Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

MeatHunterrr said:
bluesince76 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I think the opening of the CFA, along with the attendant putative sponsorship deals (seemingly from non-Abu Dhabi companies), will be the moment that the light goes on for a number of casual, displeased observers of the 'project' who support other clubs.

At first, when casting their eyes upon City after 1/9/08, all they could see was a perennially underachieving club that had won the lottery. That utter clown Sulaiman Al-Fahim certainly did little to disabuse them of that notion and they reassured themselves that this was all a whimsical vanity project that would soon run out of gas when the limitations of a club "without history" imposed itself upon its dealings in the transfer market. This view was, of course, fortified by the rather haphazard and, at times, poorly executed transfer MO in the early part of the Mansour years.

Wind forward a few years and these observers have reconstructed their perceptions about the club to suit their preconceptions about the longevity and sustainability of the 'project'. So consumed by disdain for what they saw, they focused in on the 'financially doped' Etihad deal, our occasional below capacity attendance and our narrow failure of FFP as evidence that all that Sheikh Mansour was building as being built on sand.

In the next few weeks the way these deluded fools will perceive Manchester City will irrevocably shift. Their bile won't recede. It may, in fact, become more heightened, but rather than be fueled entirely by envy and bewilderment at how this "nothing" football club could come to occupy the place it currently resides in the footballing firmament, it will then be driven by fear and a realisation that they were completely and hopelessly wrong about the scale, scope and ultimate intentions of something that they widely dismissed and ridiculed.

We've known it's been coming for a while, but the rest of football is about to wake up to the tsunami that is about to hit the beach.
My dad said last night that he hoped our turnover reached £350m and I told him to stop thinking small. We've got Cook's vision backed up with serious amounts of money, plus huge amounts of available land with a Council desperate for a touch backer.

Ultimately, Abu Dhabi are going to want their money back on all this. They'll want it over the long term, but they'll still want it and it's not easy to make money from a traditional football club. We're 6 years into what they said was a 10 year project and it's already unrecognisable - I can't wait to see the rest of the plan
They can wait a bit, if they are ever going to get over £1 billion back. I doubt they will get atleast in profits, but probably if they decide to sell up someday to someone.
I don't expect them to get it back in 10 years or even to want it back - they are building legacies which will keep them rich for many generations to come - if City can pay Mansour's grandchildren say £10m a year, he'll see that as a good investment, as they're getting it forever.

Although if he wants to make some money, I'd suggest upgrading the MCFC servers, as when you can't get on to buy a ticket for a league cup game, it doesn't bode well for 65,000 trying to get a CL final ticket!
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

bluesince76 said:
MeatHunterrr said:
bluesince76 said:
My dad said last night that he hoped our turnover reached £350m and I told him to stop thinking small. We've got Cook's vision backed up with serious amounts of money, plus huge amounts of available land with a Council desperate for a touch backer.

Ultimately, Abu Dhabi are going to want their money back on all this. They'll want it over the long term, but they'll still want it and it's not easy to make money from a traditional football club. We're 6 years into what they said was a 10 year project and it's already unrecognisable - I can't wait to see the rest of the plan
They can wait a bit, if they are ever going to get over £1 billion back. I doubt they will get atleast in profits, but probably if they decide to sell up someday to someone.
I don't expect them to get it back in 10 years or even to want it back - they are building legacies which will keep them rich for many generations to come - if City can pay Mansour's grandchildren say £10m a year, he'll see that as a good investment, as they're getting it forever.

Although if he wants to make some money, I'd suggest upgrading the MCFC servers, as when you can't get on to buy a ticket for a league cup game, it doesn't bode well for 65,000 trying to get a CL final ticket!
Yeah, you're probably right, but still hard to imagine at the moment they will ever get their billion(s) back through City.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

MeatHunterrr said:
bluesince76 said:
MeatHunterrr said:
They can wait a bit, if they are ever going to get over £1 billion back. I doubt they will get atleast in profits, but probably if they decide to sell up someday to someone.
I don't expect them to get it back in 10 years or even to want it back - they are building legacies which will keep them rich for many generations to come - if City can pay Mansour's grandchildren say £10m a year, he'll see that as a good investment, as they're getting it forever.

Although if he wants to make some money, I'd suggest upgrading the MCFC servers, as when you can't get on to buy a ticket for a league cup game, it doesn't bode well for 65,000 trying to get a CL final ticket!
Yeah, you're probably right, but still hard to imagine at the moment they will ever get their billion(s) back through City.
Depends how you measure getting a return. It isn't always evaluated in terms of cash.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

gordondaviesmoustache said:
MeatHunterrr said:
bluesince76 said:
I don't expect them to get it back in 10 years or even to want it back - they are building legacies which will keep them rich for many generations to come - if City can pay Mansour's grandchildren say £10m a year, he'll see that as a good investment, as they're getting it forever.

