Etihad atmosphere

Your on cloud 9 m8! The noise levels were abysmal for first game of the season it was disgusting quite frankly embarrassing! As for people smoking in the toilets it was always very traditional for people to smoke cigars at the football surely you could have used another set of toilets or suffered just for a couple of seconds!!

Wumming is not allowed.
reality is we wait expectantly for brilliant football these days, we're often like fans who watch on TV. We're watching. Back in the days when we were shit we didn't want to watch because we were shit so made an atmosphere and had a sing-song, these days at home the priority is watching the action and singing comes second.
Haha well put, that's exactly the impression I get too.
Until we're doing a 90 minute Poznan or got some tw@t with a megaphone leading us in a chanting riverdane, the "atmosphere" thread will continue to moan about thin non issue.

This is the whole point it's a non issue to you to others maybe not, tad strange that you're that apathetic to it you're posting on the thread
Your on cloud 9 m8! The noise levels were abysmal for first game of the season it was disgusting quite frankly embarrassing! As for people smoking in the toilets it was always very traditional for people to smoke cigars at the football surely you could have used another set of toilets or suffered just for a couple of seconds!!
It wasn't abysmal and you've totally lost me about the smoking????
reality is we wait expectantly for brilliant football these days, we're often like fans who watch on TV. We're watching. Back in the days when we were shit we didn't want to watch because we were shit so made an atmosphere and had a sing-song, these days at home the priority is watching the action and singing comes second.

That's pretty accurate. We go there and expect to be entertained these days whereas back in the day we had to make our own entertainment.
reality is we wait expectantly for brilliant football these days, we're often like fans who watch on TV. We're watching. Back in the days when we were shit we didn't want to watch because we were shit so made an atmosphere and had a sing-song, these days at home the priority is watching the action and singing comes second.
Haha well put, that's exactly the impression I get too.

If everyone was sat in their seat for 90 mins I might agree but as always a good number spend as much time in the back as they do watching the game.
The majority of our match going fanbase are in their 80's - what do people expect.. :-)

I wouldn't say in their 80s but when in that big queue in the south stand waiting to be patted down I looked around and our match day support seems to be really old. We seem to have very few fans in the 16-25 age bracket which might be an explanation for the abysmal atmosphere.
Your on cloud 9 m8! The noise levels were abysmal for first game of the season it was disgusting quite frankly embarrassing! As for people smoking in the toilets it was always very traditional for people to smoke cigars at the football surely you could have used another set of toilets or suffered just for a couple of seconds!!

Sounded fine in parts where I was sitting

As for me putting up with the passive smoking in the toilets (which is illegal by the way) a side effect of drinking is I need a piss sometimes.. Perhaps the smokers wouldn't mind if I pissed on them in exchange for their stench landing on me?

As I said it's two hours out of their lives without a cig so surely they can abstain for that period.. The answer is they can but they choose to play the ignorant bastard card and pollute my (our) airspace

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