Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

He has that uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time. Although not the most gifted skill-wise in the team, he gets on the score sheet and that is what counts. Brilliant as a super sub. Can I sneak in a complement to his mate Kolarov, who has improved out of sight this season.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

jollylescott said:
He has that uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time. Although not the most gifted skill-wise in the team, he gets on the score sheet and that is what counts. Brilliant as a super sub. Can I sneak in a complement to his mate Kolarov, who has improved out of sight this season.

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

I've loved Edin since he joined, his very first touch in a blue shirt was right in front of me and i thought WOW! He is a confidence player, last year he was on fire at the start, but looked like a donkey sometimes during the season. He needed to add to his game the ability to play whenever needed and I think he has done that this season. As far as starting games I don't know, I think he's better at coming on after our attack has run the legs off opposing defenders? IMO!
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

City Raider said:
ban-mcfc said:
Should never start...ever.

Masterclass off the bench.

Love the guy.

apart from away at spurs ;)

Im 20 years old and thats the best city have played in my whole life.

And yes dzeko was unplayable that day.

I understand his fustration but hes fucking so good off the bench id stick with it.

Sounds weird having your most effective goalscorer on the bench but whatever.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

The whole crap Twitcher said about him clearly being unhappy is bollocks, he's happy at City just doesn't like being classed as a super-sub, I'm sure Dzeko understands his situation that when he scores less then when he comes off from the bench....

I'm sure Aguero, Tevez and Mario would be pissed off being called a super-sub as would any other class striker like Edin.

However once again he dragged us out from the shit and scored 2 brilliant goals especially his excellent header which was similar to the header last season against spuds!
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

You guys are all talking about how good he is off the bench....but you can BET Big Ed will be in the STARTING XI against Ajax this week.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

jollylescott said:
He has that uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time. Although not the most gifted skill-wise in the team, he gets on the score sheet and that is what counts. Brilliant as a super sub. Can I sneak in a complement to his mate Kolarov, who has improved out of sight this season.

That's called a good movement - something people raving about Balotelli since Neville said it once. That's why you're guaranteed to see him in chances in any match he plays. Sometimes he's clinic as f**k and scores and scores and scores like he's doing it now, sometimes he loses it and misses those chances regularly. But he'll certainly be there. Unlike Balo unfortunately who supposedly has a good movement but yet somehow fails to find himself in chance in most of games he plays unless he makes it for himself like one today.

Dzeko's 2nd today is carbon copy of his goal vs Real Madrid, both product of good runs and positioning.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

He did not appreciate being called a super sub in his BBC interview on MOTD, you could tell. He wants to start games and I'm pretty sure he will start against Ajax who are good but not the best team in the world, so that will be a chance for him to show that he can do it over 90 minutes as well as in this Solskjaer-esque role he is flourishing in. One thing is for sure, I think his price tag is going back up again after his value depreciated somewhat due to his inconsistency... hopefully he can keep this up all season.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

LoveCity said:
He did not appreciate being called a super sub in his BBC interview on MOTD, you could tell. He wants to start games and I'm pretty sure he will start against Ajax who are good but not the best team in the world, so that will be a chance for him to show that he can do it over 90 minutes as well as in this Solskjaer-esque role he is flourishing in. One thing is for sure, I think his price tag is going back up again after his value depreciated somewhat due to his inconsistency... hopefully he can keep this up all season.

Yes his price tag is going up, but he can't possibly be for sale. Think where we would be without him this season. Mid table. If you take away his bench heroics this season, Man City would have 11 points, and be in 10th place. Our offense has been shit without him this season.

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