Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

This is a big issue for us trying to round fans up, there is always a "but"

im not trying to come down on this idea by saying pay £700 a season instead, but just highlighting the problemsssssss we have.

we have asked the club to mirror the season tickets with SS3. But it is a can of worms.
I get that but price is the real reason why we are so split in the ground, keep up the fight buddy
This is a big issue for us trying to round fans up, there is always a "but"

im not trying to come down on this idea by saying pay £700 a season instead, but just highlighting the problemsssssss we have.

we have asked the club to mirror the season tickets with SS3. But it is a can of worms.
The only chance of a brand new singing area gaining any form of traction is if the club push this hard AND offer huge cost incentives. I said this when they first opened the south stand top tier: offer first refusal on season tickets to the existing singing areas at half price or less. Stick 1894 at the back of it and given them 200 free tickets. Call it "The New Kippax". Offer facilities for banners. It would be worth the small financial hit for long term gain. If the stadium gets more of an identity and makes more noise, more kids and corporates want to come.
I like natural atmosphere. Don't like the preforming monkey type of atmosphere like at Baryern and Copenhagen. I don't need some knobhead with a drum and a megaphone telling me what to sing, when to cheer and when to jump up and down. Watch the game and react accordingly.
The natural atmosphere in most games doesn't exist at our ground we could be 5-0 up and you'll still see pepole sat there in silence for the smaller games at least someone to keep up chants would for sure be beneficial
my last post on this thread,its just a waste of time.
re arrange everything,do whatever any group wants to be done.
if the average fans sat on his/ her arse wont join in and support the club,they have paid money for,to sit vitually lifeless,nothing can be done.

Like others have said and i know from experiance,we can be fantastic,on the odd game or two over a season,but the rest,for an unfathomable reason we just cant be arsed.
chat on and on and on.
but none of it will change our lethargy alas.
up the blues.
While we could try harder to be an intimidating ground for the opposition got to remember we aren't alone in having a patchy atmosphere. We are alone in being defined for it because we are outside the Red cartel.

Case in point is The Athletic's piece this week which had the ludicrous claim that Arsenal has had one of the best atmospheres this season.

We would have to have a Boca Juniors type atmos to get that type of credit from outsiders, while all Arsenal would have to do is song or chant something other than 'Arsenal, Arsenal' to have people fawning over them - and you bet their 'best' will have been nowhere near our better displays this season.

Same way there are far more empty seats at the Swamp than at our place these days, but you won't hear anything said about that, same way we are TENTH in the latest five-year net spend table, and yet apparently outspending everybody....

But yes we can do better...yes the club should understand that atmosphere is excitement and excitement keeps tills rolling, so what's good for us is good for them and an expanded NS is a generational chance to fix it...but in the meantime chins up blues!
While we could try harder to be an intimidating ground for the opposition got to remember we aren't alone in having a patchy atmosphere. We are alone in being defined for it because we are outside the Red cartel.

Case in point is The Athletic's piece this week which had the ludicrous claim that Arsenal has had one of the best atmospheres this season.

We would have to have a Boca Juniors type atmos to get that type of credit from outsiders, while all Arsenal would have to do is song or chant something other than 'Arsenal, Arsenal' to have people fawning over them - and you bet their 'best' will have been nowhere near our better displays this season.

Same way there are far more empty seats at the Swamp than at our place these days, but you won't hear anything said about that, same way we are TENTH in the latest five-year net spend table, and yet apparently outspending everybody....

But yes we can do better...yes the club should understand that atmosphere is excitement and excitement keeps tills rolling, so what's good for us is good for them and an expanded NS is a generational chance to fix it...but in the meantime chins up blues!
Great post, got me thinking about what next from the press, We’ve had:-

State owned
Dirty oil money
Ruining football
Inflating fees/wages
Net spend negativity
No fans
It’s getting predictable/boring

Does make you wonder what angles they’ve got left
Each to their own. I wouldn't have a problem with somebody leading a chant and me following. I/we do that at every home game. (and at away games) It's just that you and others don't see Ar* at the back of 115 starting the chants off. You just hear him starting the chants off.

Unfortunately 'react accordingly' doesn't happen at the Etihad. When the team has been pressing for a winner during or at the end of a match, the vast majority of our fans in the Etihad sit motionless and in silence. It comes to something when Haaland waves his arms in the air on 2 separate occasions against Everton trying to get the fans and the atmosphere going.

Say what you want about the Copenhagen fans, they were brilliant. (I was at the match) They kept on singing and bouncing up and down for 90 minutes They got the other Copenhagen fans going in the other stands and interacted with them. Chants going back and forth. They drove the team on for 90 minutes. Raising the roof everytime Copenhagen attacked, got a corner, got a free kick, etc. At the end of the match the Copenhagen players applauded the Copenhagen fans and went over to the singing end, celebrating with them.
Like you say each to their own. But some fucker stood there with a megaphone and banging a drum would drive me mad.
Great post, got me thinking about what next from the press, We’ve had:-

State owned
Dirty oil money
Ruining football
Inflating fees/wages
Net spend negativity
No fans
It’s getting predictable/boring

Does make you wonder what angles they’ve got left
If we don't win the league it will be:

Pep's been found out
Arsenal are giant killers
Isn't it great

And if we do win the league or the CL the coverage will be of grudging tone and scale - the mind boggles at the fact that some of the 'national' journalists who City are giving privileged access to aren't really that enthusiastic about the Club or the fanbase and give us the bare minimum of coverage.

