Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Dzeko & Hyde said:
When Dzeko is on the pitch, we score in bunches.
When he's on the bench, we struggle to find the back of the net.

411 minutes on the pitch: 15 goals (one every 27 minutes)
579 minutes on the bench: 7 goal (one every 82 minutes)

I know stats can be misleading but this has some truth about his impact
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Deserves to start. Simple as that.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:35 pm --<br /><br />Regardless whether he starts or not, Edin has become a reliable scorer and I'm just glad we have someone to turn to when the chips are down.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

BosnianDiamond said:
There is a reason Dzeko seems to have the most impactl coming on as a sub in a situation where a goal is desperately needed... That reason is that the entire team plays with more urgency and quickly pass the ball forward where Dzeko can run onto the ball. If he doesn't seem to be as effective when he starts, it's because the team plays the slow passing build up that really doesn't get us anywhere anyway. Let's face it, we're not Barca! Why not adjust the tactics to suit Dzeko as a starter? Clearly he has shown he can score 20+ goals a season regularly. IMO, we should play Aguero-Dzeko regularly when fit, and Tevez can play an advanced midfield role. Wishful thinking, i know.

worth a try
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Edin is a class act. His attitude is exemplary and his form of late is outstanding. It must be frustrating for him to be on the bench behind Balotelli who is clearly not in the same form. However, you could argue that it must be frustrating for Aguero to be behind both Tevez and Balotelli too.

We have four top strikers and we rotate them. We are blessed to have such quality and the players and fans have to become accustomed to their personal favourites not always getting the starts that they appear to deserve.

Balotelli has the potential to be a genuine world class player. Unfortunately he also has the potential to be a destabilizing influence on the team and the club. I note once again that the 5 live commentator this morning chose to focus on Mario's antics rather than a first class performance from ten men. How long someone like Dzeko will continue to accept this situation will be down to his own attitude and our ability to communicate our strategy to him.

My personal favourites are undoubtedly Dzeko and Aguero. I will always support players who play for the club unless they spoil things with their words or actions. For this reason I would not be sorry to see Tevez or Balotelli leave the club though both are immensely talented. Tevez for his behaviour last season and Balotelli for his immaturity that only shows slight evidence of improvement. His performances this season do not match his talent.

I also feel for James Milner who is the consummate professional and a talented player. He will prove himself if given the starts in a central position and for me, is at least the equal of Garcia in the central midfield role. A deserved but very unfortunate sending off yesterday.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Oldius I agree with your post you make some excellent comments.

We do have 4 top strikers. Some may go some will stay .

I keep hearing we may be after Falco, how would he fit into all of this??!
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

JBG said:
Hate to post twice in such a short time in the same thread but...

“Edin’s been in superb form, not just in terms of goal scoring but at the end of last season, at the start of the season, coming off the bench or starting, he’s been excellent,” Platt said.

And Dzeko, always classy, "we did it all together".

Very humble player, he seems to be at his best when he's only given a short period to make a difference. IMO he will probably leave if he's not getting more starts and that is understandable. I think he has a very good position in our team at the moment, Mario needs to produce the goods, instead of petulance otherwise he might end up being the 4th striker.
Well done Edin, your second goal was pure class. Keep it going, and long will you remain a blue.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

IMO the player in FORM starts everytime and at the moment Dzeko is the player in form for a strikers position from the off.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

That winning goal was the best moment of this season. Great pass out of defence, perfect pass from Aguero and a first time controlled shot by Dzeko.

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