Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Posted this on twitter :)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

jollylescott said:
He has that uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time. Although not the most gifted skill-wise in the team, he gets on the score sheet and that is what counts. Brilliant as a super sub. Can I sneak in a complement to his mate Kolarov, who has improved out of sight this season.

Good shout that fella, Kolarov has been excellent and his game is really starting to come on this season and following on from last season in my opinion.

Personally think he has been very consistent and one of our best players this season but like Dzeko some fellow Blues just don't like him and some of the stuff on here written about Kolarov is just wrong in every way.

I really like Clichy and think he has been excellent since joining City but I personally think Kolarov this season should be first choice as his overall play brings more to the team.

Kolarov is playing with enthusiasm and I feel when he comes on as in the Dortmund game he really lifts the whole team and you get that feeling things are going to happen (like Dzeko), would like to see both play the next 4-5 games. Then we could actually give both a fair assessment and see what they bring to the team on week by week basis.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

League performance:


Dzeko = 5 goals in 278 minutes

Aguero + Tevez + Balotelli = 5 goals in 1155 minutes
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

It took Edin some time to adjust to English football. But since then, his goal rate has been as good as anyone out there:

Dzeko only had 1 goal in his 1st 818 minutes in the premiership, but...

Since then: 20 goals in 1803 minutes (that's 1 goal per 90 minutes!)
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

How about this one:

City's goal differential this season is ZERO when Edin is on the bench. That's depressing.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Better off the bench?

You guys are insane. Absolutely insane.

He played two full 90 minute games this season and you guys calling him a super sub is disrespectful to what he has accomplished in his career.

May I remind you all he hasn't been in a sub role since he was with Zejleznicar back in the day?

All this about players legs getting tired is rubbish, if you can't play a full 90 minute game on defense then what are you doing starting and finishing? If it was so easy then why wouldn't every team score from subs?

He's a quality player who deserves more starts from the get-go before this whole label of 'super-subs' sticks.

The irony of all this is if he doesn't score in his next game everyone will go back to calling for his head on the bench.

It's the same dilemma with how American's forget who the president was before Obama.

He's a legend to me and will always be a legend.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

There is a reason Dzeko seems to have the most impactl coming on as a sub in a situation where a goal is desperately needed... That reason is that the entire team plays with more urgency and quickly pass the ball forward where Dzeko can run onto the ball. If he doesn't seem to be as effective when he starts, it's because the team plays the slow passing build up that really doesn't get us anywhere anyway. Let's face it, we're not Barca! Why not adjust the tactics to suit Dzeko as a starter? Clearly he has shown he can score 20+ goals a season regularly. IMO, we should play Aguero-Dzeko regularly when fit, and Tevez can play an advanced midfield role. Wishful thinking, i know.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

BosnianDiamond said:
There is a reason Dzeko seems to have the most impactl coming on as a sub in a situation where a goal is desperately needed... That reason is that the entire team plays with more urgency and quickly pass the ball forward where Dzeko can run onto the ball. If he doesn't seem to be as effective when he starts, it's because the team plays the slow passing build up that really doesn't get us anywhere anyway. Let's face it, we're not Barca! Why not adjust the tactics to suit Dzeko as a starter? Clearly he has shown he can score 20+ goals a season regularly. IMO, we should play Aguero-Dzeko regularly when fit, and Tevez can play an advanced midfield role. Wishful thinking, i know.

I was saying the same thing today. I'd like to see tevez replace Nasri.

Tevez Silva Aguero

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