Erling Haaland

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yes matey spot on

even if haaland is a city fan somebody offers more money in wages you go to the highest wage

I think it's important to remember his Dad's career was cut short due to injury. Imagine being a pro footballer and planning that you have about 5 or 6 years left when you can be earning good money, then quite suddenly that's cut to 1 or 2 that are left on your current contract, and only the basic rate, no bonuses. He will not have been earning spectacular money but enough to know he couldn't easily replace the income. The stress of handling that injury will have had a very profound affect on their family life.

If we offer a competitive offer we have a good chance but if we get blown out of the water by short termists, which has happened before, I'm sure he'll go to them.

I'm happy to let them do it. Look at the state of Barca now, look at the state of Old Trafford, look at the competitiveness of Real Madrid. The people running those clubs keep overstretching and hurting themselves. They're having to sprint just to stand still.
Haaland is the most sought after player in the world right now. We have never signed a player like that. Which is why i remain somewhat skeptical we get him. But this kind of meetings will be happening with many clubs.

No need to panic.
I’m not panicking, I want Harry Kane ;)
Haaland at his age and with his scoring records and physical attributes as a football player, is worth having a look at anytime.

But there are more players around that could suite us. And save us more money, more wages, won’t disrupt the salary mode, and won’t sit in the way of an upcoming talent such as Delap who by all means represents our own youth system.

I look at Haaland and it’s easy to see why he is wanted by so many clubs. But it’s also easy to forget there’s more to getting the just one player. I have enough trust in our management to get the right players in. Until than, let’s keep speculating
May well be. And makes sense. But wouldn't rule Barcelona out myself.

Absolutely fucks Dortmund off though.
And may that play to our advantage in th CL.

Role reversal. If they rocked up at our offices, we'd be convinced it was happening. Dismissing it is imho in part logical, but for the best part confirmation bias.

Similarly, if one of our star players agent and dad rocked up at another club a week before crucial games, we'd all be thinking, he's off, and raging at the distraction.

Yes, It will have some effect on the Dortmund performance so good for us. I wouldn't want KDB's father and agent publicly meeting with another club. The knockout effect that may have on other players knowing the best player in the team is already planning for the next season.

Two, as mentioned by others Alf and Raiola are both ready to play the transfer tussle in all its glory. With Raiola I was expecting some kind of conjecture and mind games and mud slinging but i thought with Alf being there, it would make our work a whole lot easy. Apparently not!
Fair play to them. It is business after all. Raiola gets his client whatever they want and how much they want. IF and its a big IF, Haaland takes the money route, we may have some difficulty. This is Raiola. He has stop Donurrama signing a contract extension with his childhood club Milan until they make him the highest paid goalkeeper in the world.
Money. Mino is the master of using the press to hype his clients to maximize contracts.

It's not an effective negotiating tactic if Barca are as broke as some people on here would like to think.

If they were genuinely crippled, he might as well be going to see Burnley for all the good it would do him putting pressure on everyone else interested.

Txiki, Omar and Soriano will know more about Barcelona's real financial status than most.
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