If the majority of people in the stadium want it to bounce, then it will.
The problem is you have a whole variety of different types of fan, plus the modern 'ethos' - I don't know what other word to use - that is very much more restrained that it was back in the day. If individuals start supporting 1980s-style, they will likely get chucked out and banned. I don't know how you change it, but one possibility is that the majority don't want it changed. That they are quite happy as they are. My experience of various voluntary groups tells me that most 'members' of whatever organisation you care to name are quite passive, and happy to go along with whatever the ruling elite decree. Changing culture is a very difficult thing to do, even if you personally are passionate on the subject.
There's a variety of fans at Bayern Munich's home games (just to use them as an example).
The majority sit in silence, like most of us, just watching the game (nothing wrong with that).
The singers (behind the goal) do all the bouncing and flag waving and singing.
The 'silent ones' join in at key times taking their lead from the 'singers'.
Makes for a great atmosphere.
If people start behaving 1980's style, e.g. deciding they'll just have a piss where they're standing or racially abusing the opposition players then I hope they do get thrown out.
If people sing, wave flags etc. there's no problem.
German, Polish, Greek fans are all admired and praised by the English media for their passion and commitment to their team.
You say that 'if the people in the stadium want to bounce then it will' later you say that '[people] are quite happy to go along with whatever the ruling elite decree'. Perhaps if the leaders decree that we'll all sing the masses will follow. Isn't this the answer; a dedicated group need to lead the rest of us need to follow. The 1894 are trying to provide that lead and although I'm reluctant to criticise them we need to recognise that what's been tried so far isn't working, so we need to do something different.
Changing culture won't just happen it needs effort, but it's not impossible.