We will not be liked outside the fanbase or the city or honestly reported and perceived until we are struggling again.

And not being liked is great for the underdog spirit but not for the old paranoia, so while I don't care what an internet Liverpool fan from Surrey who rarely goes thinks of us, it's no wonder we overestimate the atmosphere at other grounds when a hostile press is happy to feed the myths.

O/T's atmosphere is dead a lot of the time, Emirates dead a lot of the time, Anfield often dead beyond the way they sing YNWA, Stamford Bridge dead a lot of the time - we all know ours could be better at times but none of them are consistently better than us, none have the range of songs we do and they all have FAR more tourists and plastics.

Newcastle and Leeds can produce a decent atmosphere on a good day, but I thank God I'm a Manc when I look at some of their fans.

I missed Bournemouth and Southampton but Palace, Fulham, Liverpool Carabao and the derby all good atmosphere for us this season imo. Everton was OK, far from the worst... Forest could've been better but no surprises since that was an exhibition, Brighton was nervy but that was coming off losing to L'Pool, Brentford was poor - but that was a 12.30pm kick off and our worst performance this season...crowds are human just like the players, we have up days and down days.

Let's hope Chelsea on Sunday is an up day, as a Cup game it should bring in vocal fans who don't always get the chance.
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I'm another who doesn't like the idea of a drum or a capo or any of that ultras stuff. But that's because I don't like other clubs that do it. And I don't like other clubs full stop. They could turn up and sing without a drum and I still don't want to listen to it. So maybe, if City did give it a go and it was done in a City way (where the drum ended up on the pitch and led to us conceding - Shef Utd balloons late 2000's for anyone who was there) then maybe I'd be alright with it?
I took my 15-year-old lad in South Stand lower for the Liverpool Cup game, as he has never stood at a game before and wanted to sample the atmosphere.

Have to say, it was the most enjoyable experience at a game for me for a long time and my son loved it.

Reminded me of when I first started going in the Kippax and I would watch all the characters and learn all the songs.

My lad said he would move to a safe standing area tomorrow and I probably would too, but can't leave my old man after managing after many years to relocate his seat this summer right next to ours in level 2.

Younger fans have missed a generation of proper football experiences.
The only chance of a brand new singing area gaining any form of traction is if the club push this hard AND offer huge cost incentives. I said this when they first opened the south stand top tier: offer first refusal on season tickets to the existing singing areas at half price or less. Stick 1894 at the back of it and given them 200 free tickets. Call it "The New Kippax". Offer facilities for banners. It would be worth the small financial hit for long term gain. If the stadium gets more of an identity and makes more noise, more kids and corporates want to come.

Not knocking you. All good ideas. If you offered half price season tickets to the fans in the singing section which is officially Block 115, you’d get plenty of people who stand in 115 but don’t sing applying for those half price season tickets, which is pretty pointless if we all want a new and larger singing section full of singers. You’d also piss a lot of singers off in 114, 116, 117, 111, 110 and 109 who wouldn’t be eligible for a half price season ticket as they aren’t officially in the singing section.

One of the ways the club could weed out the singers from the non-singers and insure singers fill a new singing section in the expanded North stand is by pushing a new singing section constantly on the OS, via emails, via social media. having info stands on the concourses on match days at the back of SSL1, 111, 110, the family stand, SSL3, etc, with City staff talking to the fans, getting them to sign up to relocate by taking their names and supporters number, sending club officials to OSC meetings, etc. The club will have 3 years to do this before the expanded North stand opens.

City need to speak to the Rags and find out how they created their successful singing section. No shame in that. Then they need to see if that or some thing similar could be implemented at City, even if it means tweaking it.

A bit dated, but an interesting read, Q&A, about United fans and United worked together to create a new singing section, which has since grown (1500 United fans?) and is located between the main stand and the Stretford End.

Jonathan Shrager talks to SEF’s Andrew Kilduff, better known as ‘Tufty’, about the second singing section trial and more generally about the group’s work.

The club have been very refreshing in their approach to the singing section and welcoming our ideas and input. I think they realise that something has to be done, and the weight of various fan groups behind Fans United also helped them buy into the idea. We have spent almost two years talking to the club, with the outcome being two trials so far this season. The club is also keen for this to be led by the fans, taking on board our ideas and suggestions. We also stated that the acoustics within the stadium don’t help the atmosphere and the club commissioned a study into this. It is the result of this study that has led to the trials.


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