You do understand that it's a public forum, that young footballers may possibly take an interest in the largest independent football forum appertaining to the team they bleed for and that such cruel slander thrown at a 19yo boy could be devastating?
From all accounts he's a nice guy. Everybody who's met him likes him. He does his best, he works hard, he's quite and unassuming, he keeps himself to himself and he never speaks bad about the club or us supporters. In fact I'm sure that you'd like him if ever you met him.
And he gets wise guys coming on here to slaughter him for having the audacity to be selected to play for the 1st 11 at the club that employs him.
Imagine if it were your son or daughter coming in for this billy big bollocks nonsense that dinks spout at the kid from behind the safety of a keyboard? It's little more than online bullying.
You make light of it but it's undeserved, pointless and cruel for the sake of it.
I rarely say anything when they throw crap at the seasoned professionals. It would be like water off a duck's back to the likes of Otamendi, because he's old enough to know that it's cowardly behavior and that nobody would have bottle enough to say to his face, but they should please leave the kids alone.