Although if he wants to make some money, I'd suggest upgrading the MCFC servers, as when you can't get on to buy a ticket for a league cup game, it doesn't bode well for 65,000 trying to get a CL final ticket!
Yeah, you're probably right, but still hard to imagine at the moment they will ever get their billion(s) back through City.
Depends how you measure getting a return. It isn't always evaluated in terms of cash.
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

George Hannah said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
MeatHunterrr said:
Yeah, you're probably right, but still hard to imagine at the moment they will ever get their billion(s) back through City.
Depends how you measure getting a return. It isn't always evaluated in terms of cash.
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM
Indeed. Perhaps I should have precluded the word 'cash' with 'immediate'.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

gordondaviesmoustache said:
George Hannah said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Depends how you measure getting a return. It isn't always evaluated in terms of cash.
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM
Indeed. Perhaps I should have precluded the word 'cash' with 'immediate'.
or even preceded ;-)
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

gordondaviesmoustache said:
I think the opening of the CFA, along with the attendant putative sponsorship deals (seemingly from non-Abu Dhabi companies), will be the moment that the light goes on for a number of casual, displeased observers of the 'project' who support other clubs.

At first, when casting their eyes upon City after 1/9/08, all they could see was a perennially underachieving club that had won the lottery. That utter clown Sulaiman Al-Fahim certainly did little to disabuse them of that notion and they reassured themselves that this was all a whimsical vanity project that would soon run out of gas when the limitations of a club "without history" imposed itself upon its dealings in the transfer market. This view was, of course, fortified by the rather haphazard and, at times, poorly executed transfer MO in the early part of the Mansour years.

Wind forward a few years and these observers have reconstructed their perceptions about the club to suit their preconceptions about the longevity and sustainability of the 'project'. So consumed by disdain for what they saw, they focused in on the 'financially doped' Etihad deal, our occasional below capacity attendance and our narrow failure of FFP as evidence that all that Sheikh Mansour was building as being built on sand.

In the next few weeks the way these deluded fools will perceive Manchester City will irrevocably shift. Their bile won't recede. It may, in fact, become more heightened, but rather than be fueled entirely by envy and bewilderment at how this "nothing" football club could come to occupy the place it currently resides in the footballing firmament, it will then be driven by fear and a realisation that they were completely and hopelessly wrong about the scale, scope and ultimate intentions of something that they widely dismissed and ridiculed.

We've known it's been coming for a while, but the rest of football is about to wake up to the tsunami that is about to hit the beach.

That's a post which demonstrates great perspective, and one I agree with. The opening of this new complex will create waves across world football. Most football observers, whether it be supporters of other clubs or commentators/analysts, spout shitty third hand chinese whispers about football. They can't watch a team every week, so what "opinions" they have are generally cliches which float about.

The opening of this will create a major splash and will change everyone's perceptions of our club. Most clued-up observers already see us a a serious outfit on the world stage, but this will now pass into public consciousness. It won't be without itinerant problems: if we don't start producing kids for the first team we will get stick.

I did a blog years ago about the "phases" of the club's development which Khaldoon once outlined. This, and a champions league campaign, represent a new one and a very exciting one. The world will sit up and notice this.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

George Hannah said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
George Hannah said:
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM
Indeed. Perhaps I should have precluded the word 'cash' with 'immediate'.
or even preceded ;-)
Haha! Yes. It's been a long morning.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

George Hannah said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
George Hannah said:
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM
Indeed. Perhaps I should have precluded the word 'cash' with 'immediate'.
or even preceded ;-)
Haha! Yes. It's been a long morning.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site (cont

George Hannah said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
MeatHunterrr said:
Yeah, you're probably right, but still hard to imagine at the moment they will ever get their billion(s) back through City.
Depends how you measure getting a return. It isn't always evaluated in terms of cash.
You know in the end it's always about the moola GDM

To achieve the same exposure by conventional means, e.g. television, newspaper ads, as they have achieved by owning a highly successful football club in the most viewed league on the planet, would not be cheap.
ADUG has enhanced it's reputation as a global operator of integrity in a way that has attracted sponsors who want to be associated with such a prestigious organization.
In a business environment where venture capitalists and leveraged buy-outs are all about short term gain, HRH has bucked the trend by seeking to build solid foundations for the future, the way dynasties of the past were built, there could not be a bigger contrast than with ADUG and the goblins over at the swamp.
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