Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

I came off there 10 days ago. Mainly because of all the far-right bullshit regarding the riots and the amount of time I was taking calling people racist cunts. It's bad enough with having to put rival fans in their place all the time regarding the PL case against City but despite all that I found it a decent place to keep up to speed with genuine fan related issues, hence why I thought I couldn't do without it.

Well I have to say that after 10 days I haven't missed it one fucking bit!
I have had an account for year's, but have only ever used it for local club cricket scores, and most clubs now have real-time updates on NV PLAY so couldn't tell you the last time I logged on

As a student of physics I had a similar experience with the Hyperloop (remember that?). The cars and rockets were all very well, and I didn’t know enough about aeronautical engineering or AI in self-driving cars to understand the challenges.

But Hyperloop is basic physics. And that basic physics tells you it is a stupid fucking idea. The largest vacuum we have ever created is a room about the size of a circle with a 15 metre radius and 30 metres high. And it was a feat of engineering. Because vacuums and near-vacuums are incredibly unstable, it only takes one small leak and the whole thing will shatter explosively.

And Musk wanted to build a vacuum thousands of kilometres long. And then put people inside!

Yeah mate, I’ll take the bus.

By the way Hyperloop One went bankrupt last year. Funny how everybody has forgotten about it though.
Hyperloop One went bankrupt last year. Funny how everybody has forgotten about it though.

IIRC Elon has actually admitted that the Hyperloop stunt was just to kill development of high speed rail in california which would decimate the car industry, and particularly the electric truck freight idea he's been trying to get off the ground for a decade.

Speaking of which they've delivered 140 units. 100 are used by tesla, 40 by PepsiCo, who had to return 15 of them because they failed/broke. Oh and the 500 mile range is just for crisps, if they want to transport bottles or anything heavy, it's ~100mi.

So in the nearly 7 years since the prototype was launched, orders and deposits were taken and 5 years after delivery was supposed to start (over 3 years since they actually DID start), Tesla has mnaged to get about 25 of them into the wild and they are barely 20% functional in terms of range.

Make that 24...

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