Enjoy your Napoli Trip

pete1201 said:
@ Kippaxkid...parking around the stadium will be a nightmare...people arrive hours before kickoff....and 2 hours before kick off both Curvas and the distinti will be full...as will every car space in Fuorigrotta!!!

@CTIDBluemooner...Taxis from port to Garibaldi after the game...lots of scousers complained about the lack of taxis after the game. This could be because most of them were in hotels in that area, and demand outsripped supply...I'm not sure on this one. I would have thought with the huge cruiseliners that there would be taxis there though

@Baldy.....Not adviseable at all to go to the bars around the ground. If you come in on the shuttle I'm sure you will be shown directly into the ground.

-- Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:51 pm --

I'll be keeping an eye on you lot....hehehehehe

Pete how long ago did this obsession with everything Naples/Napoli begin mate...
@middletonblue.....Ever since I was in nappies....Although my Dad is English my mother is Napulitana!!!! Have been to Naples so many times I have lost count. My biggest regret? In all the time I have been going I didn't set foot in San Paolo till Jan 2009..Napoli v Roma. In the mid 80's my cousins used to tell me about this guy called Maradona...but I only used to go in the summer so never saw the little man. I am a Pompey fan so never felt the need to see another team.

However, being old school I missed the chaos of football that all seater stadium killed....so when I finally went to San Paolo...I was gobsmacked...This is how football was 40 years ago in England...totally disorganised...no corporate nonense, fans bouncing around really having a ball... not being victimised by stewards.

Only the old school fans amongst you will realise what has been lost in England...we now have a generation of fans that have never known the pleasure of meeting all your mates at a game and standing without being told to sit down.

Look at the Curvas when you go...they don't sit down...On my first visit I asked a steward where is my seat as I couldnt see any row or seat numbers...he smiled and said...'sit anywhere'. I tell my mates this is my football fix....
Hi all,
someone asked for an hotel close to the port area.
This one should be ok:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mercure.com/gb/hotel-1601-mercure-napoli-angioino-centro/index.shtml" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mercure.com/gb/hotel-1601-me ... ndex.shtml</a>
Pete/Napoli7 - Any idea where we can buy some flares (smokey fireworks ones not the keks still worn in Middlesboro) from in Naples?
TheGhost said:
Pete/Napoli7 - Any idea where we can buy some flares (smokey fireworks ones not the keks still worn in Middlesboro) from in Naples?
I'll phone my cousin tonight if you don't get an answer from Napoli7....I see the Bayern fans had them in abundance so they must be readily available
Napoli Checklist

To Take:

City scarf -- delete
Steel Underpants
European Health Insurance Card
Map of safe/unsafe areas

To Do:

Update Last Will & Testament
Learn the Italian for "I come in peace"

For those of us who are going to Napoli, this is going to take on legendary status in years to come.

There will be more of us who went to Napoli than went to York or Blackburn.

I'll be there!
Anyone going to Napoli check out this guide.

My colleague at the Bolton News runs this website and it's really useful stuff.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mancityaway.co.uk/?p=417" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mancityaway.co.uk/?p=417</a>
I lived in Italy for a few years and I noticed 1 huge difference between english fans and Italian fans. They organise their away trips like their organising a mission to take down some arab dictator. The police escort away fans for most of their journey to the game which prevents any trouble. Thats why there's only ever trouble at the Rome derby or when foreign fans visit Italy. I lived in Northern Italy which was very safe but Southern Italy is quite dangerous particuarly Naples. 95% of Ultras in Italy are only interested in wathcing the game not causing trouble. Unfortunately the 5% of Ultras thta do cause trouble give the majority of fans a bad name. Let's be honest here Liverpool fans had an awful time in Naples, which is why Liverpool organised their largest mob in 20 years in the return game in Naples. The Napoli fans you'll experience in Naples are very different to the fans you will meet in Italy. Due to the large Italian diaspora and Italian clubs being popular few fans that attend away matches in europe are actually Ultras. There is a lot of restrictions on travel for Ultras which prevents them travelling, there's no problem attending home games though. Naples is a very very dangerous city few people in Italy would dream of stepping foot in Naples. As with all Ultras groups in Italy they are heavily connected to the local mafia, in Naples this is particuarly true on Naples. Italian Ultras don't have organised fights they are spontaneous incidents that usually involve weapons, violence in Italian football is rare but when it does occur somebody gets seriously injured. Naples is a dangerous city violence can happen anywhere and at any time. Part's of Naples are more like the brazilian favelas than an average Italian suburb. I think it coult be the best trip of your life for some fans the worst trip of their life for others.

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