Lol, yeah because investment advice is based upon what happens over 2 months? I said it's a great time to buy because it has fallen in price and it's now an even better time if you're optimistic. The chat in this thread sums up the market right now which is pessimistic but pessimists don't bet and they certainly don't bet in times of economic difficulty. I just think of all those stupid idiots who bought TSLA years ago when they opened up at $20, fools!
The fact is if you had bought any other highly traded stock then there's a chance that you'd of lost money. The hilarity on here is that people on here will have a pension fund or investments elsewhere that are made up of shares and there's a good chance that your fund did and may still hold Tesla.
If this is the case then you're literally betting against and laughing at yourself. Going off most market analysts and the recently released company performance you'd have to be somewhat brave to say that it will never ever, ever, ever rise again. If that's the case then the blue-chips are also absolutely screwed and may as well pack up shop as well.. Did anyone mention that we're in a recession at a time of record interest rates and nobody has any money due to inflation?
On a final note, the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y were the best selling cars in the UK in December, more Model Ys were sold than Minis last year and they're even outstripping sales of everything in terrible right-wing places like Norway. Who'd of thought that so many people liked driving around in so called MAGA hats? Maybe like me they just don't care about politics and certainly not US politics.