There will always be young, talented and intelligent people who want to work for Musk and Twitter. They will fall over themselves to get a job working for Musk and Twitter. He’s their icon.
Yes, there will be initial upheavals and possible problems at Twitter after all the sackings, but there are enough talented people left to keep Twitter going during and after the initial upheaval and changes.
Bit by bit Musk and Twitter will recruit new staff who are willing to do the new hours, work patterns and what’s expected of them. The old staff who were sacked and have left will soon be forgotten anout.
It reminds me of the BBC move North. The London staff, their Unions and the London based media were complaining about the ‘forced move North’. Those BBC staff who didn’t move North lost their jobs. Those BBC staff who did move North, most will have probably done so successfully, whilst others will have gone back to London. But most importantly, all those jobs that became available will have been filled by people from Manchester, from the North, and from around the UK.
For as long as I can remember there hasn’t been any murmurings of discontent and unhappiness from BBC staff at Mediacity. It’s just a shame the BBC Sports department is full of Rags and Scousers.
Elon Musk,- Twitter
Just leaving Twitter HQ code review
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