Eliaquim Mangala - now official

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Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Mr. Aguia said:
goalmole said:
Can someone explain to a mere Northener what the big attraction is for these footballers in London. I mean, do the women have bigger tits or is the beer better or is they like the pie and mash too much. They're professional footballers FFS. If i was a footballer, i wouldn't give a flying fuck where the club was as long as i was getting paid well and had the chance of winning trophies. Hear this all the time from them and can't really understand it.
Would someone care to enlighten me.

My guess is it's more about the wife/girlfriend ala Berbatov. He was set to sign with Juve and his wife overruled the decision because she wanted to be in London so he signed with Fulham. Obviously if it was a footballing decision there is no comparison between Juve and Fulham so clearly it's important. Obviously there are more shopping spots, restaurants and clubs as well.
He must be having an absolute whale of a time in Manaco, musn't he? I don't think any footballer has ever been more suited to a place
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

TrueBlue1705 said:
Lord BLue said:
TrueBlue1705 said:
Why the f*ck is he saying this then knowing full well we are negotiating with Porto to sign him? - To me its a lack of class to come out with such a statement, it stinks of someone who thinks he's bigger than he is ....
Erm, maybe we're not

Then in this case it would make sense - but as I understand it has he not already acknoweldged that we were negotiating with Porto for him and stated we hadn't been able to agree a fee, whilst at the same time stating his preference for a London club....

There was never any mentioned bout a fee not being agreed. Mangala said out of his own mouth that the transfer didn't happen because he didn't want to leave in the middle of the season. That's the quote, no media sensationalism or misinterpretation. Also again he didn't state a preference for a London club. He was asked if he had the option to play in England next and was given the choice between Chelsea/City he stumbled and said Chelsea simply because of London. Nothing about playing for Chelsea or that they are the better club, he likes their players and mangers more etc etc.

He was asked on the spot and when you're asked on the spot 9/10 you go with what you're familiar with. He wasn't going to respond " ah well, you see I better not say anything because City tried to sign me already and don't want to upset the bluemooners" . We are given a pass for some of us singing about MP in a negative light before he came and won us 2 trophies. Not just you but others need to cut him some slack because he was put on the spot.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

CTID101 said:
goalmole said:
Can someone explain to a mere Northener what the big attraction is for these footballers in London. I mean, do the women have bigger tits or is the beer better or is they like the pie and mash too much. They're professional footballers FFS. If i was a footballer, i wouldn't give a flying fuck where the club was as long as i was getting paid well and had the chance of winning trophies. Hear this all the time from them and can't really understand it.
Would someone care to enlighten me.
Plenty of fancy restaurants and places like Kings Road, Harrods and so on to spend cash and also big mansions for him to choose from.
Thanks for trying chaps, but some of these cunts must be detached from reality then 'cos most of them grow up in some working class shithole without 2 halfpennies to rub together, like the rest of us, and all of a sudden the mansions aren't big enough and there aren't enough shops and restaurants. Shallow as fuck.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

All this verbal rhetoric is bollox imho.

Our Chairman says our business is all but done.
If it's Mangala he's on his way all bar the shouting. Don't give a fuck about his mansions or restaurants, the French can't help but chat shit sometimes can they?
Fuck me on their money they can fly there in half an hour for a night out which is shorter time than it takes me to organise a taxi into town!

If it's not Mangala fuck him their are others who we'll bring in.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I didn't even know he's going to Chelsea.
I thought he was a dead cert, funny old game.

Fair enough, not arsed myself.
London is nice if you have plenty of cash so fair do's.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Not going to happen.
City clearly haven't talked to him since January. Too expensive for a Centre Half - We have moved on.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

goalmole said:
CTID101 said:
goalmole said:
Can someone explain to a mere Northener what the big attraction is for these footballers in London. I mean, do the women have bigger tits or is the beer better or is they like the pie and mash too much. They're professional footballers FFS. If i was a footballer, i wouldn't give a flying fuck where the club was as long as i was getting paid well and had the chance of winning trophies. Hear this all the time from them and can't really understand it.
Would someone care to enlighten me.
Plenty of fancy restaurants and places like Kings Road, Harrods and so on to spend cash and also big mansions for him to choose from.
Thanks for trying chaps, but some of these cunts must be detached from reality then 'cos most of them grow up in some working class shithole without 2 halfpennies to rub together, like the rest of us, and all of a sudden the mansions aren't big enough and there aren't enough shops and restaurants. Shallow as fuck.

If you grew up without a pot to piss in then you'd want to make the most of your millions and really enjoy your money. Wouldn't call them shallow for doing what the rest of us would do if we suddenly came into a lot of money. I love Manchester but if I ever become rich I most definitely will not be living here.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

BlueAnorak said:
Not going to happen.
City clearly haven't talked to him since January. Too expensive for a Centre Half - We have moved on.

On the contrary, I think we clearly have spoken to him since January, we just haven't got the assurances we need. He's talking about waiting until after the world cup, we want someone right now. If someone like Benatia is willing to say "Sign me up Pellers", I'm sure we'll much prefer that than a summer of umming an arring. We cannot afford another fuck up at centre half this summer, it's got to be 100% sorted.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

With Chelsea selling Luiz I get the feeling there was something in Mangala's comments regarding Chelsea, he wouldn't just bring their name up by chance I wouldn't of though.

I am swaying more to Benatia now to be honest.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

sam-caddick said:
With Chelsea selling Luiz I get the feeling there was something in Mangala's comments regarding Chelsea, he wouldn't just bring their name up by chance I wouldn't of though.

I am swaying more to Benatia now to be honest.
Did he bring Chelsea up? Or was he asked about them? Jorge Mendes is his agent and he's always using the media to try and get what he wants (and what he wants, generally, is all his players to play under Mourinho)
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