Erling Haaland

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I agree no way Barcelona afford him this is a political play to try keep messi.
It's amazing how it's always the Spanish who leak there transfer meetings.
Either way the club will have an idea of what's what
Ill rule Barcelona right out. No chance they sign him. None.
The soap opera is underway. Enjoy the ride but you have to be realistic and consider that Haaland may go elsewhere. No point stressing about it. If City want him and Haaland wants city then we have nothing to worry about. These huge deals take a new twist each day. Look at the Messi fiasco last summer. City will have other targets and we will land 1.
I think it's important to remember his Dad's career was cut short due to injury. Imagine being a pro footballer and planning that you have about 5 or 6 years left when you can be earning good money, then quite suddenly that's cut to 1 or 2 that are left on your current contract, and only the basic rate, no bonuses. He will not have been earning spectacular money but enough to know he couldn't easily replace the income. The stress of handling that injury will have had a very profound affect on their family life.

If we offer a competitive offer we have a good chance but if we get blown out of the water by short termists, which has happened before, I'm sure he'll go to them.

I'm happy to let them do it. Look at the state of Barca now, look at the state of Old Trafford, look at the competitiveness of Real Madrid. The people running those clubs keep overstretching and hurting themselves. They're having to sprint just to stand still.

yep you just never know the amount of time you have playing

haaland goal record at dortmond is demanding a big pay rise at another club to get him. but also the big thing is his new club must be winning silverware he wants to win things and the money will look after itself

if city want to play with the big boys in europe we have to sign marquee players and that will mean big wages
all city fans know we are short in the striker department and we need the best striker for the next level
haaland is ready for the next step city are ready for the next step forget the money and wages just get him
I can understand how it helps Barcelona but how does it help Haaland?

Partly it's a sales tactic called FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out. If you make a potential buyer think that you're going to sell to someone else, they will often panic and offer more.

Now everyone who's spoken to them is thinking "oh shit Barcelona are talking to him what can we do?"

It's also a cheeky sort of reverse of one called MESO, Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers, which you would use to figure out a buyer's priorities. If he wanted then Raiola can go to City now and create the impression that lifestyle is a priority for Haaland "Barcelona offers the opportunity to live in the sun, go to the beach every day, learn a new language etc. Manchester doesn't offer this so if you want him you will have to offer more than Barcelona to compensate for these missed experiences."

Of course the truth could be the opposite.

The idea is you grind everyone down until you get their absolute best final offers on the table.

He may already knew exactly where he wants to go but Raiola will be trying to extract concessions. If City have any sense about them, which I'm sure they do, they will have started with room to move up. Early days.
I'm sure City will do the right thing, if that means walking away we will do that too. The interesting thing here is what message has this sent to Dortmund who said they are going to keep him but also have a CL quarter final next week and their prized asset is being discussed with other clubs in the public eyes
Interesting. Fair play on the confidence.

The problem Barcelona have is so public. I won't repeat their wage bill issues other than to say that they simply cannot add Haaland without a significant knock on effect to both their incoming and outgoing player situation.

What they do have is a sales pitch: We're Barcelona, and we have a massive hole in the number 9 position. We're rebuilding the squad and have some of the best young players in Europe as part of the new project. We want Erling to be the face of it.

Under normal circumstances that would be a compelling pitch and I'd look at Barcelona as a serious contender. But as I say at the top, they can talk, but they can't physically do the deal. Dortmund will want a massive amount in one go. Where will Laporta find the liquidity to pay that sort of sum? Even if they were to miraculously get some kind of favourable loan terms, that loan would have to be used across all their business. He isn't about to spunk it on one deal because that is EXACTLY what Bartomeu did for years to create the mess they're in.

If I had to hazard a guess as to what's gone on/is going on it's this. Madrid aren't in for him. Raiola has no relationship with Perez or Zidane. He's been desperate to move Pogba there for years, and Perez just isn't interested. Some people say it's because Raiola also said this about Madrid when Ancelotti distanced himself from a move for Pogba:

'Madrid buy players the way some people buy bath towels and then throw aside. We are not interested in a club like that.'

Since then whilst Raiola has tried to dial that attitude back a little bit, he's gotten nowhere near getting Pogba the move he craves. Now he wants the world to believe that Madrid are at the table for Haaland. For my money it's unlikely that Perez will do that to Benzema. He loves that kid and he's repaid that faith in performances and goals. Yes he's old but a bit like Aguero needs to go for Haaland to come, Benzema would need to go for Haaland to arrive. And he isn't leaving this summer and is still banging goals in for them.

From Mino's point view he needs one of the two Spanish giants to look like credible rivals. Without that he basically has to convince City that Haaland would move to Chelsea for the right money, and I don't think City would buy that.
Barcelona can't afford to buy toilet paper but that won't stop them from pursuing Haaland. Big financial backing will be there either way. Ofc Txiki and Co will know what is happening and they would have alternatives ready
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