prove a point rather than to enlighten the debate. I mean the kind used in the best scientific research to figure out what's truly going on in the world. But I digress.

Puppet Master Silva said:
Also I'm not impartial and didn't attempt to come across so with the initial condescending post.
Finally, kudos to you for not trying to pretend to be impartial and admitting to being condescending - a bit of refreshing honesty on here!
adorado30 said:
Haha, surrounded by top world class players doesn't mean that you are going to score shit load of goals. It gives you an advantage, but at the same it means that all the other top class players around you will score a lot of the goals as well. You share the load over the long season, which averages it out in the end. .


There isn't some magic number of goals that gets shared out at the end of the season based on talent.

People who have Silva, Nasri and Aguero assisting them should score more in about the same games as people who have Sinclair, Barton and Fowler.

It's not like when Anelka was here everybody just gave him the ball and left him to it. If Anelka was in this team instead of Dzeko, he'd have scored for fun
Damocles said:
adorado30 said:
Haha, surrounded by top world class players doesn't mean that you are going to score shit load of goals. It gives you an advantage, but at the same it means that all the other top class players around you will score a lot of the goals as well. You share the load over the long season, which averages it out in the end. .


There isn't some magic number of goals that gets shared out at the end of the season based on talent.

People who have Silva, Nasri and Aguero assisting them should score more in about the same games as people who have Sinclair, Barton and Fowler.

It's not like when Anelka was here everybody just gave him the ball and left him to it. If Anelka was in this team instead of Dzeko, he'd have scored for fun
I'm not sure if you really rate Anelka as one of the top strikers of his day, but if you do, then I don't understand your argument - most pro-Dzeko posters will happily acknowledge that Aguero is better, so if you equate Anelka with Aguero, they'd probably agree.

On the other hand, if you're saying that a better-than-average journeyman striker (like Darren Bent?) could score a load more goals than Dzeko, given the support he has on the pitch, then you should use your contacts at the club to persuade them to swap him for one of the many better-than-average journeyman strikers around the world. We'd save a ton of money. Better yet, replace him with one of the many posters on here who could easily have scored that sitter against Stoke - they'll play for free, and the next time they get into position to receive the ball 18 inches from the line with no one around, they'll surely score and everyone will be happy.
Damocles said:
adorado30 said:
Haha, surrounded by top world class players doesn't mean that you are going to score shit load of goals. It gives you an advantage, but at the same it means that all the other top class players around you will score a lot of the goals as well. You share the load over the long season, which averages it out in the end. .


There isn't some magic number of goals that gets shared out at the end of the season based on talent.

People who have Silva, Nasri and Aguero assisting them should score more in about the same games as people who have Sinclair, Barton and Fowler.

It's not like when Anelka was here everybody just gave him the ball and left him to it. If Anelka was in this team instead of Dzeko, he'd have scored for fun

Of course Anelka would have scored for fun, and btw what is for fun ? 20goals + in the PL ? Anelka managed 19 goals in his best season @ Chelsea and he had great talent around him all these years he's played.
Yes, Dzeko should have scored more but he hasn't. He still has a very decent return of goals, and you are going about as he has fucking 5 goals per season while playing for City. Over the last 20 years in the PL there has been only 1x where two strikers from the same team scored 20+ goals in the same season (93-94) and there is a reason for that. Obviously it will likely happen this year again with the the scouers.
CaliforniaBlue said:
Damocles said:
adorado30 said:
Haha, surrounded by top world class players doesn't mean that you are going to score shit load of goals. It gives you an advantage, but at the same it means that all the other top class players around you will score a lot of the goals as well. You share the load over the long season, which averages it out in the end. .


There isn't some magic number of goals that gets shared out at the end of the season based on talent.

People who have Silva, Nasri and Aguero assisting them should score more in about the same games as people who have Sinclair, Barton and Fowler.

It's not like when Anelka was here everybody just gave him the ball and left him to it. If Anelka was in this team instead of Dzeko, he'd have scored for fun
I'm not sure if you really rate Anelka as one of the top strikers of his day, but if you do, then I don't understand your argument - most pro-Dzeko posters will happily acknowledge that Aguero is better, so if you equate Anelka with Aguero, they'd probably agree.

On the other hand, if you're saying that a better-than-average journeyman striker (like Darren Bent?) could score a load more goals than Dzeko, given the support he has on the pitch, then you should use your contacts at the club to persuade them to swap him for one of the many better-than-average journeyman strikers around the world. We'd save a ton of money. Better yet, replace him with one of the many posters on here who could easily have scored that sitter against Stoke - they'll play for free, and the next time they get into position to receive the ball 18 inches from the line with no one around, they'll surely score and everyone will be happy.

Are we even talking the same language?

You're making a soapbox post about users on here then adding one or two sentences to make it seem like it's a reply instead of you ranting incomprehensibly.

I'd recommend buying a parrot.
I DARE City to sell him to any top 10 team in premier league. Since he sucks so bad and its not good enough, this should be great move to weaken our competition..... ;)
Davs 19 said:
HazeM3 said:
I DARE City to sell him to any top 10 team in premier league. Since he sucks so bad and its not good enough, this should be great move to weaken our competition..... ;)

The top 4 wouldn't want him and the next 6 - apart from the rags- probably couldn't afford him. S

Mourinho would have him in a heartbeat.
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