Etihad Atmosphere - 2021/22

I would have thought that the best thing for the future of the club would be to increase the capacity, reduce prices a little for adults ... but make it really cheap for kids. Make it affordable for parents to bring their kids - and their kids' friends - along each week.

You never know when the 'City bug' is going to grab a youngster & make him / her a lifelong fan.

While we're playing such great & exciting football, scoring goals, winning trophies ... this is the obvious time to get the kids in & build the next generation of Blues.

Apologies for stating the obvious !
I agree with your points about songs.

One of the issues we have is at the back of 115 there are 2 or 3 lads who are incredibly loud and can start songs off easily.

Not wanting to sound tight, but I have to mention song choice to them game in game out and they never get it. I don’t know how to make the penny drop. That’s why you have people singing ‘here’s to you Vincent Kompany’ right after Jesus scores the opener.

They’re good lads though and I consider them friends, but they aren’t switched on, for want of a better description.
I've no idea who you're referring to! ;)

To be honest, those 2 or 3 did an absolutely brilliant job in keeping it going in the SS on Wednesday night (aided by me) against Brighton and were singing songs that were more relevant and could keep going for longer. Bernardo chant at the start went on for a good 5 or 6 minutes and that set the tone. More fans than usual in that section were joining in too and I noticed a group of lads where my mates are further down the block who I've never seen before and they were joining in with everything. They weren't there on Saturday though, plus one of the three from Wednesday night at the back wasn't there, and despite it being more full than the Brighton game the atmosphere didn't seem to take off as much, although like Wednesday at least there was a Stand Up For The Champions that started at the back of 115 and ended up going round the stadium.
I've no idea who you're referring to! ;)

To be honest, those 2 or 3 did an absolutely brilliant job in keeping it going in the SS on Wednesday night (aided by me) against Brighton and were singing songs that were more relevant and could keep going for longer. Bernardo chant at the start went on for a good 5 or 6 minutes and that set the tone. More fans than usual in that section were joining in too and I noticed a group of lads where my mates are further down the block who I've never seen before and they were joining in with everything. They weren't there on Saturday though, plus one of the three from Wednesday night at the back wasn't there, and despite it being more full than the Brighton game the atmosphere didn't seem to take off as much, although like Wednesday at least there was a Stand Up For The Champions that started at the back of 115 and ended up going round the stadium.
Looking across from my seat, I’ve noticed there are fewer piss takers in 115 this season with the majority of Blues getting behind the lads. Credit to 1894 and anyone else who is trying to create a good atmosphere.

I’ve noticed this week that the Edin Dzeko song was hardly sung until we were dominating the games and there were plenty of chants for the rest of the ground to join in with if peole have the motivation.

Btw Glad to see the lad in 209 return who sings, “You’re fooking shit” to the opposition half a dozen times a game.!
I agree with your points about songs.

One of the issues we have is at the back of 115 there are 2 or 3 lads who are incredibly loud and can start songs off easily.

Not wanting to sound tight, but I have to mention song choice to them game in game out and they never get it. I don’t know how to make the penny drop. That’s why you have people singing ‘here’s to you Vincent Kompany’ right after Jesus scores the opener.

They’re good lads though and I consider them friends, but they aren’t switched on, for want of a better description.
You can tel that this is happening and it’s having a big effect. Clap clap fucking clap all game. Pablo Zabaleta straight After kick off. Erik Dzeko repeatedly. Empty Seats at home straight after a goal. We ever win at home as we build attacks. It’s like they are obsessed with getting the south stand clapping and that means no atmosphere around the ground.
You can tel that this is happening and it’s having a big effect. Clap clap fucking clap all game. Pablo Zabaleta straight After kick off. Erik Dzeko repeatedly. Empty Seats at home straight after a goal. We ever win at home as we build attacks. It’s like they are obsessed with getting the south stand clapping and that means no atmosphere around the ground.
That’s not been the case this week Dave from the songs I’ve heard. There’s been a good range of chants for people to join in with and I’ve found the atmosphere decent.

The most frequently sung songs on Saturday were, “City tearing Cockneys apart” and “Bluemoon”
So did I - as a guest in the Tunnel Club (check my previous posts slagging off the TC - so yes - massive hypocrite - but my god the food was nice!!) an interesting perspective. I was quite literally on the single row above the tunnel, a few seats behind Kyle Walker. So, as good as what the players hear from the bench. And like @Didsbury Dave says - it was utterly shite.

No excuses at all for this one, and I am out of trying to work out why.

Why is it when I go away (which I do, and have done for decades for almost every game, before I am accused of being a plastic) the pissed-up concourse is loud and proud - and for most away (Leicester, for example, very early this season in particular for some reason was fantastic - 90mins of non stop singing) we are excellent - but come back home, and despite the efforts of the SS, no one else seems to give a flying fuck?

Does it matter? The players - from watching them close up, don't seem to give a fuck. As proved playing in empty stadiums. They just want their £200K a week. Some, in fairness, make an effort to clap the 7 fans left at full time, and on away days, Pep seems to make sure they come over (although the days of players like Zaba, Vinnie and Hart, who would make a special effort, have long gone). But others just head down the tunnel - and who can blame them when there is no-one left in the stadium?

So I don't think it particularly matters for the players (expect for maybe the lift it gives the bin dippers playing into the Kop on a European night), and I do think there is a bit in every City fan of a certain age that might be more vocal when we are fighting relegation against Port Vale, or chasing an improbable Cup come back against clubs we used to think as 'giants'. For all the success, all the money, all the spectacular stars of recent years, is there a significant part of our support who are just so damaged, that what only really excites is spontaneous, unlikely, 'back against the wall' football, rather than the magnificent machine we watch weekly now?

I have had to explore pseudo-psychology, because I am out of options. What else can explain the difference between the atmosphere at Wembley in 1999 and that at the Semi-Final two weeks ago?

And finally...I think it does matter. It matters to me. I go to football as my weekly therapy, to disengage from the all the stresses and bollocks of daily life - and I like to shout and sing and feel part of a community I cherish. It's just a shame that I can now only really get that therapy at the occasional away game...
There are so many reasons why our atmosphere is shit (genuine ones n’all, not shit like “it was a 12:30 Saturday afternoon kick off”!). But it’s mainly just down to apathy.

Our support is apathetic.

We have a very small number of fans who try very hard around all different areas of the stadium. But I don’t think there are more than 5,000 of us in total out of 50,000. Even in the designated “Singing Section” there’s only two small chunks of two blocks who sing plus a little bit of 110-111, then it’s just odd people or pairs or trios dotted about the stadium.

The rest of the ground barely join in at all.

And of course it does matter. People like to feel part of a fanbase that is together and behind the team. Football fan culture is as much part of football as the game on the grass. I’m left frustrated with our support very often. Wembley was bad, but the last 10 mins the other day when 5-1 up at home when going for the title was the worse, “is there a fire drill” by the Watford fans was the biggest chant of the end of the game.
Yes but the difference is they don’t disappear on mass like we do. We have a very unique fan base. All this success and lovely football yet half of the crowd can’t wait to leave the ground and get back home.

Tbf when you visit once a year and spend close to £500/600 as half the Anfield crowd do, you’d want to squeeze every last second out of it.

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