Empty seats on telly suggestion

djimaldblue said:
The OP comes on here making an honest suggestion and gets slaughtered by a lot of people for it. Why the fuck can't you just not say anything rather than calling the poor guy a rag?

Because it's the internet. Post a thread about the atmosphere being like a church and people will point out:

Empty seats
Price of tickets
Positioning of away fans
Other life events

I wouldn't get stressed about it, I heard some fans complaining about the quality of Silva's goals yesterday, people talk shit. It's best to let them talk shit, and let it go. The only ones who should be hunted down and shot are *Spits* Flappers!
City1974 said:
Most empty seats were due to Palace not taking their full allocation ?.

Really think we should move the away section out of sight of the main camera angle i.e. tucked into a corner of the South Stand\Colin Bell stand or corner of North Stand\Colin Bell stand.

Other empty seats yesterday mainly in the North Stand end.
Always makes me laugh when the away fans either don't sell out or don't take the upper tier and five mins in burst into "where were you when " to the seats they didn't sell
I'm lucky enough to be able to afford me & my kids attend every home game. The shite received from utd fans rattling on about the stadium being empty doesn't bother me as they don't fill their ground either & if thats all they have to grasp at then we're doing very well but....I have mentioned on surveys & forums my concern when the new stand is open. Then there will be a gaping hole on cup nights midweek against lower league opposition. Even more so when the other half of the expansion is complete. The Sheik is obviously looking light years ahead when we are basking in European & maybe Barca-esque world dominance that the stadium will be bursting at the seams but in the meantime make sure YOU turn up, don't worry about the empty seats, we're a local club at the minute supported by an ever faithful 35-40,000 fans & I bet I'm not the only old blue who is watching the best football I have ever seen & luvin every minute of it.
Kippaxman said:
I'm lucky enough to be able to afford me & my kids attend every home game. The shite received from utd fans rattling on about the stadium being empty doesn't bother me as they don't fill their ground either & if thats all they have to grasp at then we're doing very well but....I have mentioned on surveys & forums my concern when the new stand is open. Then there will be a gaping hole on cup nights midweek against lower league opposition. Even more so when the other half of the expansion is complete. The Sheik is obviously looking light years ahead when we are basking in European & maybe Barca-esque world dominance that the stadium will be bursting at the seams but in the meantime make sure YOU turn up, don't worry about the empty seats, we're a local club at the minute supported by an ever faithful 35-40,000 fans & I bet I'm not the only old blue who is watching the best football I have ever seen & luvin every minute of it.

Do you think Barcelona and Real Madrid sell out every match?

Not even close

You're just fearing something that has no impact on us whatsoever

The media and rival fans are the only thing that's fuelling those fears

Personally I couldn't give a shit if we don't sell out every game

Just sick of people harping on like our very existence depended on it
I couldn't care less if empty seats are all over the place. If people can't afford it they can't afford it. Just shows we aren't a club full of day trippers and tourists just yet. Or is that what we want?
Blue Note said:
I couldn't care less if empty seats are all over the place. If people can't afford it they can't afford it. Just shows we aren't a club full of day trippers and tourists just yet. Or is that what we want?

I think that is basically what any really big club needs to sell out 50 plus on a regular basis. Your hardcore base of locals, ex locals and other lifelong fans who live away from the ground. New fans with reason to support the club. Then kids growing up with a number of teams to choose from who choose City. And then basically you need all those part time fans, people who won't attend every game, the foreigners living or staying in/visiting England and the ones who are just willing to pay £40-60 to see Aguero, Silva or a player from their home country.

I've noticed a lot of Germans at our games recently...not sure if that means there are a lot of Germans attending our games compared to previous years or if I've just happened to bump into them/share their pain at not being able to take alcohol to my seat. I think any really big club needs these part timers to be able to fill a big ground for as many games as we have thropughout a season.
Hopefully it was the Xmas shopping excuse which was ironic because we sang that to the Palace fans. Disappointed to see so many empty seats at the final whistle. I know it can be difficult to get out of the stadium but why so many ? I guess the players have gotten used to it by now.

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